
  1. 乌江洪家渡水电站主体工程的监理招标严格按国家招标法进行。

    Tendering for supervision engineers in main civil projects of Hongjiadu Hydropower Station was strictly followed the state tendering and bidding law .

  2. 详细地分析了目前水利工程建设项目监理招标工作中存在的主要问题,提出了完善监理招标开标及评标程序、评标标准各因素权重设置的措施。

    The main problems existed are analyzed in supervision of bidding for current hydraulic construction project in this paper . An improved procedure is proposed to supervise opening bidding , bidding evaluation and how to set factor weight related to strand of biding evaluation .

  3. 业主负责制、工程监理制和施工招标投标制是一整套建设制度,不可偏废,要加强施工过程的质量控制。

    A set of management system including owner responsible system , project supervision system and tendering and bidding system should not neglected and more attention be paid to quality control during project construction .

  4. 公司对工程管理全面实行了业主负责制、工程建设监理制、招标承包制及合同管理制。

    The Company exercised the overall responsibility system by the owner , the project construction supervision system , the bidding and contract system and the contract management system for the construction of the project .