
  • 网络fault tolerant;Fault tolerance
  1. 网络考试系统安全及容错处理的研究与实现

    The Research and Realization of Safe and Fault Tolerant Disposal Based on Network Examination System

  2. 根据载人潜水器的推进器布置,建立了系统的控制分配模型,设计了推进器故障容错处理策略,研究了基于推力最小二范数的载人潜水器控制分配求解方法。

    Control allocation model of the manned submarine is presented considering its thruster configuration , and a thruster fault tolerant strategy is designed . Thirdly , this paper studies the solution method for manned submarine control allocation based on minimal thrust 2-norm .

  3. 蜗轮滚刀CAD系统人机界面设计与容错处理

    Human - computer interface and fault - tolerant design for womb hob CAD system

  4. 浅析VISUALFOXPRO中的容错处理技术

    An Analysis of Fault - Tolerant Processing Technique in Visual Foxpro

  5. 容错处理技术在Unix软件中的应用

    Application of Fault-tolerance Processing Technique in Unix Application Softwares

  6. PLC部分重点介绍了智能模块的选型、程序设计以及相关容错处理。

    The PLC mainly expound the type selection of the smart module , software design and the fault tolerance algorithm .

  7. 本算法在高性能计算机集群MPI环境中并行实现时,采用主从模式设计程序,合理调配各节点的计算负载,并应用容错处理手段,达到了较高的并行效率。

    The method was realized in powerful cluster MPI computing environment using master-slave model . Strategies of load relocation on different nodes and fault-tolerance were adopted .

  8. 然后分析了数据管理平台的系统架构,设计开发全过程采用模块化开发方法和Strategy、Observer等设计模式,对云存储管理、云连接管理和容错处理等核心子系统进行了详细设计。

    Then , the system architecture of the data management platform is put forwarded as well . The modularization developing method and the design pattern like Strategy and Observer are used to design the core subsystems , such as cloud storage management , cloud connection management and fault-tolerant processes .

  9. 另外,考虑到未来并行计算系统的规模还将进一步扩大,为了更有效的进行容错处理,论文还从MPI并行程序开发的角度,研究探讨了高效的容错并行算法设计方法。

    Besides , oriented to more effectively fault tolerance on future very large scale parallel computing systems , we also do some research on the designing methods and rules of efficient fault tolerant parallel algorithms in MPI programs .

  10. 通过比对容错处理技术处理的前后,该容错处理技术效果明显,更符合人性化要求。

    The fault-tolerant processing technology is more perfect , more human .

  11. 注意了容错处理技术的应用,保证了软件系统的稳定性。

    The system applicate Exception-handling technology to guarantee software stability .

  12. 通过性能分析得出:容错处理算法出现错读概率与远地读到达速率和通信时间量相关。

    The result shows that misread probability is very low with the fault-tolerance algorithm .

  13. 采用内存自检和坏区隔离方法,增强了芯片容错处理能力;

    Applied the memory self-check and bad memory isolation means , it enhanced the disposing errors capability ;

  14. 本文提出了以三模冗余表决为基础构造容错处理核心的方案。

    The article presents the scheme based on Triple Modular redundant voting to construct the fault-tolerant processing core .

  15. 资源调度通过服务质量属性匹配,基于时间、质量、成本、服务和信誉度的多目标决策建模,以及容错处理等过程实现;

    The resource scheduling was carried out by QoS attributes matching , TQCSR-based multi-objective modeling , and fault-tolerant handling .

  16. 探讨了程序运行中可能发生错误的容错处理技术,包括对错误的检测方法和处理方式。

    Fault - tolerant processing technique during running programs is investigated which includes detecting procedure and processing mode of errors .

  17. 高空长航时无人机飞行控制计算机系统必须具备很强的容错处理能力才能提高整个飞机的可靠性。

    Flight Control System in HAE UAV must have so strong failure tolerant ability that it can improve the whole system reliability .

  18. 航天故障检测、诊断与容错处理技术研究调查、诊断模具的故障及处理,以保证产品的品质。

    Research on FDD and fault-tolerant processing for aerospace system To diagnose the die failure and troubleshoot it to insure high quality parts .

  19. 本文针对电动汽车电机驱动系统速度传感器与电流传感器,建立了一套故障诊断与容错处理系统以提高电动汽车性能。

    For current and speed sensors in motor drive system , this paper establishes a system to diagnose the faults and achieve fault-tolerance .

  20. 容错处理算法包括本地读处理算法、远地读处理算法、本地写处理算法、远地写处理算法和复制处理算法等。

    The fault-tolerance algorithm comprises local-read processing algorithm , remote-read processing algorithm , local-write processing algorithm , remote-write processing algorithm , and copy processing algorithm .

  21. 其中重点讨论了基于云计算的数据存储和管理、系统异常情况下对数据进行保护的容错处理。

    The emphasis discussion is the data storage management based on cloud computing and the data fault-tolerant process to protect the system in abnormal condition .

  22. 详细阐述了该系统设计与开发的目标、系统结构、业务流程、关键技术和容错处理。

    The object of design and development of this system , system 's structure , system 's procedure , key technologies , mechanism in mistake are emphasized .

  23. 因此快速、准确、有效地对电机驱动系统进行故障诊断以及容错处理是提高电动汽车性能的有效途径。

    Therefore , it is an effective measure for improving the performance of EV to diagnose and remove the faults in motor drive system quickly and accurately .

  24. 仿真结果表明该传感器仿真器能够模拟真实传感器的测量信号和诊断出传感器发生的故障并进行容错处理,在飞行控制系统半实物仿真试验阶段具有重要价值和意义。

    The results show that the sensor simulator can simulate the real sensor to give real-time sensor signals and can diagnose the sensors ' faults , and it has significant value in flight control systems .

  25. 本文对多摄像头全景方案所涉及的技术进行了研究,对当前流行的全景图像技术进行了分析,针对多图像的拼接技术,误差容错处理技术及图像融合技术进行了研究。

    The multi-camera panorama technology involved in the research is mainly described in the paper , analyzed for panoramic image of the current popular technologies multiple image stitching technology , studied error processing and fault-tolerant image fusion techniques .

  26. 论文第四章介绍了课题的软件设计思路以及设计过程中的系统自检、容错处理、软件抗干扰等问题。

    The software design ideas of the subject , system automatic test during the design , system consistent error disposal and software anti-interference questions are recommended in chapter 4.There have not avoided test errors in the test process .

  27. 对冗余管理所涉及的通道的同步技术、通道内及通道间的数据交换、信号的监控和表决、通道故障逻辑、计算机故障检测及容错处理等技术进行了讨论研究。

    Also designed and researched the synchronization scheme for channels , the data transmission scheme for channels , failure logic scheme for channels , the strategies of signals voting and monitoring , computer failure checking scheme about techniques of redundant management .

  28. 容错并行处理系统结构研究

    Architecture Research on fault tolerant parallel processing system

  29. 因此,在实际应用中,对节点与通信容错的处理对分布式互斥的平均消息复杂度影响很大。

    So the mode of processing the sites and communications fault-tolerance will affect the average message complexity of the distributed mutual exclusion algorithm evidently .

  30. 提出了故障确认环的概念,利用故障确认环与距离动作信息构成了容错性处理措施,并给出了广域保护的跳闸流程。

    The concept of fault confirmation loop is introduced , which can be used to form the treatment measures of fault tolerance with the operation information of distance protection .