
jì shù yí
  • Counter;calculating instrument
  1. 制备出的腹式呼吸计数仪达到了功能要求,实现了低功耗的目的。

    The developed abdominal breathing calculating instrument reaches the function requirement and realizes the objective of low-power consumption .

  2. 用γ计数仪定量测定~(32)P

    Quantitatively Measurment of ~ ( 32 ) P by γ - ray Counter

  3. 采用全自动血细胞计数仪血象分析法检测鲤鱼精巢DNA的安全性;

    The safety of DNA was investigated by means of hemogram analysis with automatic blood cell counter .

  4. F系列自动血球计数仪液路系统原理及故障维修

    Principle and trouble service about fluid road system of F-series automatic blood count machine

  5. 目的研究血尿素升高对血细胞计数仪测定MCV的影响。

    Objective To evaluate the effects of plasma urea on testing MCV values .

  6. 用液体闪烁计数仪测定PKC的活性。

    Then the activity of PKC was measured by γ - scintillation counting instrument .

  7. 细胞计数仪计数单个核细胞数(MNC);

    Mononuclear cells ( MNC ) were counted by automatic cell analyzer .

  8. 采取静脉血2mL,用EDTA抗凝,用全自动血细胞计数仪测量EOS。

    To take blood 2mL , using EDTA anticoagulant , using automatic blood cell count measured EOS .

  9. MEK血球计数仪检测误差分析

    Analysis of the examination error of MEK - 8613k blood cell counter

  10. Daybreak厚源α-计数仪的标定及测量影响因素的初步研究

    Calibration of daybreak thick source alpha coun - ter and preliminary study of influencing factors

  11. 自动化血细胞计数仪对正常的全血计数的资料,包括对WBC自动的分类计数。

    This is normal data from a complete blood count as performed on an automated instrument , including an automated WBC differential count .

  12. 32P标记的磷脂用氯仿和甲醇抽提,加闪烁液于液闪计数仪计数。

    The 32P-radiolabeled lipids were extracted with chloroform and methanol , and assessed by scintillation counter .

  13. Z2细胞计数仪计数白细胞和红细胞的性能评价

    Performance evaluation of WBC and RBC counting with the Beckman-Coulter Z2 cell counter

  14. CoulterSTKS全自动血细胞计数仪故障及应急措施

    The malfunction of Coulter STKS full-automatic blood cell and its emergency solution

  15. 利用不同标定源对美国Daybreak582、583型低本底厚源ZnSA1pha计数仪光电倍增管高压(HV)和积分甄别器阈值电压(DISC)进行了标定,并与示波器标定结果进行了对比。

    First , this study compares thick source ZnS alpha-counting calibration results of the photomultiplier tube ( PMT ) high voltages and thresholds calibrated by the oscillograph with those by different sources .

  16. 贝克曼STKS全自动血球计数仪故障检修3例

    Maintenance of BACKMAN STKS full - automatic blood - cell count er

  17. 适用于KX-21全自动电子血细胞计数仪稀释液的研制

    Applying to Prepare the Liquefier of KX-21 Automatic Digital Corpuscle Count Instrument

  18. 浅谈BECKMAN-CoulterACT.diff型血球计数仪技术原理和常见故障排除

    Principle and Trouble shooting about BECKMAN-COULTER ACT . diff Automatic blood counter

  19. 目的评价SF-3000血细胞计数仪五分类检测的临床应用。

    Objective To evaluate the clinical application of detection of five-classification by SF-3000 blood-counter system .

  20. 于紫外灯下切取含有聚合酶链反应产物的凝胶条带,用液体闪烁计数仪测定扩增物32P的放射强度。

    Gel strap of product of PCR was obtained under ultraviolet lamp . Radiative intensity of amplified product 32P was determined with liquid Scintillation Counter .

  21. 放射免疫γ计数仪FJ-2008系列原理及维修思路

    The principle and maintenance of the FJ-2008 series radio-immune γ counter

  22. 通过不同标准源的标定对比实验,对美国Daybreak公司582583型低本底厚源α-计数仪的高压值(HV)和积分甄别器阈值(DISC)进行了标定。

    The aim of this paper is to calibrate low background Daybreak 582 and 583 thick source alpha counter ( TSAC ) which is used extensively in OSL dating lab by comparison of different standard sources .

  23. 目的对Beckman-CoulterZ2细胞计数仪(简称Z2)的白细胞(WBC)和红细胞(RBC)检测性能进行系统评价。

    Objective To evaluate the performance of the Beckman-Coulter Z2 cell counter for white blood cell ( WBC ) and red blood cell ( RBC ) counting .

  24. 经0.4g·L-1磷脂酰丝氨酸,0.04g·L-1甘油二油酸酯激动剂作用酶粗提物后,用液体闪烁计数仪计数[γ32P]ATP参入外源底物的量以测定PKC活性。

    PKC activity was measured by incorporation of [ γ 32 P ] ATP into exogenous substrate after stimulated by phosphatidylserine and diolein .

  25. 方法:复制大鼠VD模型,采用Y-型迷宫及跳台计数仪,定量测定学习记忆能力,分光光度法检测MAO、AchE含量,免疫组化法检测AchE、NGF表达;

    Methods : Duplicating VD animal model , Quantitating the learning and memory ability by using Y-maze and jumping stand , detecting contents of MAO and AchE through spectrophotometry , detecting expressions of AchE and NGF through immunohistochemical method .

  26. 采用AC-970全自动血球计数仪计数外周血白细胞数;

    Then Leucocytes were counted through AC-970 Automatic Haematometer ;

  27. 方法应用流式细胞计数仪辅以荧光标记组织相容性抗原Ⅱ类分子四聚体染色,从自发性糖尿病的NOD小鼠和非糖尿病的BALB/c小鼠中分离出谷氨酸脱羧酶(GAD)多肽特异性T细胞。

    Methods Glutamic acid decarboxylase ( GAD ) - peptide specific T cells with fluorescein-labelled Class ⅱ MHC tetramers were isolated by flow cytometer from NOD mice with spontaneous diabetes and diabetes resistant BALB / c mice .

  28. 方法用自制血红蛋白(Hb)液,制成不同浓度Hb含量的血清标本,用自动血细胞计数仪检测其Hb浓度,用自动生化仪配对检测原血清以及含不同浓度Hb血清的CK活力(U/L)。

    Methods Self-made Hb was added to serum specimens and the concentration of Hb was determined by the automatic blood cell meter . The CK activity in the original serum and the serum with different Hb content were detected by automatic biochemistry analyzer .

  29. 方法用SF-3000血细胞计数仪检测临床血液标本,同时手工法血膜涂片分类对照。结果88例临床患者单核细胞的计数仪器法与手工法有不同程度的差异。

    Methods The 88 blood samples were detected by SF-3000 blood-counter system , and the results of their WBC classification compared with manual method .

  30. 方法采用全自动免疫比浊定量分析法和全自动血细胞计数仪测定48例SIRS患儿和40例非SIRS患儿的血清C3、C4、D-二聚体含量和血小板计数及其动态变化。

    Methods The levels of C_3 , C_4 and D-dimer were measured by photometry immuno-turbidimetric test with automated biochemical analysis , and the platelet count was determined by automated blood cells counter in 48 infants with SIRS and 40 infants without SIRS .