
  • 网络Planner;CFP
  1. 介绍了工作流技术,分析了现有的PDM产品在实现并行产品开发所存在的缺陷,提出了工艺规划师的概念和模型。

    Discuss workflow technique , analyzing insufficiency of traditional PDM in Cooperative Process Planning , bring forth concept and model of process planner .

  2. 来自新泽西州门罗镇的长期理财规划师JayFine,给出了一个建议帮助你。

    Jay Fine , a longtime financial planner based in Monroe , New Jersey , offers this easy way to put your retirement planning into high gear .

  3. 纽约离婚指导师卡伦·麦克马洪表示:“指导行业正处于发展初期,而离婚指导行业则还处于萌芽期。”从业者拥有各种各样的背景,包括理财规划师、治疗师和调解员。

    Karen McMahon , a divorce coach in New York , says : " Coaching is in its infancy4 and divorce coaching is embryonic5 . " Practitioners6 come from a range of backgrounds , including financial planners , therapists and mediators .

  4. 借助GIS技术,城市规划师在对影响城市空间结构增长的主要因素进行图层管理和空间分析基础上,采用人机对话的方式形成较合理的城市空间结构增长方案;

    After analyzing the urban developing conditions by GIS , we can form reasonable urban spatial structure growth schemes .

  5. 规划支持系统(PlanningSupportSystem,简称PSS)是一个完整的信息系统应用框架,融合了一系列基于计算机技术的信息分析方法和模型,它面向规划师,并辅助其完成特定的规划任务。

    Planning support system ( PSS ) is an integrated information application framework , which combines a series of computer-based analytical methods and models , and aims to facilitate planners to fulfill the specific planning task .

  6. Susan是营销部门的一位规划师,她在每天晚上需要将从商店收到的新数据装载进PRODUCTSALES表,从而判断新的销售趋势。

    Susan , a planner in the marketing department , needs to load the PRODUCT_SALES table with new data she receives from the department stores every night in order to determine new buying trends .

  7. Cáceres希望与城市规划师合作,因为他们不得与做昂贵和有限的统计调查,搜集有关资料。

    C á ceres hopes to work with city planners , who would usually have to resort to expensive and limited surveys to gather such information .

  8. COX建筑师和规划师事务所已执业35年了,35年来,事务所根据环境的可持续性形成了一种强大的设计哲学。

    Cox Architects and Planners have been in practice for over 35 years and during that time have built a strong philosophy based upon environmental sustainability .

  9. 巴尔的摩(Baltimore)T.RowePrice公司的高级理财规划师斯图尔特·里特(StuartRitter)说,房子过户也让人失去了反向抵押贷款的选择。

    Giving a home also removes the option of a reverse mortgage , says Stuart Ritter , senior financial planner at T. Rowe Price in Baltimore .

  10. 如今我们怎样建造城市&对德国新传统主义规划师ChristophKohl的采访

    How to Build a City & Interview with Mr. Christoph Kohl , a Neo-traditional Planner

  11. 通常情况下,规划师Trammell要被说服让他带头。

    Normally a planner , Trammell was persuaded to let him take the lead .

  12. 马萨诸塞州牛顿市(Newton)的财务规划师苏珊·卡普兰(SusanKaplan)去年花了三万美元,为37岁的女儿黛安娜·卡普兰(SusanKaplan)冷冻卵子。

    Susan Kaplan , a financial planner in Newton , Mass . , spent $ 30,000 last year so her daughter Diane Kaplan , 37 , could freeze her eggs .

  13. 婚内理财规划师斯科特·帕尔默(ScottPalmer)和贝瑟尼·帕尔默(BethanyPalmer)把金钱形容为一座实验室,通过观察心仪对象的消费习惯,可以了解对方的为人。

    Married financial planners Scott and Bethany Palmer describe money as a laboratory , by observing your love-interest 's spending habits you can get to know him or her .

  14. 桑迪赛比恩(SandySabean)今年49岁,是纽约州的一名小企业主。她通过自己的注册理财规划师史黛西弗朗西斯(StacyFrancis)找到了房产中介、保险中介和其他专业人员。

    Sandy Sabean , a 49-year-old small-business owner in New York , found a real-estate agent , insurance agent and other professionals through Stacy Francis , her certified financial planner .

  15. 介绍了美国注册规划师协会(AICP)和美国规划院校联合会(ACSP)对美国规划师的职业素质所提出的标准,供中国规划教育在提高规划学生的知识、技能和价值观方面作为参考。

    The article introduces qualification standards for American professional planners , which include planning knowledge , skills and values .

  16. 纽约离婚指导师卡伦麦克马洪(KarenMcMahon)表示:“指导行业正处于发展初期,而离婚指导行业则还处于萌芽期。”从业者拥有各种各样的背景,包括理财规划师、治疗师和调解员。

    Karen McMahon , a divorce coach in New York , says : " Coaching is in its and divorce coaching is embryon . " Practitioners come from a range of backgrounds , including financial planners , therapists and mediators .

  17. AXAAdvisors纽约办公室的注册理财规划师、经理SusanM.Cooper建议大家至少每周两到三次自带便当上班。

    Bringing lunch to work , even two or three times a week , cuts down on food costs , said Susan M.Cooper , a certified financial planner and manager of the New York metro branch office of AXA Advisors .

  18. 转变与更新&对规划师社会责任的思考

    Change and Renovation & Reflection on the Social Responsibility of Planners

  19. 这往往需要与工程师,规划师和建筑师工作。

    This often requires working with engineers , planners and architects .

  20. 规划师似乎不太接受现行的政府指道方针。

    Planners seem a little uncomfortable with the current government guidelines .

  21. 培养城市复兴的专业人才&建筑规划师

    The Architect / Planner , Educating the Urban Renaissance Professional

  22. 台北市社区规划师制度详解

    A Detailed Introduction of Community Planner System in Taibei City

  23. 地下空间规划师面临着同样的机遇与挑战。

    Planners for Underground Space face similar challenges and have similar opportunities .

  24. 城市规划师已经开始思考如何利用这些以后将不再是停车场的土地。

    Urban planners are already thinking of uses for former parking spaces .

  25. 城市问题全球化下规划师的挑战与应对

    The challenge and orientation of planners in the urban problems of globalization

  26. 挪威规划建筑专家谈北京建筑文化保护对四位来华旅游的挪威规划师、建筑设计师的即兴采访

    Impromptu Interview with Four Norwegian Planners and Architects in China

  27. 如果你需要帮助,可以去找理财规划师。

    If you need a little help , get a financial planner .

  28. 规划师的社会角色与新型规划伦理

    The Social Role of Planners and the New Planning Ethics

  29. 《规划师》1995年~2004年学术论文分析

    Analysis on the Academic Thesis Pub-lished on Planners from 1995 to 2004

  30. 如何推行城市和区域规划改革:一位西方规划师的认识

    Urban & Regional Planning Reform : A Foreign Perspective