
  • 网络Route;path-finding;path finding;search path;Pathfinding
  1. 路径搜索的算法有很多,不同的搜索算法有其不同的搜索策略、时间效率、空间消耗与应用场合。

    There are many pathfinding algorithms , which have different search strategies , time efficiency and space efficiency . So they have different application situations .

  2. 基于AIS的动态路径搜索算法研究

    Research of Searching Dynamic Route Algorithm Based on AIS

  3. 改进A~算法及其在GIS路径搜索中的应用

    Application of Improved A ~ Algorithm for Path Searching in GIS

  4. C语言对城市最短路径搜索算法的优化

    Make Use of C # Carry Out the Most Short-circuit Path of City to Search Calculate Way

  5. GIS领域最短路径搜索问题的一种高效实现

    A High-efficiency Realization Way of the Shortest Path Search Problem in GIS Field

  6. GPS最短路径搜索研究与实施

    " GPS shortest path " search study and practice

  7. GIS中最短路径搜索算法

    Search a Shortest Path Algorithm in GIS

  8. TOUR及其改进模型在路径搜索中的应用研究

    Application and Research of TOUR Model and Its Improved Model in Route-Hunting

  9. 一种ATE开关最短路径搜索算法

    A Kind of BFS to Search the Optimum Path of ATE Switches

  10. 研究基于GIS的最优路径搜索算法,对GIS关系表的结构提出了信息完备性的要求。

    It studies based on GIS optimum routeses search for algorithm propose information the requests of completeness to GIS relation the structures of form .

  11. 基于Dijkstra的PKI交叉认证路径搜索算法

    Path Searching Algorithm for PKI Cross-certification Based on Dijkstra

  12. CTI中车辆实时最佳路径搜索算法设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Real-time Vehicle Best Path Search Algorithm in CTI

  13. 一种基于Dijkstra算法的启发式最优路径搜索算法

    A heuristic optimization path-finding algorithm based on Dijkstra algorithm

  14. 介绍了Agent技术在系统中的基于改进合同网的任务协同管理应用,以及在专家系统知识库中路径搜索时采用了蚁群算法。

    Secondly , introduces the assignment collaboration management applications of Agent technology with improved CNET , ACO also is used when searching the best way to solutions in the Expert System knowledge data-base .

  15. Dijkstra算法是经典的最短路径搜索算法。

    Dijkstra algorithm is a classical algorithm for searching shortest path in the graph .

  16. 该算法在平均时间复杂度上比传统的Floyd最短路径搜索算法有较大的提高。

    This algorithm is better than the Floyd algorithm in average time complexity .

  17. GIS-T中途经多地点后返回的最短路径搜索算法

    A Shortest Path Searching Algorithm of Returning Starting Past Many Places in GIS-T

  18. 用Dijkstra算法实现了城市中两点间最短路径搜索,在此基础上,实现了基于电子地图的大型车队优化调度及管理的系统软件。

    An efficient approach of the shortest path algorithm which is based on Dijkstra algorithm is realized . A motorcade-optimized dispatching software is realized .

  19. 文中提出了基于Web-GIS系统的关键技术&最短路径搜索算法。

    This thesis proposes a key technology which is the shortest path algorithm based on Web-GIS .

  20. 本文首先把实际的换乘选路问题转化为图论中的路径搜索问题,提出了单限制多权值的第K(≤3)短路径算法。

    At first , actual problem is changed to the path-searching problem in graph , and an algorithm named " Kth shortest path under single constraint with multiple weights " is proposed to solve the selection problem of the transferring path .

  21. 受传统路由算法的启发,设计并实现了五种路径搜索算法,通过仿真实验比较发现其中FDP性能最优。

    Enlightened from the traditional routing algorithm , we design and realize five path-finding algorithms and find out that FDP has the best performance through simulation .

  22. 本论文的重点工作是对医学图像序列的交互式分割方法研究,具体如下:1.针对传统的livewire交互式分割算法的不足,在代价函数和最优路径搜索这两方面进行改进。

    Experiments have verified the effectiveness of the solutions . The main works are as follows : 1 . For the lack of the traditional Live Wire interactive segmentation algorithm , it is improved in both the cost function and the optimal path search .

  23. 通过道路分类,逐层寻优的指导思想对原有最优路径搜索算法进行了改进,并结合启发式搜索策略和GIS功能,实现了问题的求解。

    Guided by the idea of by path classification , search optimal route layer by layer , the existing optimal route search algorithms are improved . The solution to optimal route problem has been given by combining with heuristic search strategy and GIS function .

  24. 以网络平均阻塞率、网络平均搜索成功率和平均每条路径搜索时间为研究对象,在MicrosoftvisualC++6.0环境下采用模块化思想用C语言编程对算法进行了仿真实现。

    With the network blocking probability , success rate for searching path and searching time for each selected path being the main research object , a simulation based on C language in Microsoft Visual C + + 6.0 for these two alternated RWA algorithms are taken .

  25. 在给出公交一体化网络有效路径搜索与网络性能计算的基础上,设计了遗传-变邻域搜索算法求解模型的Pareto解。

    Based on the algorithm for transit efficient path search and computational procedure for integrated network system performance , a genetic-variable neighborhood search algorithm is developed to get Pareto solution set of the proposed model .

  26. 针对多项式核函数的WVD分布图较为复杂,提出了基于Viterbi算法的时频分布图最优路径搜索算法。

    For the polynomial kernel function of the signal frequency distribution map is more complicated , a frequency map optimal path search algorithm based on the Viterbi algorithm is proposed .

  27. 本文根据脉冲耦合神经网络(PCNN)并行运行的特点,提出了基于PCNN模型的迷宫最短路径搜索算法。

    This paper brings forward a new approach for finding the shortest path of maze based on Pulse Couple Neural Network which features parallel running .

  28. 而在最短路径搜索和转乘公车方案的算法实现上,发挥了Delphi语言的所长,利用指针链接的技术,代替用数组来组成队列、栈,达到动态分配内存,节省内存空间及运算时间。

    In the realizing of shortest path algorithm and bus take algorithm , using the pointer in Delphi language to make up the queen , stack replacing the using of array in other system , dynamically assign memory , save memory space and operation time .

  29. 通过对WCDMA系统下行链路信道以及其它干扰因素的分析,深入研究了该系统下行链路RAKE接收机的路径搜索和信道估计两部分的设计,并根据现有算法存在的局限性提出了改进算法。

    Through analyzing the downlink channel of WCDMA system and other interference factors and researching the design of path search and channel estimation for downlink RAKE receiver of WCDMA system , this paper presented a new improved algorithm because of current algorithms with several limitation .

  30. 根据道路网的具体特点,讨论了Dijkstra算法与动态规划理论相结合的最佳路径搜索策略,同时通过限制搜索方向减少算法的搜索规模,提高了算法的运行效率。

    According to the specific characteristics of the road network , The best path search strategy combined the Dijkstra Algorithm and dynamic programming theory is discussed . Meanwhile the operational efficiency of the algorithm by limiting the search direction to reduce the size of the search algorithm .