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  • Notepad;notebook;calendar;note pad;tickler
  1. 主要叙述以WORD、记事本、AUTOCAD形式组成的文章,且这些文章是以文字与图形或者是图形与文字的形式来进行输入编辑的。

    This article mainly narrates the content that is composed of word , notebook and autocad .

  2. 感谢重庆纸老虎文化发展有限公司对TOUCH意纸·记事本标志征集活动的大力支持。

    Thank Chongqing paper tiger and Cultural Development Corporation to sign the notebook TOUCH assembly of strong support .

  3. 星期五11点?我要把它记在记事本里。

    Friday at 11 ? I 'll put it in my diary .

  4. 秘书把会议日期都写在记事本上。

    The Secretary notes down the date of the meeting m her memorandum book .

  5. 利用VISUALFOXPRO7.0实现记事本

    Notepad Application Using Visual Foxpro 7.0

  6. 如果选择“以符号分隔的文本”,则会打开一个带有示例文本的microsoft记事本页。

    If you select delimited text , a Microsoft Notepad page opens with sample text .

  7. TOUCH意纸·记事本,木偶系列,圣诞温情上市。

    The TOUCH intention paper · diary , puppet series , Christmas Day tender sentiments are listed .

  8. 您可以使用一般编辑工具,例如记事本和其他文本编辑器,其中大多数工具都可以识别PHP语法。

    You can use general editing tools , such as Notepad and other text editors , many of which recognize PHP syntax .

  9. 例如,如果打开microsoft记事本并将该窗口移至“帮助”窗口之上,则“帮助”窗口不会在前端显示。

    For example , if you open Microsoft Notepad and move the window over the help window , the help window does not stay on top .

  10. 斯宾塞西福对3M记事本独特的粘合剂的实验。

    Spencer Silver on the work that led to the unique adhesives for3-M " Post-It " Notepads .

  11. 默认浏览器将使用默认的IE8的观众中内置的记事本将显示内置的WindowsHTML源代码在记事本程序。

    Default Viewer will use the default IE8 built-in viewer , Notepad will display HTML source code on Windows built-in Notepad program .

  12. 本文介绍了利用VISUALFOXPRO提供的低级文件函数实现Windows的记事本的大部分功能的方法,同时也提供了一种动态调整程序界面的方法,使得程序界面更加符合Windows应用程序的风格。

    This paper present that using Low-Level files function of Visual Foxpro to create more functions of Notepad in windows , and provide a basic way to dynamically resize the user interface too .

  13. AK记事本给你写一个大环境,共享和管理您所有的笔记。

    AK Notepad gives you a great environment to write , share , and manage all your notes .

  14. 使用不会添加任何额外字符的文本编辑器(如记事本)来打开CSR文件(certreq.arm)。

    Open the CSR file ( certreq . arm ) using a text editor that does not add extra characters ( such as Notepad ) .

  15. 很多时候我们需要手动修改VS的项目文件(.csproj/.vbproj),这时大多数人会简单的使用记事本(notepad)打开并编辑。

    Earlier I mentioned tweaking project files & something that a lot of people do just by opening the project file up in Notepad and tweaking it .

  16. 但是,为了大多数人能熟悉和使用例子,需要一些简单的程序,比如计算器、记事本、写字板,这些在WindowsXP和WindowNT/2000里都有。

    But , to make the examples familiar and usable by most people , they are based on simple programs such as Calculator , Notepad , and WordPad included with Windows XP and Windows NT / 2000 .

  17. 请注意,在登记处登记的ZIP归档文件将在IE6或IE7过,但都将设置为默认的记事本查看源代码编辑器都工作。

    ZIP archive will both work in IE6 or IE7 too , but will both set Notepad as the default View Source editor .

  18. 要打印Readme。txt,在记事本或其它字处理器中打开它,然后使用文件菜单中的打印命令

    To print readme . txt , open it in notepad or another word processor , then use the print command on the file menu

  19. 另外使用ASP还有很多优势,第一个就是可以使用很多工具来开发,例如记事本,同时还支持所有的浏览器,程序执行结果可以在所有的浏览器上显示出来。

    In addition the use of ASP has many advantages , the first one is to use many tools to develop , such as Notepad , also supported by all browsers , program execution results can be displayed in all browsers .

  20. 如果两个程序都在运行,则wordpad处于活动状态时将显示语音按钮,而记事本处于活动状态时此按钮会消失。

    If both programs are running , the speech buttons appear when WordPad is active , but disappear when you make Notepad the active program .

  21. 英国伍斯特(Worcester)的尼古拉斯•李(NicholasLee)曾接受过金德的培训,他做冥想,还一直使用一个页面顶端印着“吸气”,底部印着“吐气”的记事本。

    Nicholas Lee of Worcester , England , who trained with Mr. Kinder , meditates and faithfully uses a notepad with ' Breathe in ' printed on top of the pages and ' Breathe out ' at the bottom .

  22. 电脑里甚至还装了一个称为“Cozi”的家庭日历程序、可以留便条的触摸式记事本程序以及对于孩子很有吸引力的手指绘画程序。

    It even comes with a family calendar program , called Cozi ; a touch-based notepad feature for leaving messages ; and an appealing finger-painting program for kids .

  23. 全球广告机构欧洲RSCG开发了这款记事本纸巾,螺旋装订的小本子让你可以随时记下笔记、草图、甚至下一个了不起的商业想法。

    Global advertising agency Euro RSCG Worldwide has developed the Napkin Notebook , a spiral-bound collection of cocktail napkins ready to be filled with notes , sketches or the next great business idea .

  24. 用途:杂志,书籍,广告传单,记事本,信纸,信封,便条纸,涂布原纸,NCR原纸。

    Application : Magazine , book , flyer , notebook , stationary paper , envelope , notepad , coated base paper , NCR base paper . Base paper : Paper to which a coating is to be added . Also called Body paper , Body stock .

  25. 您可以使用记事本打开和编辑该文件。

    You can use Notepad to open and edit the file .

  26. 退出记事本,在文件选项菜单中点击退出。

    To exit Notepad , click Exit on the File menu .

  27. 每次单击都将看到“记事本”的单独的实例。

    You will see separate instances of Notepad for each click .

  28. 选择所有文本把它们复制到记事本。

    Simply select all the text and copy it to Notepad .

  29. 看,这里有一个记事本,还有一些名片。

    Look , here is a notebook and some business cards .

  30. 买本好的备忘记事本或日历并利用它。

    Buy a quality personal planner or calendar and use it !