
ɡōnɡ chǎnɡ fǎ
  • factory act;factory law
  1. 英国的工厂法与童工教育

    English factory act and child labour education

  2. 直到1833年《工厂法》生效以前,儿童被迫在工厂中长时间工作。

    Children were forced to work long hours in factories until the Factory Act of 1833 came into effect ,

  3. 《工厂法》规定9岁以下儿童不允许在工厂中工作;

    which stated that children under nine were not allowed to work

  4. 符合英国工厂法规定的货物装卸设备证书

    Cargo gear certificate in compliance with British Factory Acts

  5. 1802年,英国议会通过了世界上的第一个工厂法。

    In 1802 , the British Parliament passed the world 's first factory law .

  6. 南京国民政府《工厂法》研究(1927-1937)

    Research on the " Factory Law " of Nanjing National Government ( 1927-1937 );

  7. 经济方面的很多法律,比如工厂法等等,也要制定。

    We also need to enact many laws governing economic development , such as those pertaining to factories .

  8. 工商部作为主管机关先行进行《工厂法草案》的拟定,草案中包含有工伤、生育、失业、福利等保障内容。

    The Ministry of Industry and Commerce as the competent authority began to draft " Factories Act ", which contained the social security rules such as occupational accident security , maternity security , unemployment security , welfare .

  9. 1932年,应社会形势的变化,该法再次修正,恢复强制主义。与此同时,南京国民政府制定了《工会法》、《工厂法》和《团体协约法》等。

    In 1932 , with the change of the social situation , this law was revised again and resumed compulsory arbitration while Nanjing National Government enacted The Labour Union Law , The Factory Law and so on .

  10. 这就是使用常规的工厂实现法实现DI所要面对的一些问题。

    These are just some of the problems facing DI implemented using conventional factory implementations .

  11. 这家工厂用蒸馏法酿造瓶装威士忌酒。

    The factory distils and bottles whisky .

  12. 西南非洲矿地、工厂和矿物修正法

    A power , chemical plant Mines , Works and Minerals in South West Africa Amendment Act

  13. 南非有很多钻石矿区。西南非洲矿地、工厂和矿物修正法

    The diamond fields of South Africa . Mines , Works and Minerals in South West Africa Amendment Act