
dài zi
  • bag;sack;pouch;pocket
袋子 [dài zi]
  • [bag;pocket;pouch;sack] 用纸、布、网状物、金属箔、塑料或其他柔软材料制的盛东西的器物

袋子[dài zi]
  1. 弗朗西丝再次把她的衣服塞进了他们的小袋子里。

    Francis bundled up her clothes again into their small sack

  2. 接着,它们又为每个袋子里装什么东西争吵起来。

    Then there was further argument about what each sack would contain .

  3. 提价可能会砸到消费者的钱袋子。

    The increase is likely to hit the pocketbooks of consumers .

  4. 大姐,帮我抬一下这个袋子好吗?

    Didi , could you help me with this bag ?

  5. 他掰开她的手指,把她手中的袋子抢走了。

    He prised her fingers from the bag and took it from her .

  6. 袋子爆开了,里边的东西都散落出来。

    The bag burst open and everything fell out .

  7. 帐篷可以折叠装进小袋子里。

    The tent packs away in a small bag .

  8. 关于安全求生的资料放在您前方的小袋子里。

    Information about safety procedures is in the pocket in front of you .

  9. 你能不能照看一下我的袋子?

    Could you mind my bags for a moment ?

  10. 他把脏衣服捆起来塞进袋子。

    He bundled up the dirty clothes and stuffed them into the bag .

  11. 袋子里塞满了脏衣服。

    The bag was stuffed with dirty clothes .

  12. 把你的袋子就扔到那边吧。

    Just throw your bag down over there .

  13. 大姐,这是你的袋子吗?

    Is this your bag , missus ?

  14. 把你的袋子随便搁在哪儿吧。

    Just plonk your bag anywhere .

  15. “让猫从袋子里跑出来”是惯用语,意思是无意中泄露秘密。

    ' Let the cat out of the bag ' is an idiom meaning to tell a secret by mistake .

  16. 有几只袋子裂开了,里面的东西撒了出来。

    A number of bags had split and were spilling their contents

  17. 这是找您的钱。您需要一个袋子吗?

    Here 's your change . Would you like a bag ?

  18. 在盖特威克机场站的站台附近发现了一个无主袋子。

    An unattended bag was spotted near the platform at Gatwick

  19. 他把袋子放进车里,然后驾车离去。

    He put the bags in the car and drove off

  20. 他强有力的手迫使她松开了握紧袋子的双手。

    His strong hand eased the bag from her grip .

  21. 他拿出一个系着细绳的小袋子。

    He held out a small bag tied with string .

  22. 他把机器从袋子里拿了出来,接到墙上的插座上。

    He took the machine from its bag and plugged it into the wall socket

  23. 啊呀,那个袋子真重!

    Gosh , that was a heavy bag !

  24. 然后这些材料被放入棉布袋子里称重,接着再缝好。

    This material was then put into cotton bags which were weighed and then sewn up .

  25. 袋子平整折起后,底面与一侧交叠。

    When the bag is folded flat , the bag bottom overlaps one side of the bag

  26. 他一边抄价钱,一边不时停下来往一个大袋子里装东西。

    As he marks down the prices , he stops now and then to pack things into a large bag .

  27. 我的工作是把米袋子装满。

    My job is to fill the rice sacks .

  28. 把所有垃圾放进这只袋子里。

    Put all the waste in this bag .

  29. 他把袋子装满了书。

    He crammed his bag with books .

  30. 这个袋子是我的。

    This bag belongs to me .