
  • 网络bank of thailand;BOT
  1. 泰国银行负责货币的发行。

    The issuance of currency is the responsibility of the Bank of Thailand .

  2. 泰国银行已经发出警告,今年全国经济可能会收缩4%以上。

    The Bank of Thailand warns the economy could contract more than four percent this year .

  3. 泰国银行业重组措施及效果分析

    Banks ' Restructuring and Its Effect on Thai land

  4. 但是泰国银行很快便在其他方面得到了慰藉,泰国出口邻国和远离本国的“新”市场份额逐渐增加。

    But the bank found consolation in Thailand 's growing sales to its neighbours and to " new " markets farther afield .

  5. 泰国银行希望海外投资泰铢贬值的目的,从而给处境的出口商帮助。

    Thailand 's central bank hopes to help the country 's beleaguered exporters by allowing more investment overseas part of a strategy to cheapen the Thai baht .

  6. 这时她已30岁了,个人的婚恋屡屡失败:先是与相恋八年的泰国银行总裁分手,紧接着又与一位菲籍华裔男士终结恋情。

    Then she had a30-year-old individual , Love repeated failures : first love affair with the2008 Bank of Thailand to break up , Immediately afterward , and a Filipino Chinese men end of love .

  7. 泰国商业银行现状

    The Present Situation of Thailand 's Commercial Banks

  8. 预计总理职位将由人民力量党党魁沙马接掌。今年72岁的沙马先前是泰国中央银行行长、电视烹调节目主持人。

    The post is expected to go to the PPP 's Samak Sundaravej-a72-year-old former Bangkok governor and TV cooking show host .

  9. 贷款以泰国中央银行与金管局签订的货币掉期协议形式进行,息率按照市场水平。

    The loan was organised in the form of a currency swap agreement between the Bank of Thailand and the HKMA at market interest rates .

  10. 根据汇丰首席执行官欧智华(stuartgulliver)制定的一项大范围战略调整方案,该行已经出售或关闭了日本和泰国的零售银行业务,并出售了旗下的亚洲保险业务。

    The bank has already sold or closed its retail banking operations in Japan and Thailand and sold its Asian insurance businesses as part of a broader strategic overhaul under Stuart Gulliver , chief executive .

  11. 从非对称信息理论出发,联系泰国农业合作银行(BAAC)的经营实际,笔者认为非对称信息引起的逆向选择和道德风险,是阻碍正规金融机构在农村开展金融业务的重要原因。

    Seeing from the information asymmetry theory , combining the practical operation of Thailand BAAC , the author holds that adverse selection and moral hazard resulted from information asymmetry are the important causes for impeding formal financial institutions providing financial services in rural area .

  12. 这项由国际结算银行安排的短期过渡贷款,显示各央行对泰国国家中央银行的支持。

    The short-term bis bridging facility is a demonstration of the support from the international central bank community for the Bank of thailand .

  13. 泰国进出口银行行长、前商务部长纳隆猜说,全球经济危机将加速亚洲的经济整合,因为邻国之间相互求助进行投资与贸易。

    Narongchai Akrasanee , chairman of the Export-Import Bank of Thailand and the country 's former commerce minister , said the global economic crisis would accelerate Asian economic integration as neighbors turn to each other for investment and trade .

  14. 目前,外国基金公司已在很大程度上远离了泰国市场,部分原因是大型泰国本土银行主导了基金分销。

    Foreign managers have largely steered clear of the Thai market , partly because of the dominance of big local banks in fund distribution .

  15. 由于最近泰国实施了一些极端的控制手段,泰国银行已不被允许向进行投机的外国投资者出售投资者出售其本国货币,外国投资者也不能再出售泰国股票换成泰铢。

    For Thailand fulfilled some extreme controls recently , Thailand banks are not allowed to sale its currency to foreign arbitrage investors , and foreign investors can no longer exchange their Thailand stocks into Thai baht .