
  • 网络planning decision;programmed decisions
  1. CIMS下网络计划决策支持工具的设计

    The Design of Planning Decision - making Support Tools under CIMS

  2. 核心产品协作开发的计划决策与风险控制

    Planning Decision and Risk Control of Core Product Cooperative Development

  3. 基于MTO的煤炭企业生产计划决策模型研究

    Investigation of a Decision-making Model of Coal Enterprise Production Plan Based on MTO

  4. 世行高级经济师RobChase说,社区推动的发展(CDD)可以使社区团体控制计划决策和投资资源。

    Community Driven Development ( CDD ) gives community groups control over planning decisions and investment resources for development .

  5. 本文结合山东菏泽供电公司具体软件工程项目,开发了基于B/S架构的多层分布式软件应用系统,达到了变压器故障智能诊断与检修计划决策支持的目的。

    The multiplayer distributed software application system based on the B / S frame is developed combined with the project of HeZe Electric Power Company . It realized object of the computer aided decision for the transformers ' intelligent diagnose and maintenance schedule .

  6. 在铁路货运编组站计算机集成过程系统(CIPS)的设计中,班计划决策优化是一个很重要的问题。

    Optimization Of shift plan is an important problem in the Freight Classification Computer Integrated Process System ( CIPS ) .

  7. 论文在分析建筑业物资管理系统的现状和实施CIMS的必要性的基础上,研究了建筑业物资管理CIMS工程的总体方案设计,以及计划决策子系统和质量管理子系统的开发问题。

    After analyzing the actuality of material management system and the need to apply CIMS in building industry , the design of collective scheme of CIMS engineering in material management of building industry and the design of planning and decision-making subsystem and quality management subsystem are studied in this paper .

  8. 我厂铸造产品计划决策初探

    Probing into Making Decision on Planning Foundry Products in Our Factory

  9. 多元线性回归分析方法在计划决策系统中的运用

    Multivariate Linear Regression Analysis Method Applys to Plan Policy Decission System

  10. 企业生产经营智能计划决策支持系统的设计

    On the Intelligent Decision Support Systems Design for Production Operating Planning

  11. 企业经营计划决策支持方法与决策支持系统研究

    Research on Decision Support Methods and Decision Support System for Business Planning

  12. 电力系统恢复计划决策及控制的过程数据库

    Process Database for Decision and Control of Restoration Plan in Power Systems

  13. 对该计划决策的上诉,将于下个月审理。

    The appeal against the plan decision will be hear next month .

  14. 面向航天科研的绩效预算计划决策框架

    Performance Budget Planning Decisive Framework for Aerospace Research and Development

  15. 无缝钢管的多品种生产计划决策

    The decision on the production plans of varieties of seamless steel pipe

  16. 电解铝厂智能计划决策支持系统

    The Decision making Supporting System for the Intellectual Plan of Electrolysis Aluminum Plants

  17. 银行计划决策管理的计算机信息系统

    Computer Information System for Planning & Man-agement at Banks

  18. 发电计划决策系统的实现

    Relization of System of the Power Generation Planning Decision-making

  19. 集装箱码头生产作业计划决策支持系统

    Production Plan Decision Support System for Container Wharf

  20. 该软件包含实时状态监视模块和实时调度计划决策支持模块两部分。

    The software comprises spot-time watching module and decision-aid module for spot-time dispatching schedule .

  21. 然后通过两个实验对年度生产计划决策的过程进行了模拟。

    Then we simulate the process of making annual production planning through two experiments .

  22. 一个物资供应计划决策支持系统应急物资保障计划辅助决策模型

    A DSS for Material Supply Planning Aided Decision Model of Supporting Plan for Emergency Material

  23. 列车编组计划决策支持系统的研究

    Research in DSS of Train Formation Plan

  24. 联合任务计划决策支持系统

    Joint Mission Planning Decision Support System

  25. 规范计划决策程序,创设信息沟通平台等。

    And to standardize the planning procedure and to create a platform for the information exchange .

  26. 石油勘探计划决策支持系统

    DSS for Oil Exploration Planning

  27. 介绍了回采生产计划决策支持系统中采用的产量预测模型。

    The application of output forcast model in the decision support system for mining production plan is described .

  28. 出于法院命令原因的上诉或针对计划决策的上诉将于下月审理。

    The appeal from the court order or the appeal against the plan decision will be heard next month .

  29. 介绍了一种企业智能计划决策支持系统的设计方法与实现技术。

    A design method and realization technique of the supporting system for the intellectual plan decision making of enterprises are introduced .

  30. 介绍了一个面向集装箱装卸过程生产作业计划决策支持系统及其主要功能。

    This paper describes a production plan decision support system for container load and unload operation and the systems main functions .