
xī bù dì qū
  • Western Region;the west area;a west part
西部地区[xī bù dì qū]
  1. 信息化与西部地区可持续发展

    Informatization and Sustainable Development of the West Area of China

  2. 西部地区煤炭资源潜力综合评价与规划研究

    Comprehensive evaluation and plan for coal resources ' potentiality in the west area

  3. 暴风雪今天袭击了西部地区,导致气温骤降。

    A snowstorm hit the West today , bringing with it frigid temperatures

  4. 地图上显示了西部地区的其他部分,包括9个州。

    The map shows the rest of the western region , encompassing nine states .

  5. 我国西部地区地势复杂,多丘陵

    In the western of China are intricate terrains and many hilly regions .

  6. 经过二十多年的快速发展,中国西部地区已奠定了一定的物质技术基础,社会保持稳定,市场经济体制正在逐步建立和完善,为西部经济持续快速增长创造了有利的市场环境。

    The rapid development in the past 20-plusyears witnesses a relatively11 solid foundation in terms of material wealth and technology in the western region of China .

  7. 加入WTO后,中国农业,尤其是西部地区的农业面临着巨大的竞争压力,表现在西部农业竞争力不强。

    After adding WTO , western agriculture in China is faced with immense competitive overwhelming .

  8. 近年来,外商直接投资(FDI)成为推动我国经济高速增长的重要力量,西部地区应当充分利用其资源和劳动力优势,吸引外资来解决资金瓶颈,在十一五期间实现经济上的飞跃。

    With the recent increase of foreign direct investment ( FDI ) in China , the western areas ought to take advantage of this invigorating force to resolve its own shortage of funds .

  9. 实证上采用VAR模型分析,结果发现公共支出降低了地区经济基尼系数,公共投资支出是西部地区资本形成的重要力量。

    Empirical analysis using VAR model found that public spending reduced the Gini coefficient of regional economy , and public investment spending is a major force in capital formation in the western regions .

  10. 用NOAA卫星资料对1998年吉林省西部地区洪涝灾害进行了动态监测,并以农田损失为主对灾情进行了评估。

    Flood disaster in the western Jilin Province in 1998 had been monitored by NOAA / AVHRR , its damages , mainly in field losses evaluated .

  11. 然后,应用综合评价法、层次分析法和GIS等多种方法与手段,在区域尺度上对西部地区的6个农业生态区进行农业生态系统健康评价。

    Then the paper used various methods and means such as comprehensive evaluation method , AHP ( the analytic hierarchy process ) and GIS ( the geographic information system ) to assess the healthy state of the six agricultural eco-zones in west China .

  12. 西部地区作为不发达地区,其知识产权保护水平较低,目前尚不具备统一适用TRIPS协定的条件。

    The Western regions is a underdeveloped area of China , its protective level of intellectual property is low compared with the eastern regions , and still has not satisfied requirements for unified enforcing Trips now .

  13. 通过以上的分析,提出以下对策建议:进一步缩小FDI在我国东、中、西部地区分布的不均衡性,继续合理引导外资流向各地区鼓励外商投资的行业。

    Through the above analysis , the paper proposes the suggestion on further reducing the unbalance distribution of FDI in eastern 、 central and western region in China and continuing to guide FDI to flow to the subdivided industry which the region encourages .

  14. 技术进步与西部地区经济增长

    The Technical Progress and the Economic Growth of the West Regions

  15. 加快西部地区非寿险业发展研究

    A Study on Accelerating Non-life Insurance Developing Progress in Western Area

  16. 我国西部地区人力资源现状实考

    The Real Investigation Of The Personnel Resources In The West Areas

  17. 对西部地区高校体育改革的再思考

    Reflection on University Physical Education Reformation in the West of China

  18. 我国西部地区矿产资源概况

    General situation of mineral resources in the western part of China

  19. 西部地区教育科技水平与经济发展的实证分析

    Level of science and technology and economy development in west area

  20. 西部地区民族传统体育及其专业设置的思考

    On National Physical Education and Its Speciality Setup in Western China

  21. 西部地区房地产业只有面对市场才能持续健康地发展

    The Way to Develop Continuously and Healthily Is to Face Market

  22. 柴达木盆地西部地区古近纪与新近纪沉积相

    Sedimentary facies of the Paleogene and Neogene in western Qaidam Basin

  23. 西部地区城市化道路与对策

    The Roads to the Urbanization of Western China and the Strategies

  24. 松嫩平原西部地区生态足迹与承载力研究

    Song-Nen Plain and Western Region 's Ecological Footprint and Capacity

  25. 关于内蒙古西部地区历史地震问题&读《内蒙古历代自然灾害史料》震灾部分的思考

    Speculation on Historical Earthquake in West Region in Inner Mongolia

  26. 加快西部地区农村土地流转的对策

    Countermeasure of accelerating the circulation of land in Western Countryside

  27. 我国西部地区水电开发问题探讨

    Discussion on Hydropower Development Problems in the West of China

  28. 切实保护和改善西部地区生态环境

    Work hard to protect and improve the ecological environment in western regions

  29. 提出了西部地区协调发展的政策建议。

    Put forward western region the policy suggestion of the harmonious development .

  30. 试论西部地区的数字鸿沟与高校图书馆

    Discussion on the Digital Gap in the Western Regions and University Library