
  1. 目前高校建设工程管理工作中存在规避招标、合同管理混乱和资金管理不规范等问题,给其工程结算审计工作带来许多困难。

    At present some progressive problems occurred in the construction engineering administration of universities , which brought lots of difficulties in the audit of construction engineering .

  2. 运用严格的配套措施和相关指标的经济折算的方法使合理最低价评标更优,最后结合航天建设工程的特点采取相关措施规避招标风险。

    Finally , there are some suggestions in the paper about how to avoid the risk of tender bidding by taking the corresponding measures to the characteristics of the aerospace construction engineering .

  3. 二是一些行业和垄断部门违反工程建设基本程序和有关法律法规,不履行应有的建筑管理程序,规避招标,抵制监督,内部封闭式运作问题较为突出;

    Some industries and the monopoly departments violates the main routine and relevant laws and regulations of project construction , without following the right construction management procedure , dodging tenders , resisting surveillance , particularly operating internally in an enclosed manner .

  4. 一是一些建设单位和主管部门,违反《招标投标法》,不按规定招标发包,缺乏相应的监督制约机制,脱离监管,采取各种手段规避招标;

    Some construction companies and the supervised departments release tender against " The law of biding and Tendering " and stipulation , lacking corresponding supervise and control mechanism , drifting away from supervising and managing , and adopt various methods to dodge the tender ;