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  • 网络Sizhou;Si Subprefecture
  1. 2006年泗州戏被列为国家非物质文化遗产。同年获此称号的还有京剧和徽剧。

    In 2006 , the Chinese government added Sizhou Xi to its intangible cultural heritage list , alongside Beijing Opera and Hui Ju , another form of theater that originated in Anhui .

  2. 在条件成熟的学校先行试点,实施泗州戏进课堂活动,在取得一定的经验后,逐步普及泗州戏的教育,要让它在群众中生根发芽。

    When the pilot schools gain enough experience in the implementation of " Sizhou Opera in the Classroom " activities , the education will gradually be spread to wider areas , to let it take root among the masses .

  3. 上周五在北京的一座剧场,81岁的李宝凤和她在凤韵泗州戏剧团的10名演员,为人数不多但热情颇高的观众呈现了一台传统泗州戏演出。

    Last Friday in a Beijing theater , Li Baofeng and 10 of her colleagues from the Feng Yun Theatrical Company bowed to a small but enthusiastic audience after their performance of Sizhou Xi , a 200-year-old form of Chinese opera .

  4. 有约200年历史的泗州戏曾经在安徽、山东、河南一带流传,表演融合唱、念、做、打,用当地方言演绎英雄史诗或寻常百姓故事。

    Once popular in parts of Anhui , Shandong and Henan provinces , in central to northern China , Sizhou Xi features singing , dancing and acrobatics . Stories in the traditional repertoire range from historical epics about heroes to tales of common people , presented in local dialects .