
  • 网络axiomatic method;axiomatic approach;axiomatical method
  1. 正是这三个原因造成了当时公理化方法传播的停滞。

    These three reasons let the spread of axiomatic method stagnate for a long time .

  2. 公理化方法的会计学应用:会计基本理论的解构与重构

    The Accounting Application of the Axiomatic Method : the Destruction and Reconstruction of the Accounting Basic Theory

  3. 2002年,刘宝碇建立了信赖性理论(TrustTheory),信赖性理论是以公理化方法研究粗糙变量性质及其应用的理论。

    In 2002 , Trust theory was built by Baoding Liu . Trust theory is a branch of mathematics that studies the behavior of rough events .

  4. 基于PDE的图像复原分为变分和公理化方法,本文改进了其中的三种常用框架,并研究其扩散系数问题。

    PDE-based image restoration methods were divided two kinds : axiomatic approach and variational Approach .

  5. 本文利用非光滑分析理论,采用公理化方法研究了非光滑情形下的动态协商对策问题,给出其Nash协商解的必要条件,并给予了严格的数学证明。

    In this paper , dynamic nonsmooth bargaining problem is considered through an axiomatic approach in detail . Necessary condition for its Nash bargaining solution is established by the theory of nonsmooth analysis , and the strict mathematical proof is given .

  6. 论公理化方法及其沿革

    On the Method and Procedure of Axiom

  7. 论数学中的公理化方法

    Discuss the Axioms Method of Mathematical

  8. 公理化方法是演绎科学方法,但其基本精神早已渗透到经验科学之中。

    Axiomatics is a scientific approach of deduction whose essential principles have already been penetrated into empirical sciences .

  9. 在形成理论方面,西医采取公理化方法,而中医则采取思维模型方法。

    In the aspect of forming theories , WM adopts axiomatic ways , while TCM adopts methods of thought models .

  10. 论文的特色之一就是结合了集合论、分析学以及公理化方法等背景。

    The combination of set theory , analysis and the axiomatic method is one of the features of this study .

  11. 尽管古代西方科学中公理化方法和实验初具雏型,但亦不是近代意义上的科学。

    Despite the axiom method and experiment of ancient western science had the embryonic form , but it was still not modern history science .

  12. 以《几何原本》为代表的欧氏几何是古希腊文明的一个火车头,是古代数学公理化方法的一个辉煌成就。

    Euclidean geometry is not only the leader of the civilization of ancient Greek but also the brilliant achievements of axiomatic approach in mathematics .

  13. 数学的人文素质教育功能表现在三个方面:第一,数学中的抽象化意识、逻辑推理和公理化方法培养着人的理性思维品格和思辩能力;

    The education function of spirit quality in mathematics has three aspects : First , the consciousness of abstraction in mathematics logical reasoning and the method of axiom can train a person 's thinking character and the dialectical ability ;

  14. 文章简要介绍了欧氏几何及其公理化方法,并从文化的角度对其进行分析,探讨了欧氏几何的人文价值,美学价值和应用价值。

    First of all , Euclidean geometry and its axiomatic approach are introduced in brief . Then , Euclidean geometry is analyzed from point of view of culture and its human value , aesthetic value and applied value are discussed .

  15. 随后,基于评价的系统分析,首次将公理化方法引入基础评价理论的构建研究并阐述了可行性,提出了基础评价理论的公理化理论框架与构建思路。

    Objective evidences are provided for theoretical research . Subsequently , based on system analysis of evaluation , axiomatic method is introduced into the construction of foundational theory of evaluation for the first time . The feasibility study is made .

  16. 在饱和土连续介质模型的基础上,考虑了土体固结过程中的变质量效应,基于连续介质力学公理化方法,较严格地建立了饱和土连续介质固结理论的基本框架。

    Based on the continuum model of saturated soils and the axiomatization methods in classic continuum mechanics , a mathematical framework of continuum consolidation theory ( CCT ) taking into account of variable-mass effect during consolidation process is presented in this paper .

  17. 在公理化方法中,用公理形式定义了粗糙模糊近似算子,各种类型的粗糙模糊集代数可以被各种不同的公理集所刻画。

    Different classes of rough fuzzy set algebra are obtained from different types of binary crisp relations . In the axiomatic approach , one defines a pair of dual rough fuzzy approximation operators and states that axioms must be satisfied by the operators .

  18. 以新古典自由竞争理念为基础的人力资本投资均衡理论,集中研究了人力资本动态投资过程中的自动收敛特征,并且提供了一种分析人力资本动态投资行为的公理化方法。

    Based on Neoclassic laissez faire ideology , the theory of dynamic equilibrium in human capital investment focused on studying the characteristic of automatic " convergence " of dynamic investment in human capital , and has provided a axiomatic method analysing dynamic investment behavior in human capital .

  19. 介绍了公理化设计方法的理论基础,用公理化设计的方法对单螺杆连续挤出系统进行了理论上的分析。

    Theoretical principle of axiomatic design is introduced .

  20. 利用公理化定义方法建立半直线上脉冲微分包含的相空间。

    At first , their phase space are established by using axiomatic definition method .

  21. 特别论述了中国古代传统数学的机械化思想方法与西方的公理化思想方法在整个世界数学发展的不同阶段中交替起着主导作用,不可偏废。

    The author stresses the two thought approaches between ancient math mechanization and western axiomatization , and their leading and alternative role in the stages of math development in the world .

  22. 实际上冯·诺伊曼正是借助公理化的方法才使得一般的博弈问题转化成数学问题成为可能,这也使得博弈问题的处理有了严格的数学基础,并有可能成为一门较严格的科学。

    In fact , it was with the help of acclimatization that it was able to turn common game problems into math problems , which provided game problems with strict math foundation and made it possible to be a strict science .

  23. 为克服Shannon熵的局限性,修改了Shannon熵的公理,用公理化的方法,推导出具有有限分布列的离散型随机变量的信息量系。

    In order to eliminate the limitation of the Shannon entropy , the axiom system for the Shannon entropy was modified , and an information measure system with the axiomatization method was deduced .