
  1. 目前,建筑市场工程项目担保制度在某些省市已经出台,徐州市工程项目担保制度试行办法也已在酝酿之中。

    At present the guarantee system of engineering project in market has been introduced in some other provinces and cities , the proposed measures of this system is brewing in XuZhou .

  2. 水利水电涉外工程项目保证/担保形式及保函类型探讨

    On the Independence of Suretyship Discussion on Guarantee Form and the Type of Guarantee Agreement in International Project of Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Power

  3. 我国推行工程担保制度较晚,很多地方还不完善,本文在对建设工程项目担保制度进行深入分析、国内外相比较的基础上,指出我国建设工程项目担保制度存在的问题及应采取的措施。

    The implementation of project guarantee system is late in our country , and many places are still not perfect . This paper bases on the analysis of the comparison between China and international construction guarantee system , and puts forward the current situation and improved measures of construction guarantee .