
biǎo jì
  • sth. given as a token;souvenir;token
表记 [biǎo jì]
  • [souvenir] 纪念品;信物;标志,标记

表记[biǎo jì]
  1. 虽未成双,却也海誓山盟,私传表记,已有无限的风情了。

    Although they had not made love , they had secretly exchanged solemn vows and pledges , bearing their hearts to each other .

  2. 以C表记Euler常数。

    The Euler constant is indicated with C.

  3. 韩语罗马字表记法的历史与现状

    Romanized Expressions in the Korean Language : Its Past and Present

  4. 疟疾是一种以强烈寒热为标识表记标帜的复发性疾病。

    Malaria is a recurring disease marked by severe chills and fever .

  5. 测试没有表记误差,应用效果良好。

    The testing does not have errors , application has a good effect .

  6. 这个标识表记标帜指出了我该去的地方。

    The sign here indicated where I should go .

  7. 本文旨在通过对汉语颜色词,主要是基本颜色词的研究,来进一步阐述汉语符号系统对客观世界的表记功能,从而从一个侧面对汉语词汇系统进行更深入的研究。

    This paper focuses on Chinese color words , mainly the basic color words .

  8. 可是每个标识表记标帜都只是个陆续。

    But every badging is only a continuation .

  9. 想看磕暌剐经典优异标识表记标帜的数字电子手表吗?

    Want the look of a digital watch with the cachet of a classical timepiece ?

  10. 我们在1999年经由过程中国周遭标识表记标帜认证中央宣布的ISO9001:2000国际质量打点系统认证。

    In1999 we passed the Quality Mark Certification Center ISO9001:2000 international quality management system certification .

  11. 你留下了什么爱的表记呢?

    What token left of thy love ?

  12. 借字表记是韩国等东亚国家借用汉字表记本国语言的一种方法。

    Like many other East Asian countries , South Korea uses Chinese characters to transcribe its native language .

  13. 日语用汉字和假名混和表记,假名又由汉字演变而成。

    Japanese is made up of Chinese characters and kana , and kana is developed from Chinese Characters .

  14. 直到中古汉语时期,传入日语的入声韵的韵尾才出现了各种表记方式。

    Until the Middle Chinese , the incoming Japanese entering tone rhyme endings to occur in various tag mode .

  15. 无论在日语的辞典中,还是在报刊杂志中,应用汉字表记的词汇占80%以上。

    Whether in Japanese dictionary or newspapers and magazines , the frequency of application of Chinese characters vocabulary is more than 80 % .

  16. 本文论述了日语表记法的诸问题,并大胆地提出了日本文字改革的新途径。

    This paper discusses the problems in Japanese written sign system and proposes a new way for the reform of Japanese writing system .

  17. 林前十一10因此,女人为著天使的缘故,应当在头上有服权柄的表记。

    Cor.11:10 Therefore the woman ought to have a sign of submission to authority on her head for the sake of the angels .

  18. 为日语学习者使用的日语词典,如果仅仅标出词语的表记法,粗浅地说明词义是不够的。

    In a Japanese dictionary designed for non-native speakers , we feel it is not enough just to show how a word is written and explain its meaning .

  19. 上古汉语时期,入声韵就已传入日语,不过那时对入声韵尾的处理是简单的截取,即以不表记的方式吸收。

    Ancient Chinese , Japanese entering tone rhyme had passed , but at the time of entering endings processing is simple interception , i.e. to not sign way of absorbing .

  20. 1∶25万喀纳幅、日土县幅地质调查成果与进展日语用汉字和假名混和表记,假名又由汉字演变而成。

    1 ∶ 250 000 Kana and Ru to g Sheets in Xizang Japanese is made up of Chinese characters and kana , and kana is developed from Chinese Characters .

  21. 抒情手法上,则已有部分作品能以多支曲牌围绕著表记意象抒咏心事,深入阐发表记的精神意义。

    As for the technique to express one 's emotion , some works expressed one 's emotion according to the speciality of pledge , to give the pledge more profound meaning of spirit .