
  • 网络Calculation algorithm;computational algorithm
  1. 系统由一个基于奇异值分解(singularvaluedecomposition)的计算算法支持,该算法主要用于搜索聊天室中的聊天者群组和隐藏的通信模式。

    The system is supported by a computational algorithm based on Singular Value Decomposition ( SVD ) for the discovery of groups of chatters and hidden communication patterns within the chatrooms .

  2. 道路路表排水的锯齿型街沟计算算法和综合设计朝北锯齿形屋顶边沟

    On Integrated Design & Computational Algorithm of Saw-tooth Shaped Street Gutters about Road Surface Drainage

  3. 基于线性函数的QoS路由预计算算法

    Precomputation for QoS Routing Based on Linear Functions

  4. 提出了两个来自XML关键字的函数依赖的最小覆盖的计算算法。

    In this paper , we present two algorithms for finding a minimum cover for FDs propagated from XML keys .

  5. 提出并证明了边着色问题的基本定理,设计并实现了闭环DNA计算算法。

    The basal theorem of DNA algorithm for edge-coloring is given and proved , and DNA algorithm on closed circle DNA was designed and realized .

  6. 同时也对椭圆曲线群的阶的计算算法SEA、素数判定算法进行了分析、比较研究。

    At the same time the exponent of the calculation algorithm of the elliptic curve group and the determinant of prime were done analysis and comparing research .

  7. 基于路径计算算法和LSP类型构建了四种识别区分服务的CBR方案。

    In this paper , Four DiffServ-aware CBR schemes are constructed , based on a combination of route computation algorithms and LSP-types .

  8. 介绍了一种改进的流形计算算法,该算法由两步构成:首先利用PDE算法在不变流形上求出一些均匀的点;

    An improved algorithm is proposed , which consists of two steps : First , to calculate points in the unstable manifold by PDE algorithm ;

  9. 接着,根据已有的IT架构和改进的面积计算算法,以Oracle为数据库,采用Struts框架和Hibernate对象持久化技术,开发出MVC模式的B/S信息系统。

    Then , with the existing IT architecture and improved algorithm of calculating areas , we adopt Oracle as Database Management System and use the technology of Struts and Hibernate to develop this B / S system based on MVC mode .

  10. 移植并改进了基于fx-3800P计算器的T值计算算法,并应用于fMRI图像数据的T值计算。

    Implanted and improved the algorithm of T value based on the calculator of fx-3800P , then applied it to the computation of T value of fMRI image data . 4 .

  11. 就惯性航向姿态系统的航向和姿态计算算法进行探讨和研究,以寻求最佳计算算法。

    This paper studies the algorithm of heading and attitude .

  12. 神经元模式分类器学习的进化计算算法

    An evolutionary algorithm for learning of a neural pattern classifier

  13. 设计了预计算算法提高了实时仿真的效率,减少了计算消耗。

    A pre-computing algorithm is proposed to reduce computational cost during real-time simulation .

  14. Yang-Feng网络的时间计算算法研究

    The Study of Time Computation of Yang Feng Network

  15. 矩阵指数计算算法讨论

    Discussion about numerical computation of the matrix exponential

  16. 分布式服务质量路由预计算算法

    Quality of service Distributed Precomputation for QoS Routing

  17. 并提出了相应的误差值计算算法。

    A synthetical error model has been developed , and suitable algorithms have been presented to calculate errors .

  18. 并提出一个建议方案,为每一种区分服务等级使用不同的路由计算算法。

    Moreover , we propose a DiffServ-aware CBR scheme that uses a different route computation algorithm for each class .

  19. 提出了一种基于区域分割的指纹奇异性检测以及中心点计算算法。

    A novel and simple algorithm for singularity detection and center point calculation in a fingerprint image was presented .

  20. 基于有限域上椭圆曲线公开密钥协议的离散对数计算算法正日益成为热点。

    It has become increasingly common to implement discrete logarithm based public key protocols on elliptic curves over finite fields .

  21. 其中位置计算算法是定位问题中的重点,也是本课题将具体研究的部分。

    Which is the positioning of the focus , is also the subject of specific studies will be part of .

  22. 露天矿矿岩量网格化计算算法的改进研究

    Study on Improved Arithmetic to Calculate the Quantity of Ore and Spoil Based on Mining Limit Grids in Surface Mining

  23. 进一步配合流场有效的并行计算算法,最终可实现高效、快捷地模拟复杂流场。

    With the effective parallel computation algorithm , the simulation of complex inviscid flow is finally achieved more efficiently and quickly .

  24. 在对常用的路线优化算法分析的基础上,选用了启发式搜索算法作为路径的计算算法,同时考虑实时路况对导航的最优路径规划的影响,给出了启发式搜索算法在实时导航中的具体实现。

    By means of theoretical analysis many route planning algorithms are evaluated and tested , We propose heuristic A arithmetic as optimum route search arithmetic .

  25. 对软件系统设计了关系量数据库的数据表结构,提出调度模拟屏光带带电状态的中间量路由计算算法。

    The paper designs the data table structure of derivative database and brings forward middle-route calculation algorithm for light band state of command mimic panel .

  26. 本文介绍通过利用神经网络计算算法怎样将神经网络两个重要的计算特点用于自适应控制。

    This paper presents how two important computional features of neural networks can be used for adaptive control through the use of neural network computional algorithms .

  27. 基于本文提出的主题相关度的计算算法来动态决定主题无关页面是否丢弃,在很大程度上扩大了主题爬虫的有效搜索范围。

    Use the Topic similarity algorithm of this paper decide discard the uncorrelated paper or not . expand topic crawler effective search range to a large extent .

  28. 本潮流计算算法采用张量方法求解潮流计算过程中的非线性方程组。

    This algorithm uses the tensor method to solve the nonlinear equations . The tensor method is particularly effective for solving of non-singular and singular nonlinear algebraic equations .

  29. 已有的并行潮流计算算法大多是为了提高计算速度而开发的,其计算模型缺乏独立性和灵活性,而且多为同步计算模式;

    The existing parallel load flow calculation algorithms are mostly developed for the sake of improving the speed of calculation . The models of calculation lack independence and flexibility .

  30. 采用语义概念相似度计算算法对关键词进行语义扩展,实验结果表明本文提出的集成模型可以提高文献检索效率和查全率。

    By using the Semantic concept similarity calculation algorithm to extend key words , experimental results show that the proposed integrated model can improve the efficiency of document retrieval and recall .