
  1. 列举了在DCS1200拉伸变形机运行中,圆弧齿同步皮带失效的形式和原因,提出改进措施,延长圆弧齿同步带使用寿命,提高DTY质量,降低设备维修费用。

    The forms and reasons of timing belt failture are cited during operating of DCS 1200 draw texturing machine . The improved measures are offered , which can elongate the usage of timing belt , improve the quality of DTY and reduce the maintenance cost .

  2. 微机的维护与保养关于设备维修费用函数

    Repairing and Maintenance of Microcomputer On the Cost Function of Maintenance

  3. 降低工程机械设备维修费用的几点探索

    The Study on Reducing the Maintenance Cost of Engineering Mechanical Equipment

  4. 关于控制设备维修费用增进企业经济效益的探讨

    Approaching on Control Cost of Equipments Maintenance and Increasing Enterprise Economic Benefit

  5. 建筑企业设备维修费用的探讨预测性设备维修

    The discussion on the cost of the equipment maintenance under modern enterprise system

  6. 协力检修模式下设备维修费用管理与控制探析

    Discussion on Management and Control of Plant Maintenance Expenses Under Cooperation Maintenance Mode

  7. 如何降低设备维修费用

    How to Reduce the Maintenance Cost for Equipment

  8. 企业关键设备维修费用的优化理论及优化方法

    The Optimizing Theory and Approaches to the Distribution of the Maintenance Cost on the Critical Facilities of an Enterprise

  9. 随着工业的发展,设备维修费用居高不下,这已经引起了很多企业的高度重视。

    With the development of industry , the cost of equipment maintenance stays very high ; this has attracted the attention of many enterprises .

  10. 旋转机械状态监测对于旋转机械运行安全,降低设备维修费用,提高设备利用率有重大意义。

    The condition monitoring of Rotating machinery can reduce the cost of equipments maintenance , keep the security of manufacture and increase the use of equipments .

  11. 随着发电机组不断向高参数、大容量、高度自动化趋势发展,设备维修费用逐渐增加。

    Currently , along with the trend development of generator units continuously becoming to high parameter , big capacity and high automation , the equipments maintenance expenses increase gradually .

  12. 针对多种设备维修费用的优化,建立了一个维修费用分配的模型,用遗传算法进行了优化,并对优化过程进行了详细的阐述。

    It builds an optimization model for cost distribution of multiple weapons and optimizes it using genetic algorithms . In addition , the process of optimization is also described in detail .

  13. 通过对设备维修费用的统计分析,建立了定期维修和视情维修工作的经济权衡模型,为机械设备的预防维修决策提供了科学的依据。

    Through statistical cost analysis in equipment maintenance , an economic weighing model of periodical maintenance and " as required " maintenance is established , which provides scientific basis for the decision-making of the preventive maintenance program of machines and equipment .

  14. 针对锅炉用除盐水水质差、水的利用率低以及设备维修费用高等问题,淘汰了原来的水处理设备(电渗析和钠离子交换器),更换为反渗透水处理设备。

    Based on the following problems : poor quality of desalinated water for boilers , low utilization ratio of water but high cost of maintenance , the electrodialysis equipment for water processing and sodium ion exchangers which we used before are now eliminated .

  15. 同时大大降低了设备的维修费用,提高了设备的利用率。

    It greatly reduces the expenses for the equipment - repair and hence enhances the rate of utilization .

  16. 施工机械设备维修保养费用已经成为机械设备使用成本的一项重要支出,笔者就如何有效地降低这项支出费用从管理、人员素质、新技术应用等方面作了探索,有一定参考价值。

    From the management , personnel quality and new technology application etc. , the author discussed how to reduce the maintenance cost of engineering mechanical equipment .

  17. 因此,研究齿轮故障对于降低设备的维修费用,提高产品的质量和市场竞争力,具有很大的经济效益和社会效益。

    Therefore , the research of the gears fault has economic and society efficiency for decreasing the maintenance expresses of the plant and raising the quality of the product .

  18. 风力发电机组的复杂性,而且风电厂多地处偏远,甚至位于海上,使设备的维修费用成为目前风电厂的最大支出之一。

    The complexity of wind turbines and wind power plants always located in remote , even at sea , make the equipment maintenance costs to be one of the largest expenses for the current wind power plant .

  19. 求得设备的维修费用与维修时间的关系;进行设备的寿命周期费用分析及费用效率分析等。

    This system can be used for analyzing the operation reliability and maintenance of equipment , calculating the static usability , working out the relationship between equipment maintenance cost and time , and analyzing the life cycle cost and cost efficiency of equipment .

  20. 通过对设备故障维修费用、故障损失费用、定期维护费用与设备运行时间的动态关系的分析,基于运行费用最小的原则,提出了设备维修周期的优化模型,采用改进的模拟退火算法进行优化;

    Based on analysis of the dynamic relationship between the operating time and the costs of repair , failure loss and periodic maintenance for equipment , the optimization model of equipment maintenance cycle is established according to the principle of minimum running cost , using the algorithm of simulated annealing .

  21. 医疗设备昂贵的维修费用已成为医院领导和设备主管部门使用科室日益关注的问题。

    The expensive maintenance cost of medical apparatus has become a problem which gradually gets close attention by leaders and the equipment department in charge .

  22. 医疗设备维修难、维修费用昂贵已引起各家医院的关注。

    A number of hospitals have been involved in the inconvenience and high cost of medical equipment maintenance .

  23. 就室内设计来说,使用经过检验的家具,纺织品和设备就能大大降低维修费用。

    In the interior design , the use of furniture , fabrics and equipment that have been tested can sharply cut maintenance cost .

  24. 化学泡沫超低密度水泥浆避免了固井补救措施造成的费用,而且节约了大量的机械设备购置资金和维修费用,具有较好的经济效益。

    Ultra-low density chemical foam cement slurry reduced the costs of cementing remediation and saved a lot of money for equipment purchase and maintenance .

  25. 从维修队伍的建设,保修合同的控制,制度建设,外部维修资源等方面介绍了医疗设备维修过程中的费用控制方法。

    This paper introduces methods to control the cost of maintenance and repair for medical equipments through service team training , service contract control , system establishment and outside service resources , etc. .

  26. 其结构简单,设计合理,减少土建和设备投资,降低设备维修费用及生产成本,具有较好的冷却效果。

    The utility model has simple structure and reasonable design , reduces civil engineering and device investment , decreases device maintenance cost and production cost , and has fine cooling effect .

  27. 通过本系统的实施,提高了设备利用率、降低了设备维修费用,提高了产品产量、改善了产品品质、确保了安全生产。

    Through the application of this system , equipment utilization ratio is increased , maintenance expense is reduced , production output is increased and production quality is improved .

  28. 引入价值工程分析方法构建发电设备维修决策过程,研究决策过程中的设备状态分析、维修费用分析、维修决策及优化等关键技术。

    Value engineering analysis method has been introduced to design the maintenance decision-making process of the plant set , and to research equipment state analysis , maintenance cost analysis , maintenance decision-making and optimization technology in the process .

  29. 随着工业生产设备的大型化,冲蚀磨损造成材料的磨损增大,设备的维修费用增加,所造成的经济损失相当严重。

    With the industrialization of large-scale equipment , erosion caused increasing wear of materials , equipment maintenance costs and the economic losses very serious .

  30. 并推出了通过求出设备的临界磨损量来确定最佳维修周期的方法,以此减少设备的维修费用。

    The result shows that the way of optimum maintenance cycle is determined through achieving critical wear quantity of equipment .