
  • 网络Subgrade diseases;road bed diseases
  1. CT技术在路基病害勘查治理中的研究及应用

    Research and Application of CT Technology on the Perambulation and Treatment of Roadbed Disease

  2. 基于GIS的铁路路基病害信息管理系统研究与开发

    Research and Development of the Railway Roadbed Information Management System Based on GIS

  3. GIS在高速公路岩溶路基病害研究中的应用&以水任-南宁高速公路为例

    The application of GIS in the study on highway subgrade disease in Karst Area

  4. 不对称V形沟谷填方路基病害分析

    Analysis of Defect in Backfill Subgrade in Asymmetric " V " Ditch

  5. 粘性土挖方路基病害分析及下处理深度

    Distress Analysis and the Downward Treated Depth of Clayey Cut Subgrades

  6. 压力注浆在某高速公路路基病害处理中的应用

    The pressure casting application in an express highway formation disease treating

  7. 浅析高速公路高填土路基病害及处理措施

    Initial analysis on expressway high filling subgrade diseases and treatment measures

  8. 漯阜线某段膨胀土路基病害分析及整治措施

    Research and Control of Swelling Soil Subgrade Hazard of Luohe-Fuyang Railway

  9. 衡重式挡墙在山区公路路基病害处治中的应用

    Application of weighing retaining wall in reinforcing subgrade of mountain highways

  10. 既有东北铁路多年冻土区路基病害整治效果研究

    Measures for roadbed problems of railways in permafrost regions of Northeast China

  11. 滇中红层地区路基病害整治及对策

    Measures against the Subgrade Diseases in the Red Stratum of Mid-Yunnan Area

  12. 浅谈不同盐渍土类型导致的公路路基病害及防治

    RoadBed Disease Resulted By Different Saline Soil Types And Its , Treatment

  13. 路基病害浅析及预防措施

    An Analysis and Preventing Measures of Harm in the Roadbed

  14. 西宝高速公路路基病害处治分析

    The Analysis of the Subgrade Disease Treatment of Xi'an-Baoji Freeway

  15. 在道路工程中,路基病害是一个重点和难点问题。

    Subgrade diseases is a focus and difficult problem in Highway engineering .

  16. 路基病害探测技术及其应用研究

    Study of Technology and Application of Roadbed Disease Exploration

  17. 一种挖方路基病害综合整治的新方法

    A New Method for Treating Distresses on Cut Subgrade

  18. 铁路路基病害诊断专家系统的研究

    Research on Expert System for Railway Roadbed Disease Diagnosis

  19. 旋喷桩在铁路路基病害整治工程中的应用

    Application of the rotary jet grouting pile in railway foundation diseases remedial engineering

  20. 沥青路面路基病害综合检测技术选择

    Choice of Comprehensive Examination Techniques for Early Disease in Asphalt Pavement and Roadbed

  21. 公路路基病害类型及处治对策

    The Types of Highway Foundation Defects and Treatment Measures

  22. 铁路路基病害整治及化学加固材料研究进展

    Treatment of Railway Roadbed Diseases and the Progress of Study on Chemical Stabilizing Reagent

  23. 盐渍土路基病害与防治

    Disease of Salinized Soil Roadbed and Prevention Control

  24. 高密度电阻率成像技术及在铁路路基病害探测中的应用

    High Density Resistivity Imaging Technique and Its Application in Prospecting Diseases of Railway Bed

  25. 路基病害加剧,严重影响行车安全。

    Roadbed disease exacerbated , affecting traffic safety .

  26. 汕梅高速公路路基病害分析与处治

    Shantou-Meizhou Expressway Subgrade Defect Analysis and Counter Measures

  27. 气泡混合轻质土在冻土地区路基病害防治中的研究

    Research of Foamed Cement Banking Worked in Roadbed Diseases Prevention of in Frozen Earth Region

  28. 简要介绍了铁路路基病害的常用整治方法及其存在的问题。

    The paper introduces the treatment measurements of railway roadbed diseases and their existing problems .

  29. 岩溶路基病害与处置技术国内外研究现状

    Status quo of the study on subgrade diseases and the treatment techniques in Karst Area

  30. 铁路路基病害类型、机理及检测与整治技术

    Types and mechanisms of roadbed defects in existing railways and their detection as well as treatment