
  1. 专业的技术、完善的服务及从优的品质是我们展盛人的一惯追求!

    Professional skills , improve the quality of service and preferred development Sheng who is a habitual pursuit !

  2. 继往开来,华盛人将以古镇人的热情,欢迎广大客户朋友共创美好未来!

    Link the past to the future , Huasheng with ancient town enthusiasm of people , welcome the masses of customer 's friends to create bright future !

  3. 这个礼堂能盛一千人。

    This hall is big enough for a thousand people .

  4. 这个礼堂能盛一千人。学生们列队走入大礼堂。

    This hall is big enough for a thousand people . The students trooped into the auditorium .

  5. “不求第一,但求最好”是泓盛全体人的承诺。

    Not to do first , but for the best , Wang Sheng is the commitment of all people .

  6. 盛秦人谨记“生于忧患、死于安乐”为创业和守业的指导思想;

    Sheng Qin bear in mind that " Hardships , died comfortably " as the guiding ideology of entrepreneurship and Shou-yeh ;

  7. 同时在社会各界朋友的关怀和支持下,经过全体“盛合人”的艰苦创业,努力拼搏,追求把高精密抛光技术誓达顶峰,推动公司健康快速的发展。

    With the supports and helps from our friends and clients , and also the hard work of ShengHe staff , we would perfect the extra fine polishing Technology , and develop the Company fast and healthy .

  8. 盛捷让人有家的感觉,恐怕是从每间公寓都配有的开放式厨房开始。

    Somerset makes someone have the feeling of coming back home because its each apartment is equipped with an open kitchen .

  9. 盛邀了所有人哦不是所有人

    Everyone is invited . Well , not everyone .