
zhènɡ quàn jiāo yì fǎ
  • securities exchange act;securities exchange law
  1. 证券交易法的立法目的主要是发展国民经济,并保障投资。

    The main purpose of the securities exchange act is the development of the nation economy .

  2. 按照1934年证券交易法的规定,上报公司正式责成下列正式授权人代表其在本报告上签字。

    Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of1934 , the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized .

  3. 韩国证券交易法修正和并购的影响

    The amendments of Securities and Exchange Act and the announce effects of M & A in Korea

  4. 在立法上,我国台湾地区在消费者保护法、营业秘密法、知识产权法和证券交易法等领域明确规定了惩罚性赔偿。

    Our country 's legislation also set punitive and compensate system in field of responsibility of product .

  5. 这项规定是为了将所有涉及雇员的交易记录集中起来进行监督,防止任何违反证券交易法的事件发生。

    This would enable centralized record keeping , surveillance and compliance checks for possible violations of securities laws and regulations .

  6. 1934年美国证券交易法对非雇员董事作了如下定义,目前不是股票发行者的雇员,除了作为董事以外不直接或者间接的获得报酬。

    The Securities Exchange Act of1934 defines a non-employee director as one who is not currently employed by the stock issuer , the person does not receive compensation directly or indirectly other than as a director .

  7. 第一部分介绍美国《1934年证券交易法》的立法背景,详细的考察了《1934年证券交易法》颁布的经济、政治、思想背景和制度背景。

    The first part is the introduction of the United States of America "" Securities Exchange Act of1934 " legislative background ", a detailed study of the " Securities Exchange Act of1934 " issued by the economic , political , ideological and institutional backgrounds .

  8. 在大学里我学的专业是证券交易。金融法与证券法专业术语的英汉翻译

    My speciality at university is securities business . A Study of Professional Terms in Financial Law and Securities Law in the Domain of English-Chinese Translation