
  1. 在欧洲,谷歌(Google)在隐私、反垄断和“被遗忘权”(RighttobeForgotten)领域遭遇的麻烦,就是这场斗争的一个例子。

    Google 's troubles in Europe over privacy , antitrust and the " right to be forgotten " are one example of this struggle .

  2. 在此之前,欧盟裁定的“被遗忘权”(righttobeforgotten)让谷歌背上了一项艰巨的任务:如果有人要求删除搜索结果,谷歌需要照做。

    Before that , the EU 's " right to be forgotten " left Google with the onerous task of removing search results if someone requested it .

  3. 谷歌一直处于风口浪尖,欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)上周在一起反垄断案中加大了对谷歌的压力,以及近期在一项被遗忘权裁决中迫使谷歌删除欧洲搜索服务的部分链接。

    Google has been most in the line of fire , with the European Commission turning up the heat in a competition case last week and a recent right to be forgotten legal ruling forcing it to remove some links from its European search services .

  4. 谷歌一直处于风口浪尖,欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)上周在一起反垄断案中加大了对谷歌的压力,以及近期在一项“被遗忘权”裁决中迫使谷歌删除欧洲搜索服务的部分链接。

    Google has been most in the line of fire , with the European Commission turning up the heat in a competition case last week and a recent " right to be forgotten " legal ruling forcing it to remove some links from its European search services .

  5. 被遗忘权将加大反恐的难度。

    A right to be forgotten would make the counterterrorism mission harder .

  6. 上个月,欧盟委员会提出给隐私法增加一项新的“被遗忘权”。

    Last month the European Commission proposed adding a new " right to be forgotten " to privacy law .

  7. 以欧洲最近的“被遗忘权”裁决为例,该裁决允许公民要求将敏感信息从搜索结果中删除。

    Take Europe 's recent " right to be forgotten " ruling allowing citizens to request sensitive information be omitted from search results .

  8. 有意义的“被遗忘权”应当规定,企业不仅要清除电邮内容或照片,而且还要清除与这位用户相关的所有元数据。

    A meaningful right to be forgotten should require companies to purge not just the content of an email or a photograph , but all the metadata associated with that user .

  9. 如果网上存在任何让政治人士感到不悦的东西,从涉嫌侵犯版权的东西到“被遗忘权”等等,现在有一站式的解决方法:找谷歌谈一谈。

    If anything on the internet makes a politician feel sad , from alleged copyright infringement to " the right to be forgotten , " there is now a one-stop shop to sort it all out : Google .

  10. 重要的是,“被遗忘权”必须承认,大数据的威力(以及隐私风险)主要来自元数据,即有关数据在哪里、何时以及由谁创建的信息。

    Importantly , a right to be forgotten must recognise that the power , as well as the privacy risk , of big data comes principally from the metadata the information on where , when and by whom the data were created .