
zhuānɡ jī
  • install equipment
  1. 内氧化法制备Al2O3/Cu点焊电极的装机试验

    Al_2O_3 / Cu Composites Spot-welding Electrode Prepared by Internal Oxidation

  2. 腔内放疗采用192Ir高剂量率后装机,A点剂量6~18Gy。

    192 Ir high-dose-rate afterloading unit was used in brachytherapy , with a dose of 6-18 Gy at point A.

  3. 据美国公共电力协会(AmericanPublicPowerAssociation)分析,相比其他电能的来源,太阳能的待装机兆瓦数超过了风能、煤炭、天然气和核能。

    To put that in perspective relative to other sources of electricity , solar has more megawatts in development than wind , coal , gas , or nuclear according to analysis by the American Public Power Association .

  4. 装机容量愈大,输电距离愈长,要求串补度愈高,SSR的危害愈严重。

    With the increment of installed capacity , transmission distance and series compensation level , the damage of SSR will be more serious .

  5. 他用了几页幻灯片来列举Web应用的LOC和LOC/装机数量,以此阐明其观点。

    He presents a couple of slides to illustrate his point , representing a web app in LOCs and the same web app in LOCs / Installs .

  6. 通过ZA系列锌铝合金轴套的研制和装机试验,进一步证明其耐磨性能。

    Through development and on-board test of ZA alloy bushing , its wearing performance has been further demonstrated .

  7. 装箱机纸塑装箱的异同点及优化设计PCB插装机组装调度优化及其实证研究

    The Similarities and Differences of Paper and Plastic Box and It 's Optimization Design for Case Packer The Optimization on Insertion Scheduling for a Printed Circuit Board Assembly Machine

  8. 圈内20万千瓦以上机组实现全脱硫,火电脱硫装机达1.4万MW,占全省火电总装机的90%以上。

    Desulfurization achieved more than 20 GW , desulfurization of thermal power installed capacity reached 14,000 MW , accounting for more than 90 % of thermal power units in Wuhan city circle .

  9. 国际机器人联合会(InternationalFederationofRobotics)预计,到2017年中国的操作性工业机器人库存将增长逾一倍至42.8万台,届时中国将成为全球机器人装机量最多的国家。

    The International Federation of Robotics estimates that the stock of operational industrial robots in China will more than double to 428,000 by 2017 , when the country is set to lead the world in installed robots .

  10. 随着我国电力事业不断发展,装机容量大幅度增加,交联聚乙烯(XLPE)电缆在电网建设与电网改造中得到越来越广泛的应用。

    With the development of China power business , and the significant increasement of power capacity , the application of XLPE cable is more and more wide .

  11. 汉江上游流域水能资源丰富,干流可开发装机容量213万kw,年发电量69.73亿kw·h。

    Waterpower resources of Han river upland catchment is abundance , which main stream can develop 213 ten thousand kW installed capacity and annual capacity of electric production is 69.73 a hundred million kW ?

  12. PASSIM接装机接装纸自动拼接后剩余过多,造成接装纸浪费。

    There was considerable amount of tipping paper remaining on the exhausted bobbin after automatic splicing in PASSIM assembler .

  13. 利用优化后的工艺在微型电机换向器PCB表面电镀了性能良好的镀金层,装机试验显示电机寿命提高了10%以上。

    Gold plated PCB of micro-electric motor commutator under the optimized parameters was found to be of excellent performance , and the result of working test shows that the lifetime of micro-electric motor was improved by over 10 % .

  14. 对以复合材料棒材为原料制备的点焊电极进行装机试验,结果表明其寿命为传统Cu-Cr-Zr电极的3~5倍;

    The service life of composites electrode is 3 ~ 5 times higher than that of conventional Cu-Cr-Zr electrode based on installment experiment of spot-welding electrodes .

  15. 对电子元器件应从选用、二次筛选、破坏性物理分析(DPA)、失效分析、质量跟踪、建立元器件质量数据库等方面进行有效的控制,从而确保装机电子元器件的质量。

    Quality assurance of component involves effective control for the component selection , secondary screening , DPA , failure analysis , quality trace and establishing of component quality database .

  16. 为解决液压电梯装机功率和能耗大的问题,提出一种采用闭式油路的变频(VVVF)控制液压电梯系统。

    To solve the disadvantages of large installed power and high energy consumption in hydraulic elevators , the variable voltage variable frequency ( VVVF ) controlled hydraulic elevator system with closed circuit was proposed .

