
shèng yù
  • high reputation;great fame;highly praise
盛誉 [shèng yù]
  • (1) [great fame;high reputation]∶极高的荣誉或声誉

  • 享有盛誉的科学家

  • 盛誉仁政

  • (2) [highly praise]∶极力称誉

盛誉[shèng yù]
  1. 特别是纺织、服装业,中国曾拥有过衣冠王国的盛誉。

    Especially textile , clothes industry , China once had great fame of " dress kingdom " .

  2. 法国时装在世界上享有盛誉,选料丰富、优异,设计大胆,制作技术高超,使法国时装一直引导世界时装潮流。

    French fashion enjoys great fame in the world for its rich materials , bold design , and skilled production way .

  3. 在竞争异常激烈的模特界,这一享有盛誉的头衔打开了通往成功的大门。

    The prestigious title offered a gateway to success in the highly competitive world of modelling .

  4. 它多年来一直享有优质的盛誉。

    It has a high reputation of many years ' standing for good quality .

  5. 中国丝绸在世界上素有盛誉。

    Chinese silk has long been famous all over the world .

  6. 在20世纪30年代,他是好几处享有盛誉的建筑的设计者。

    He was the brains behind several prestige building projects in the1930s .

  7. 以ISO作为公司产品的质量保证,精锐通已在LCD行业中享有盛誉。

    Wellstart has enjoyed good reputation in LCD industry with ISO as the quality assurance of the products .

  8. 想与可爱的动物们不期而遇的话,到袋鼠岛的精品酒店SouthernOceanLodge吧,一个澳大利亚南海岸享有盛誉的天堂。

    For animal encounters without foregoing creature comforts , head to Kangaroo Island boutique hotel Southern Ocean Lodge , a designer haven just off the coast of South Australia .

  9. 一个在DJ和俱乐部音乐迷当中享有盛誉的电子音乐下载网站。

    Beatport is the recognized leader in electronic dance music downloads for DJs and club music enthusiasts .

  10. 毕业于UWA的学生在澳大利亚和海外雇主中享有盛誉。

    UWA graduates are held in high regard by Australian and overseas employers .

  11. 普特文化传播有限公司(普特翻译),是国内享有盛誉的普特英语旗下的大型综合语言解决方案提供商(LSP)。

    PUT Culture & Communication Co. , Ltd. ( PUT Translation ) is a comprehensive language solutions provider in southwest China .

  12. 得益于其产品线条流畅的优雅美感,飞利浦得以比肩苹果(Apple)和宝马(BMW),在最纯粹的设计圈中也享有盛誉。

    Thanks to the elegant , streamlined aesthetics of its products , in the most rarified design circles , Philips ranks with the likes of apple ( AAPL ) and BMW .

  13. WIT是爱尔兰最好的理工学院之一,学术水平一直享有盛誉,所以选择在WIT学习一定会有很大的收获。

    WIT is the best science and technology university in Ireland with a highly regarded academic standard , thus there is much to be learned from WIT .

  14. PK型环链电动葫芦是我厂从原德国曼内斯曼·德马格公司引进专有技术制造的新一代的产品,具有当代世界先进水平。在国际市场上享有盛誉。

    Type PK Electric Chain Hoist is manufactured after importing the know-how from Mannesmann Demag demag Company in Germany , which enjoys high prestige in the world market .

  15. Orpheus乐团在国际上享有盛誉,他们定期在卡耐基音乐厅演出,甚至获得了格莱美奖。

    Orpheus is recognized internationally for it 's excellence , regularly plays at Carnegie Hall , and has even won a Grammy Award .

  16. 曼哈顿市中心的时髦酒店一向享有盛誉,比如Mercer酒店、SixtySoHo酒店和CrosbyStreet酒店。最新登场的是拥有175间客房的20层高的勒德洛酒店(Ludlow)。

    The 175-room , 20-story Ludlow is one of the latest arrivals to downtown Manhattan 's well-established chic hotel scene , which includes the Mercer , Sixty SoHo and Crosby Street hotels .

  17. AH生物科技有限公司以多种食药用菌和天然植物为原料,研发生产健康食品,在食药用菌保健行业享有盛誉。

    With various kinds of edible and medicinal fungi and natural plants as the raw materials , AH Biotechnology Co. , Ltd researches and produces healthy food and has won a high admiration in the healthcare industry of edible and medicinal fungi .

  18. 非裔美国作家欧内斯特·J.盖恩斯被盛誉为最具天赋的故事讲述者之一。他的经历和创作使他成为继福克纳之后美国南方文学的典型代表。

    The African American writer Ernest J. Gaines is widely acclaimed as " one of the most naturally gifted storytellers . " His experiences and writing make him the typical representative of American Southern literature after Faulkner .

  19. 埃克托尔·柏辽兹HectorBerlioz(1803-1869)是19世纪浪漫主义时期法国著名的作曲家、指挥家和音乐理论家,在西方乐坛享有盛誉。

    Hector Berlioz ( 1803-1869 ) is a French famous composer , conductor and theorists in western music with great reputation during the Romantic period in the 19 century .

  20. ISTP作为检索会议文献的重要工具,在国内外享有盛誉。

    As an important tool used for searching conference papers , ISTP ( Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings ) is of high reputation in the world .

  21. 澳大利亚TAFE学院在世界上享有盛誉,在为澳大利亚社会培养高质量人才方面取得了杰出的成就,究其成功的根源与其高质量的师资队伍建设密不可分。

    Australian TAFE college renowned in the world , and it has made outstanding achievements in training high quality personnel for the Australian community , Its high-quality teachers team building are inseparable for its success .

  22. 英国当代享有盛誉的作家A.S.拜厄特在创作中展现出对维多利亚时代历史与传统的深切关注和思考。

    As one of the leading contemporary British writers , A.S. Byatt has demonstrated in her works a prevailing concern for Victorian history , traditions and the meanings people derive from it .

  23. 我们在航空、工业产品和财经领域的强大品牌如贝尔直升机、赛斯纳飞机、莱康明飞机引擎、考泰斯汽车油箱、E-Z-GO高尔夫球车和格林利工具等都在我们的客户群中享有盛誉。

    Textron is an industry leader with powerful brands in aviation , industrial and financial fields such as Bell Helicopter , Cessna Aircraft , Lycoming , Kautex , E-Z-GO and Greenlee , among others .

  24. 路遥是中国当代现实主义作家,在当代文坛享有盛誉。

    Lu Yao is a famous contemporary realism writer in China .

  25. 他们再次与这份享有盛誉的奖项擦身而过。

    This prestigious award has slipped through their fingers yet again .

  26. 在文坛上,她又是一位享有盛誉的作家。

    In literary circles , she is a celebrated writer .

  27. 很少有人可以在电影界享受如此盛誉、艺术生命如此之长。

    Few filmmakers have had a career so long or so acclaimed .

  28. 我们是一家久享盛誉的各种中国商品的出口商。

    We are a well-established exporter of all kinds of Chinese goods .

  29. 莫恩山脉如画的景色在国际上享受盛誉。

    The Mournes are internationally renowned for their picturesque scenery .

  30. 享有盛誉的餐馆酒家以及奢华无比的夜总会。

    The most famous restaurants and the most fine and costly nightclubs .