- 名formal contract

In the second chapter , I mainly analyze the followings : 1 must an insurance contract take a written form ?
As a new kind of service contract , it belongs to the unnamed contract and special-formed contract in the Contract Law .
Postal contract is a kind of civil contract with the characteristic of style-required contract , onerous contract , bilateral contract and related to the third party .
As to the renting of the right of contracting and managing farmland , the juristic relation is a classical contract relationship that the form is obligatory , and is the one of creditor 's right .
For , only if the definition of contract base on the promise , we can explain the most three familiar contract & unilateral contract , bilateral contract and formal contract .
According to the general principles of contract law , the insurance contract is formed when the two sides have reached an agreement , so the insurance contract should be informal and without performance .