
  • 网络security issuing;Securities issuance;issuing of securities
  1. 保荐制度的出台是我国证券发行市场的重大变革,对证券市场产生了较为深远的影响。

    Implementing the sponsor system is a significant transformation in securities issuance market , which exerts a deep and long-term influence in securities market .

  2. 法律监管的范围涉及市场准入审批、证券发行、证券交易、资产管理和外汇管理等方面。

    Legal supervision extends to examination and approval of market access , securities issuance , stock exchanges , asset management and foreign exchange control .

  3. 例如,这些证券发行机构在1927年的流通证券中,就提供了一百九十亿美元的证券。

    For example , these security affiliates participated in the floating of 19000000000 of issues in 1927 .

  4. 投资银行,InvestmentBank,是一种专门从事证券发行承销、证券经纪、企业并购、项目融资、投资管理等业务现代资本市场上重要的金融中介机构。

    Investment bank is a kind of financial intermediate agency in modern capital market specializing in such businesses as security issuing and underwriting , security managing , corporation merger , project financing , corporation financial transition conducting , and investment management , etc.

  5. 建立了评价证券发行监管制度变迁效果的模型,分别从经营业绩、信息欺诈水平和市场业绩深入分析了IPO历次政策变迁的效果。

    We build a model to evaluate the validity of institutional change of securities issuing supervision and management through operation achievement , information cheating level and securities market achievement .

  6. 第三章分类探讨了证券发行欺诈、欺诈客户、内幕交易、操纵市场、虚证券欺诈民事责任研究假陈述_h种典型的证券欺诈行为民事责任的相关理论和现实问题。

    Chapter III It goes further into relevant principles and practical problems governing five typical civil responsibilities of securities fraud practices : deceptive issuing , cheating consumers , insider trading , market manipulation , and false statement .

  7. 自1970年第一笔MBS证券发行以来,这项创新相继被许多国家引入房地产金融领域,对这些国家房地产业的起飞、金融与经济的发展起了巨大的推动作用。

    Since the first MBS was issued in 1970 , this innovation has been introduced into real estate finance field by many countries in succession and played an important role in booming national real estate and developing finance and economy .

  8. 对于SPV,证券发行的收入、权益偿付时受到债务人支付的现金都要缴纳所得税。

    For SPV , the income of security public , the cash of equity income pay by the debt have to pay for income tax , rights when the debtor pay by payment of cash to pay income tax .

  9. 首先采用单因素分析方法对解释变量在单个基础上运用平均值差异t检验和中位数Mann-WhitneyU检验,对涉及两类证券发行公司的财务特征的显著差异提供一个初步的考察。

    Firstly , adopting single-element analysis method to conduct " average diversity " t test and " median Mann-WhitneyU " test for explanatory variables , to provide a primary review for concerned two kinds bond issue companies remarkable diversity of financial characteristics .

  10. 第三章资产支持证券发行准备阶段的监管。

    Chapter ⅲ Regulation in Preparatory Phase of Asset-backed Securities Issuance .

  11. 证券发行的概念探讨

    The Discussion of the Definition of " Issuing of Securities "

  12. 证券发行管制与噪声交易者的生存与繁荣

    The Survival and Thriving of Noise Traders with Security Issue Regulatory

  13. 上市公司合格证券发行人制度研究

    Studying on the System of Eligible Securities Publisher of Listed Companies

  14. 投资者利益保护与新兴市场证券发行管制

    The Protection of Investors and the Regulation on Security Issue

  15. 信息披露作为缓解信息不对称、约束证券发行人和有关人员的行为、保护投资者合法权益的重要手段,其作用并未得到充分的发挥。

    The function of information disclosure has not been given full play .

  16. 对中国证券发行机制的思考

    A Research in the Issuing Mechanism of China Securities Market

  17. 证券发行与上市制度国际比较研究

    Research on International Comparison of Securities Issuing and Listing System

  18. 论我国证券发行市场的政府监管

    Study on the Government Regulation of the Securities Issue Market in China

  19. 第四部分:证券发行市场的虚假陈述的民事责任。

    Part Four : Civil liability of misstatement in the security issuing market .

  20. 另外,还着重论述了证券发行市场虚假陈述民事责任的性质。

    Moreover , the article discussed the character of misstatement in issue market .

  21. 我国证券发行保荐制度的宏观绩效检验

    The Macroscopy of Performance Testing for Sponsor System on Securities Issue in China

  22. 逐步改革现行的证券发行制度;

    Gradually reform the current way of issuing stocks ;

  23. 证券发行制度的经济分析及评价

    Analysis and Assessment of China Securities Offering System

  24. 论证券发行信息公开行为的法律性质及其民事责任

    On the Legal Nature of Information Publication in Security Offering and its Civil Responsibility

  25. 去年结构化证券发行飙升至2万亿美元,复杂程度也不断增加。

    Structured issuance ballooned to $ 2 trillion last year and grew in complexity .

  26. 最后分析了美国二级抵押贷款市场上的证券发行与持有结构。

    Lastly , it analyses the issuing and holding structure of American secondary market .

  27. 我国专业中介机构在证券发行中虚假陈述的法律责任

    Law liability of false report of China 's special media agencies in securities issue

  28. 跨境上市的直接结果是证券发行人及其主要营业地与投资者分处不同的国家或法域。

    Cross-border listing makes securities issuers and investors and business in different countries or jurisdictions .

  29. 发行定价制度决定了证券发行市场价值决定功能和资源配置功能的发挥程度;

    The function of market value deciding and resources collocating depend on issuing pricing system ;

  30. 第二章证券发行中信息披露义务的表现形式。

    The second chapter is the concerning forms of information disclosure duties in issuing securities .