
  1. 目前,计算机木马呈现异常活跃的态势,带来的危害日益严重。

    Currently , Trojans appear abnormally active and bring more and more severe damage to us .

  2. 从出现至今,Rootkit技术发展非常迅速,应用越来越广泛,现在更是被入侵者当作计算机病毒和木马程序开发的利器,而视窗操作系统无可避免地成为入侵者的目标。

    From the emergence of so far , Rootkit techniques development very quickly , applications become more and more extensive , now more is an intruder as computer viruses and Trojan horses , developing a sharp object , and Windows operating system will inevitably become an intruder .

  3. 利用文件完整性检查防范计算机病毒和木马,具有较好的实时性和主动性。

    The technology , that protects the system from been intruding by viruses and Trojan horses , is real-time and active .

  4. 近几年来计算机病毒、木马数量成指数增长,泛滥成灾,严重威胁着网络安全。

    In recent years computer viruses , Trojans , the number of exponential growth , proliferation , a serious threat to network security .

  5. 随着网络的日益普及,电脑技术的日益发达,计算机病毒、木马、灰鸽子这些名词已经是家喻户晓。

    With the increasing popularity of network and rapid development of computer technology , " Computer Virus ", " Trojan " and " Dove Gray " have become known by the public .

  6. 基于进程的访问控制模型遵循最小特权原则,通过约束进程的权限,避免权限滥用,从而达到阻止计算机病毒、木马在终端中传播和扩散的目的。

    Following the Principle of Least Privilege , Process-Based Access Control Model restricts the rights of process and avoids the abuse of authorized user 's rights to prevent Trojan horse and computer virus from spreading in terminal computer system .

  7. 为了能够让大众更安全地上网,政府应该普及有关计算机病毒和特洛伊木马病毒(Trojanhorses)的各种知识,让公众能够识别并预防,除此之外,还应该不断更新使用的杀毒软件。

    Educating people about computer viruses and Trojan horses will help , and using updated antivirus software is also important .