
jì zhù
  • remember;memorize;learn;bear in mind;commit to memory;learn by heart;carry in one's head
记住 [jì zhù]
  • [remember;bear in mind;carry in one's head;bearn by heart] 留在记忆中

  • 考试前要记住那些日期

记住[jì zhù]
  1. 记住,吃了这些药片之后,你可能会犯困。

    Remember you may feel sleepy after taking the pills .

  2. 记住,对彼得可要只字不提这件事的任何情况。

    Remember ─ not a word to Peter about any of this .

  3. 记住我的话,这件事是会有麻烦的。

    There 'll be trouble over this , mark my words .

  4. 她提醒自己要记住向艾伦问问这事。

    She made a mental note to ask Alan about it .

  5. 记住,你一定得回来吃饭。

    You must be home for dinner , mind .

  6. 规划该项目时,记住要把雇人费用这个因素考虑进去。

    Remember to factor in staffing costs when you are planning the project .

  7. 她记忆力好,很容易记住事情。

    She has a good memory and finds it easy to retain facts .

  8. 后人将会记住他是个伟人。

    Posterity will remember him as a great man .

  9. 记住把饮料费加进去。

    Remember to add in the cost of drinks .

  10. 最要紧的是记住关掉防盗报警器的开关。

    The main thing to remember is to switch off the burglar alarm .

  11. 这个号码我拨了很多次,都记住了。

    I 've dialled the number so many times I know it by heart .

  12. 记住带尿布和婴儿的湿纸巾。

    Remember to take nappies and baby wipes .

  13. 你记住给服务员小费了吗?

    Did you remember to tip the waiter ?

  14. 记住,不要大肆宣扬,我们只要到那儿去干我们的活就行了。

    Remember , no heroics , we just go in there and do our job .

  15. 你记住你的台词了吗?

    Have you learned your part yet ?

  16. 他很善于发现并记住细节。

    He had an eye for detail .

  17. 要记住那些不如你们幸运的人。

    Remember those less fortunate than yourselves .

  18. 你是嫌疑犯,不是侦探,给我记住了。

    You 're a suspect , not a detective , and don 't you forget it .

  19. 我不会试图一字不落地记住讲话要说的内容。

    I don 't try to memorize speeches word for word .

  20. 这首歌令人感怀不已,我已牢牢记住。

    It just lodged in my mind as a very sentimental song

  21. 记住,房地产代理商是为房地产卖方服务的。

    Remember , the estate agent is working for the vendor .

  22. 我必须忘掉这些枝节问题,记住我的使命。

    I must forget these side issues and remember my mission .

  23. 他为自己记住了她的名字得意起来。

    He was pleased with himself for having remembered her name

  24. 重要的是要记住每个人的反应不同。

    It is important to remember that each person reacts differently

  25. 我会重复一下,好让你们记住。

    I 'll repeat that so you can commit it to memory .

  26. 记住,就事论事,不要把问题个人化。

    Remember , stick to the issues and don 't take it personally .

  27. 当时我是第一次听到他的名字,就记住了。

    His name was new to me then and it stayed in my mind

  28. 要记住的是,一旦结婚,原遗嘱自动失效。

    It is worth remembering that previous wills are nullified automatically upon marriage .

  29. 我希望大家记住现场演唱会上的猫王。

    I want people to remember Elvis in concert .

  30. 记住,我们要他活着。

    And remember , we want him alive .