
  • 网络calculating operation;computing service
  1. 这个方法将会把汇总和计算操作保存到数据库中,而不是将它交给Transformer处理。

    This method will push the aggregation and calculation operations to the database rather than having Transformer process them .

  2. 本文介绍的检测系统是由一块14位的A/D转换卡和应用VISUALBASIC6.0语言编写的实时采集、计算操作系统组成。

    The system consists of a set of 14 bits A / D and a real-time collection and calculation system by Visual Basic 6.0 tools .

  3. 已在列EDLEVEL上定义COMPUTE,该命令将在列SALARY上执行某种计算操作。

    COMPUTE has been defined on column EDLEVEL , which will perform a compute operation on the column SALARY .

  4. 所以每次当EDLEVEL列值改变时,报表将中断并对列SALARY执行指定的计算操作MAX。

    So each time the EDLEVEL column value changes , the report breaks and the specified compute operation MAX is performed on the column SALARY .

  5. 机器人操作手的动力学计算操作机器人自由项的四元数算法

    Quaternion Algorithm for Computing Freedom Item of Robot Manipulator

  6. 合同计算操作系统的设计问题

    The design of contractual operating systems

  7. 被嵌入的水印信息一般是不可见的,可以通过一定的计算操作检测或是提取。

    Generally , the watermarked information is invisible and can be detected and extracted by special algorithm .

  8. 根据用户给出的公式进行计算操作。

    In addition , can you tell me why do you use dynamic program in your program ?

  9. 分布式计算操作系统

    Distributed computing operating system

  10. 生物计算机的研究是理论计算机研究领域的一个重要分支,生物计算机的核心思想是用生化反应来模拟计算操作。

    Bio-computer research is an important part of computer science , its main idea is using biochemical reactions to stimulate computing manipulations .

  11. 改进方案均修改了每个签名者的随机化处理过程,并转移了部分计算操作。

    The random operation of each signer was changed , and part of computation operation was transferred in both of the improved schemes .

  12. 旗标可以有两个逻辑状态之一,真或假.使用旗标作为计算操作的程式有环境相依性。

    Flags may have one of two logical states , true or false . Programs that use flags as arithmetic operands have an environmental dependency .

  13. 针对连接图的这一特点,改进传统的搜索算法,使之可以针对调度任务自动计算操作步骤。

    The traditional search algorithm has been improved based on the features of connected graph so that it can calculate operation steps of any specific scheduled task automatically .

  14. 如果某个任务由于某种原因失效了,那么这个任务就可以从最近的检查点处继续执行,而不会丢失失效前所完成的计算操作。

    If the job should fail for some reason , the job can continue from the most recent checkpoint and not lose all computation completed prior to the failure .

  15. 改进的遗传算法通过在种群初始化时使用启发式算法来构建相对优良的种群,为算法进一步计算操作提供良好的基础。

    In order to provide a good basis for computing operation , improved genetic algorithm uses heuristic algorithm to build relatively good population at the time of the population initialization .

  16. 风险评估是贷款或保险承保流程必不可少的一步,且风险等级计算操作通常有助于基于业务规则的实现。

    Risk assessment is an essential step of loan or insurance underwriting processes , and the risk grade calculation operation usually lends itself very naturally to a business rule based implementation .

  17. 把计算机的控制暂时从主程序转移到子程序以完成辅助性工作的过程。该子程序嵌入在计算操作序列中。

    To transfer control of a digital computer temporarily from a main routine to a subroutine , which is inserted in the sequence of calculating operations to fulfill a subsidiary purpose .

  18. 这个约束可能会给移动大量数据的计算操作带来严重的延迟,这就是为什么map/reduce如此高效的原因,因为它将工作移向数据。

    It can add serious latency to any computation efforts to move large amounts of data around and that is why map / reduce is so efficient in that it moves the work to the data .

  19. 同时,计算操作系统和网络通信技术的复杂性不断增加,不仅导致了入侵的复杂性的增加,而且增加了设计和实现真正可靠的安全防御体系的难度。

    At the same time , computes the operate system to corresponds by letter the technical complexity to increases continuously with the network , not only caused the complicacy increment that invade , but also increased the design with realizes the difficulty that real dependable safety defend of system .

  20. 基于实验过程的DNA计算基本操作研究

    Based on the experimental process of DNA Computing basic operation

  21. Shell煤气化装置模拟计算和操作优化软件的开发与应用

    Development and application of simulation and optimization software for Shell coal gasification plant

  22. EMTP在计算开关操作过电压的应用

    Application of EMTP in Calculating Overvoltage of Switching Operation

  23. 一些文献提出了对CUBE计算的操作,包括并行性的应用、字符型映像到整型等,都是为了减少存储。

    Some researchers have provided some useful cube computation including the use of parallelism , and mapping string dimension types to integers for reducing the storage .

  24. 该研究采用测验法,考察数学学习不良(MD)儿童的早期数学认知能力,包括计数、数守恒、时空概念、逻辑、计算和操作等方面。

    This study is on the mathematical cognition of MD , that includes count , quantity conservation , space-time conception , logic conception , calculation and manipulation .

  25. 为了更好地解决网格计算中操作复杂,缺乏智能性与灵活性的问题,本文提出了一种基于Agent的网格计算模型,将智能化的Agent技术思想应用到了网格计算应用体系中。

    In order to solve some problems in current Grid Computing architecture , such as complex operation , lack of intelligence and . flexibility , this article presents an Agent-based Grid Computing Model , integrating the intelligent Agent with Grid Computing architecture application system .

  26. 在大量借鉴IC测试领域并行测试的相关成果和并行科学计算、操作系统的并行理论等基础上,首先提出了并行测试系统设计的基本要求,然后介绍了并行测试系统的总体方案;

    First , the principal requirements of the parallel test system are presented based on abundant references to the parallel test in IC test domain , parallel computing , parallel theory of operating system and so on .

  27. 并借助IDL提供的多种插值方法实现了不同插值表面的显示、分析、叠加影像、误差计算等操作。

    With the use of various interpolation methods provided by IDL , the software displays different interpolation surfaces , presents spatial analyses , remote sensing image overlay and error estimation operations .

  28. 针对工业级应用要求,用aspenplus流程模拟系统对乙酸乙酯轻、中组分废水回收的关键环节萃取精馏进行了工业级模拟计算和操作参数灵敏度分析,得到了相应的工艺操作参数。

    In order to applying the method to industry , the extractive distillation of light and middling components waste water , the key link of the method , was simulated with ASPEN PLUS and its manipulate parameters were analyzed .

  29. 在进行树木的生长与土壤养分的相关分析过程中,采用QBASIC语言编写程序来进行处理,减轻了繁重的计算,操作方便灵活,提高了工作效率。

    During correlation analysis between soil nutrient and tree growth , QBASIC was used for program processing thus reducing calculation and increasing work efficiency with flexible operation .

  30. 本文着重介绍了RPGⅡ语言所用的数据类型、主要特点、逻辑流程、特殊功能和编制RPGⅡ程序所采用的各种类型说明表、计算指令操作码和指示符等。

    This paper emphatically introduces that the data type , main feature , program logic cycle , specific functions of RPG ⅱ language and specifications , indicators and operation codes which are used in programming .