  17. 992D前装机变扭器控制的分析与故障解决

    Analysis on Torque Switching Device of the 992D Front Loader and Trouble Shooting

  18. 方法60Co后装机用梭形、椭圆形、柱形、扁梨形等剂量曲线相结合的治疗计划系统(TPS)优化方案治疗宫颈癌。

    Methods To treat cervical carcinoma with TPS superior scheme combining with isodose curve of rhombus shape , oval shape , cylinder shape and flat pear shape in () ~ ( 60 ) Co afterloading machine .

  19. KL-20ES隧道挖装机的技术改造

    Technique improvement of KL-20ES tunnel backhoe loader

  20. 微软Xbox360的装机量高达5800万,不过仅有1100万用户购买了使用实况电视服务所必需的Kinect传感器。

    Microsoft has an installed base of about 58 million Xbox 360s , though only about 11 million of them are equipped with Kinect sensors , which are needed to access the service .

  21. 对于这样大的装机数量,T.30实现的质量参差不齐,不一致性有时妨碍了传真的传输。

    With this huge installed base , there is wide-ranging quality of T.30 implementation , an inconsistency that sometimes prevents the transmission of faxes .

  22. 市场研究集团IHS预计,今年中国太阳能电池板新增装机容量将达到创纪录的17.3吉瓦,略低于全球第五大太阳能发电国意大利的总装机容量。

    Market research group IHS predicts that China will add a record 17.3 gigawatts of solar panels this year , slightly less than the total installed capacity of Italy , the world 's fifth-biggest generator of power from the sun .

  23. 当前的设备大都提供LAN侧管理配置接口及界面,故ISP仍然依靠外线人员亲自上门对设备进行手工配置,装机效率低,消耗成本高,服务感知差。

    The current device to provide most of the configuration interface and the interface of the LAN side , so the ISPs still rely on outside personnel come to their homes for manual configuration of the equipment , installed low efficiency , high consumption costs , poor service-aware .

  24. MeUn及PCV无论在装机高压共轨电控燃油喷射系统或是在高压共轨电控燃油喷射试验台上均有着非常重要的作用。

    MeUn and PCV have very important function in whatever the real high pressure common-rail fuel injection system or the test bench of high pressure common-rail fuel injection system .

  25. Eon认为,截至2020年,可能总共需要增加约7000万千瓦的装机容量,几乎相当于英国现有的全部发电能力。

    In total , about 70,000 megawatts of new capacity could have to be built by the end of the next decade , Eon believes ; almost as much as Britain 's entire generation capacity today .

  26. 介绍了1997年以来湖北电网AGC工作的状况以及开展AGC工作采取的措施,分析了湖北电网省间交换功率、峰谷差和装机容量给湖北电网的AGC控制带来的影响。

    The work condition of automatic generation control ( AGC ) in Hubei Electric Network since 1997 was introduced . The influence from power interchange between provinces , difference between peak to valley and capacity of generator in Hubei electric network , on the AGC control was analyzed .

  27. 德国在可再生能源(RES)领域的先锋作用体现于它在风力发电和光伏发电装机能力的世界领先地位中,而且德国的生物燃料生产位居欧洲第一,安装的太阳能集热面积也很可观。

    Germany 's pioneering role in the field of renewable energies ( RES ) can best be observed by its world leading position in installed wind power and photovoltaics . Also its first European rank in the production of biofuels and installed solar thermal collector space is remarkable .

  28. 研究了用2kW-CO2激光对饲料粉碎机锤片熔敷WC-Co硬质金属陶瓷的理论、工艺、性能及装机考核结果,硬度达HRC74,耐磨性比常规工艺提高5倍。

    Laser cladding WC-Co hard alloy on hammer flat of feed grinder has been studied . It is shown that laser cladded casings have a hardness of HRC 74 , its wear resistance under service conditions compared with one of conventional technology was increased by five times .

  29. 中期的研究结果为:使用Ni基超合金单晶TMS-138铸造燃气轮机空心动叶片,进行地面装机试验,涡轮机入口处燃气温度达到1650℃;

    The researches in mid-term show : when the ground assembling test was carried out using the Ni-based superalloy single crystal ( TMS-138 ) for producing hollow blade cast , the gas temperature at the inlet of the turbine is up to 1 650 ℃;

  30. 以装机容量为25MW的秸秆直燃发电系统为研究对象,对其进行生命周期评价,以系统、全面地评价它对生态环境的显见和潜在的影响。

    This paper takes 25 MW , biomass direct combustion power generation system as an example . The obvious and potential impacts of this system on environment have been evaluated by life cycle assessment .