
  • 网络Audiovisual Communication;audio-visual communication
  1. 20世纪50年代,在传播理论影响下,美国的视听教育逐渐演化为视听传播。

    Under the influence of the communication theory , Audiovisual Education evolved into Audiovisual communication in 1950s .

  2. 现代电视广告已不再是传统意义上的简单的商品叫卖,而是成为了一种新式的视听传播媒介。

    Modern television advertisement is not the simple and traditional way of selling products any more . In contrast , it has become a new medium for audio-visual communication .

  3. 视听传播是教育理论与实践的一个分支,它主要研究对控制学习过程的信息进行设计和使用。

    Audiovisual communications is that branch of educational theory and practice concerned with the design and use of message which control the learning process .

  4. 互联网视听节目传播管理平台建设的关键技术

    Key Technologies of Construction of Management Platform for Internet Audio-visual Program Transmission

  5. 同时,经典艺术的介入,也提高了电子视听媒体传播内容的文化底蕴和艺术内涵。

    In the meanwhile , the involvement of classical arts also gives the electronic audio-visual media cultural and artistic connotation .

  6. 20世纪60年代,美国的一些教育技术学者为了把视听媒体传播技术发展成为一个独立的专业领域,主张教育技术应该包括媒体技术和教学系统技术。

    In 1960s , scholars of American educational technology asserted educational technology should consist of media technology and instructional systematic technique in order to make Audiovisual Communication to become a professional field .

  7. 这都为乡土视听艺术的传播发展提供了有力的支持。

    This has offered strong support for the spread and development of native audio-visual art .

  8. 现代视听媒体的传播特点,以广播、电视和因特网三种媒体为例。

    Communication characteristic of the modern audiovisual media , taking broadcast , TV and Internet medias as an example .

  9. 智能互动式电子白板,带给学生全新视听体验。传播优质的教学资源,实现教育互联互通。

    We use interactive white boards to teach , which gives students a new audio-visual experience , disseminate high quality teaching resources and realize the education interconnection .

  10. 电影和电子游戏都以视听为主要传播手段,同样是以视听体验为途径获得乐趣和享受,两者之间有着大致相同的目标市场并且关系日益密切,从而呈现出一种相互融合的趋势。

    Also to audio-visual as the main means of communication , the same audio-visual experience as the way to have fun and enjoyment , with roughly the same target market of film and electronic games are closely linked , but also presents a full range of integration trend .