
biǎo jué
  • vote;put to vote;resolve;decide by vote
表决 [biǎo jué]
  • [put to vote;vote] 会议上通过投票、举手等方式做出决定

  • 这个问题已付表决

表决[biǎo jué]
  1. 在至关重要的表决临近时,下院议员们玩起了数字游戏。

    MPs were playing the numbers game as the crucial vote drew closer .

  2. 我们将先听取双方的论点,然后再表决。

    We 'll listen to the arguments on both sides and then vote on it .

  3. 国民议会已表决通过预算。

    The national assembly has voted to adopt the budget .

  4. 我们本应在表决之前好好讨论一下才是。

    We should have had a proper discussion before voting .

  5. 议会表决对这个问题进行独立调查。

    Parliament voted to set up an independent inquiry into the matter .

  6. 我们投票表决,有九人赞同,三人反对。

    When we took a vote there were nine yesses and 3 noes .

  7. 经过表决决定把这件事提交给上级主管部门。

    It was resolved that the matter be referred to a higher authority .

  8. 表决结果是15人赞成,3人反对,2人弃权。

    The voting was 15 in favour , 3 against and 2 abstentions .

  9. 政府建议修改表决制度。

    The government proposed changes to the voting system .

  10. 议案未经分组表决就宣读通过了。

    The Bill was read without a division .

  11. 由于政府拒绝举行公民投票表决,许多人都觉得上当受骗。

    Many people feel cheated by the government 's refusal to hold a referendum .

  12. 国会明天将对提案进行投票表决。

    Congress will vote on the proposals tomorrow .

  13. 工会未经会员投票表决不得发动罢工。

    The union cannot call a strike unless it holds a ballot of members .

  14. 根据规定,参议院必须在本星期五以前投票表决此项议案。

    Under Senate rules , the chamber must vote on the bill by this Friday .

  15. 该决议是经口头表决而作出的。

    The decision was taken by acclamation .

  16. 工人对是否罢工进行无记名投票表决。

    The workers balloted for a strike .

  17. 陪审团表决赞成判定无罪。

    The jury voted for acquittal .

  18. 政府在投票表决中失利,下一次也会是同样的结果。

    The Government lost the vote then and it can expect a Groundhog Day next time .

  19. 表决一致通过。

    The vote was unanimous .

  20. 他们进行了表决,决定放弃。

    They took a vote and decided not to do it .

  21. 两院都打算在1月15日前对那一政策进行投票表决。

    Both chambers plan to vote on that policy before January 15th

  22. 111票赞成,25票反对,表决通过。

    The vote passed with 111 in favour and 25 against .

  23. 工会称他们将要求会员投票表决是否罢工。

    The union said they will ballot members on whether to strike .

  24. 他们不能联合起来通过投票表决让她下台。

    They cannot join forces to vote her out of office

  25. 为什么你认为我们应该对那件事进行表决?

    Why do you think we should have a vote on that ?

  26. 众议院投票表决将核试验暂停一年。

    The House voted to impose a one-year moratorium on nuclear testing .

  27. 议会于翌年表决对谋杀罪废除死刑。

    The following year Parliament voted to abolish the death penalty for murder

  28. 此法在第二次表决时通过。

    The law was passed on a second vote .

  29. 起初看起来我会以口头表决的方式获胜。

    At first it looked like I was going to win by acclamation .

  30. 大会正在就提议进行辩论,稍后将就此表决。

    The conference is now debating the motion and will vote on it shortly