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shēng míng
  • statement;declaration;declare;state;claim;announce;pronouncement;proclaim;proclamation;profession;avow
声明 [shēng míng]
  • (1) [declare]∶公开表态或说明

  • 庄严声明

  • 我们则公开声明,恰是为着促使这些东西的消灭而创设条件,而努力奋斗。--毛泽东《论人民民主专政》

  • (2) [pronouncement]∶指声明的文告

  • 发表声明

声明[shēng míng]
  1. 我们愿意郑重声明那是有极大价值的。

    We 're willing to state for the record that it has enormous value .

  2. List的源代码中真的显式声明了那么多接口吗?

    Does the List source code actually state all those interfaces ?

  3. 他已声明打算参加竞选。

    He has already stated his intention to run for election .

  4. 那封信是对我们的法律立场的直截了当的声明。

    The letter was a bald statement of our legal position .

  5. 恐怖主义者发表声明,否认对这次袭击负责。

    The terrorists issued a denial of responsibility for the attack .

  6. 那封信是对我们的法律立场直截了当的声明。

    The letter was a bald statement of our legal position .

  7. 总统发表了一份简短的声明,否认那些指控。

    The President issued a terse statement denying the charges .

  8. 恐怖分子以更多的暴力事件来回应政府的声明。

    The terrorists replied to the government 's statement with more violence .

  9. 他在一次电视讲话中发表了这一声明。

    He made the announcement in a speech on television .

  10. 会后发布了一条乏味的声明。

    After the meeting , a bland statement was issued .

  11. 这个声明必将动摇这一行业的信心。

    This announcement is bound to shake the confidence of the industry .

  12. 这份声明旨在辟谣。

    The statement was an attempt to squash the rumours .

  13. 他们发表了一份声明,更正早先声明中的错误。

    They issued a statement correcting the one they had made earlier .

  14. 政府发言人向新闻界发表了一份声明。

    A government spokesperson made a statement to the press .

  15. 他的声明被视为暗指最近与毒品有关的多起凶杀案。

    His statement was seen as an allusion to the recent drug-related killings .

  16. 今天的声明颇有政府想掩盖事实的味道。

    Today 's announcement smacks of a government cover-up .

  17. 他们发表联合声明否认指控。

    They issued a joint statement denying the charges .

  18. 报纸第二天发表了撤销声明。

    The newspaper published a withdrawal the next day .

  19. 她的律师在法庭外面发表了一份声明。

    Her lawyer made a statement outside the court .

  20. 昨天深夜唐宁街发表了一项声明。

    Downing Street issued a statement late last night .

  21. 一位助理声明,总统对这些交易一无所知。

    An aide avowed that the President had known nothing of the deals .

  22. 今天的声明使得几个月来关于公司未来的种种猜测就此烟消云散。

    Today 's announcement ends months of speculation about the company 's future .

  23. 这个声明显示政策有明显的改变。

    This announcement signalled a clear change of policy .

  24. 声明在发表前经过仔细审查。

    The statement was carefully scrutinized before publication .

  25. 白宫已经发表了一项声明。

    The White House has issued a statement .

  26. 这个声明引起了一场抗议风潮。

    The announcement raised a storm of protest .

  27. 发言人拒绝对昨天晚些时候发表的声明详加说明。

    A spokesman declined to elaborate on a statement released late yesterday

  28. 他对政府越来越具挑衅性的声明表示担忧。

    He expressed alarm about the government 's increasingly bellicose statements .

  29. 这样的声明不太可能吓住将来的移民。

    Such a statement was hardly calculated to deter future immigrants .

  30. 这些声明从某种程度上来说全都属实。

    These statements are , to some degree , all correct .