
  • 网络attributed sampling
  1. 介绍了计数抽样的基本知识,并分析了GJB179-86对J80轴承体交验所制定的计数抽样检验方案。

    Introduced the main concept of sampling plan by attributes , and analyzed the special sampling plan of J80 bearing developed by GJB179-86 .

  2. 文章分析了百分比抽样法的缺陷,介绍计数抽样法采用总体质量水平AQL值判断总体统计质量正确与否的方法。

    The paper discusses the disadvantages of percentage sampling , as well as the process of numeration sampling , in which an overall quality level , i. e. AQL value is applied to assessing the correctness of overall statistical quality .

  3. 病案质量管理方法&计数抽样检验方案

    The Quality Control Method of Case Files - Counting Acceptance Sampling

  4. 浅析建筑物鉴定中的计数抽样方案

    An Analysis of Sampling Plane by Attributes in Appraisal of Building

  5. GB/T12609-1990电沉积金属覆盖层和有关精饰计数抽样检查程序

    Electrodeposited metallic coatings and related finishes-Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes

  6. 陶瓷产品计数抽样检查原理与方法初探

    Principle and Procedure Investigation of Sampling Inspection for Ceramic Product

  7. GB/T15239-1994孤立批计数抽样检验程序及抽样表

    Sampling procedures and tables for isolated lot inspection by attributes

  8. GB/T14459-1993贵金属首饰计数抽样检查规则

    Sampling inspection rules by attributes for precious metal jewellery

  9. 大批量计数抽样方案的制订

    Determination of Single Sampling Plan for Large Lots

  10. 计数抽样检查与缺陷控制技术

    Count Sampling Inspection And Fault Controlling Technology

  11. 论计数抽样检验及应用

    Sampling Inspection by Attributes and Its Application

  12. 一次计数抽样检验的风险分析

    Venture Analysis of Sampling Inspection

  13. 计数抽样方案评论

    Comments on Attribute Sampling Scheme

  14. GB/T2829-1987周期检查计数抽样程序及抽样表(适用于生产过程稳定性的检查)

    Sampling procedures and tables for periodic inspection by attributes ( Apply to inspection of stability for productive process )

  15. 对拖拉机试验过程进行监视记录,运用计数抽样检验法则对试验过程进行分析和控制,从而达到试验过程质量可控。

    We monitor and record the testing process of tractor , analyze and control the testing process through sampling inspection by attributes , and this can make the test process quality be in controlling .

  16. 与现行百分比抽样法比较,出口绸缎计数抽样法既能减少对批质量的错判,又能增加对总体质量异常性判断的准确性。

    In comparison with the current percentage sampling , the numeration sampling of export silks reduces the chances of misjudgement of lot quality , but enhances that of correct judgement of overall quality abnormality .

  17. 指出GB/T50344-2004《建筑结构检测技术标准》中关于计数抽样检测方案的规定失之过松,有可能给建筑物的检测或鉴定留下安全隐患,不宜采用。

    It has pointed out that the national standard of " Technical standard for inspection of building structure " GB / T50344-2004 has some defects on sampling plane by attributes . Perhaps those defects should leave some hidden safety troubles in building structures .

  18. 讲述了计数抽样检查方法在大批量生产新形势下的应用要点,指出质量管理的重点不能放在最终的产品检验上,而应运用缺陷控制等技术预防问题的产生。

    The main points of count sampling inspection for mass production are discussed , then the paper point out that the emphasis of quality management should be to prevent problems with the application such as fault controlling technology but not final product inspection .

  19. 关于计数验收抽样检查中的平均检验件数问题

    Average Sample Number for Sampling Inspection by Attributes in Acceptance Check

  20. GB/T8052-1987单水平和多水平计数连续抽样检查程序及表

    Single and multi-level continuous sampling procedures and tables for inspection by attributes

  21. 关于按极限质量的多水平计数连续抽样方案

    A Multi-level Continuous Sampling Plan by Attributes on the Basis of Limit Quality

  22. 一般没有计数型抽样的要求。

    Generally do not count sampling requirements .

  23. 计数型序贯抽样检查的Bayes估计

    The Bayes estimation of sequential sampling inspection for counted / attributes data

  24. 提出了LED显示屏技术要求检测中存在的合格判据不明确的问题,探讨了计数调整型抽样方法在LED显示屏检测中的应用,介绍了相关技术条件检测的抽样方法和合格判据。

    The article presents issues on undefined criterion existing in technical testing requirements of LED display , discusses the application of counting and adjusting method to sample to testing LED display , and also introduces related sampling methods and acceptable criterion of technical tests .

  25. 本文以计数调整型抽样检查标准GB2828-87和ISO2859为例,说明了如何利用计算机辅助质量抽样检查,并介绍了笔者编制的计算机软件CASIA系统。

    This paper shows how to make use of computers to facilitate sampling inspection based on GB2828-87 and ISO2859 . A computer program CASIA is introduced .

  26. 计数型数据抽样的接收准则应是零缺陷。

    For attribute data sampling , the acceptance level shall be zero defects .

  27. GB/T15482-1995产品质量监督小总体计数一次抽样检验程序及抽样表

    Single sampling procedures and tables for product quality audit of small population by attributes

  28. 计算机辅助计数调整型抽样检查

    Computer aided sampling for lot-by-lot inspection by attributes

  29. 计数调整型抽样标准在防毒面具验收中的应用

    The Uses of Sampling Procedures fo Adjustable Inspection by Attributes in Gas-Mask Acceptance Inspection

  30. 计数调整型抽样系统T→D转移规则特性研究

    Character Analysis of the T → D Switching Rules in the Adjusting Sampling System by Attributes