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yào chōng
  • communications hub;communications center;communications centre
要冲 [yào chōng]
  • [communications center] 多条重要道路会合的地方

  • 镇江为南北要冲,奸人不时窥伺。--《隔帘花影》

要冲[yào chōng]
  1. 作为古代中西交通要冲的帕米尔具有重要的战略地位。

    As the communications centre between ancient China and the West , Pamir has its important strategic position .

  2. 敦煌曾经是丝绸之路的噤喉和要冲。

    Dunhuang had been a strategic passage and communications hub of the Silk Road .

  3. 我要冲个澡,用不了多长时间。

    I need a shower ─ I won 't take long .

  4. 卞庄子见两只老虎为争吃一个人相互撕咬,拔剑就要冲上去刺杀这两只老虎。

    Bian Zhuangzi saw two tigers fighting each other for one man , and he was about to kill these two tigers , with a sword in his hand .

  5. 我们要冲到那辆公交前面。

    We 're going to jump in front of that bus .

  6. 我不懂你为啥要冲我发火。

    I don 't understand why you 're mad at me .

  7. 您要冲几卷胶卷?

    How many rolls of film do you want to be developed ?

  8. 直布罗陀是地中海的要冲。

    Gibraltar is the key to the Mediterranean .

  9. 也门的抗议者们一直威胁要冲到总统府和其他政府办公大楼。

    Protesters have been threatening to storm the presidential palace and other government buildings .

  10. 约翰每天都要冲个澡。

    John has a shower every day .

  11. 研究团队还建议要冲个冷水澡。

    The team also suggests capping off your shower with a blast of cold water .

  12. 他要冲到贫民窟里,去和拿着手榴弹的毒贩子搏斗。

    He goes up into the favelas to fight with drug dealers who have grenades .

  13. 埃及是一个战略要冲。

    Egypt is a strategic pivot .

  14. 既要冲破旧的思想禁锢,尊重群众的首创精神

    " We should Break away from old concepts , respect the people 's pioneering spirit "

  15. 这里早上要冲冷水澡,就像马尔伯勒的冷水澡一样。

    You have to have cold showers in the morning here like cold baths at Marlborough .

  16. 那是因为我要冲到花园里去看虫子吃露水。

    That 's because I had to rush to the garden to watch the worms eat dew .

  17. 马六甲海峡是世界上最危险和最重要的战略要冲之一。

    The Strait of Malacca is one of the worlds hottest and most crucial strategic choke points .

  18. 摩洛哥的第一座太阳能电厂即将在沙漠的要冲城市瓦尔扎扎特附近兴建。

    Morocco 's first solar power plant is being built near the desert gateway city of Ouarzazate .

  19. 天太热了,我时不时就要冲一下凉。参考答案。

    It 's too hot . I have to take a cold shower every now and then .

  20. 菲律宾共和国地处东南亚要冲,战略地位十分重要。

    The Republic of Philippine lies in Southeast Asia , it plays an important role in strategic position .

  21. 塔城素有准噶尔门户之称,自古以来就是草原丝绸之路的要冲。

    Tacheng known as " portals Junggar " of ancient times is the hub of the Silk Road Prairie .

  22. 尽管你可以看到大地扑面而来,要冲下去了,但是就是感觉很快乐。

    Even though you can see the ground coming , the ground rush , its just a great feeling of happiness .

  23. 扼陕甘川之要道,自古为陇右门户、战略要冲和商贸中心。

    Shaanxi and Gansu outlined Chuan 's hub , since ancient times for Longyou portal , strategic position and business center .

  24. 张家口市因地处北京与大西北、内蒙的交通要冲,地势险要,历来为兵家必争之地。

    Because of northwest of Beijing and in zhangjiakou , Inner Mongolia , the traffic is very dangerous , always terrain which .

  25. 这并不是说要放弃战略要冲,只要认为有利,战略要冲还是应该用阵地战来保卫的。

    This does not mean the abandonment of vital strategic points , which can be defended in positional warfare as long as profitable .

  26. 它已经成为东西南北交通的要冲,那个小小的村子已经蓬蓬勃勃地发展起来。

    It had become the crossroads of travel north and south and east and west , and the little village leaped to life .

  27. 同时终南山为道教发祥地之一,是古代战略要冲,具有深厚的历史文化底蕴。

    It is also one of the cradles of the Daoism . Juncture in ancient times , and a place of deep cultural significance .

  28. 舟山海域位于长江水道和我国南北洋通道交汇的前沿,是我国南北海运的要冲与江海联运的枢纽,地理位置非常优越。

    Lying at the point of intersection between Changjiang waterway and south north sea transportation , Zhoushan Islands ' geographical location is very favorable .

  29. 女王的宝石很华丽。他这才知道这女人的恶意是要冲克他家的宝宝。

    The queen 's jewels are superb . He knew that in this way she was trying to put a curse on the lot .

  30. 我的腿不听使唤了,我大脑变得迟钝,我要冲个凉然后上床睡去了。

    My legs are giving out , my brain is going to neutral , I need to take a shower and go to bed .