
  1. 物权请求权与诉讼时效制度的适用

    Claim of Right in Rem and the Application of Action Limitation

  2. 关于我国行政诉讼时效制度的一些思考

    Reflection on the Prescription of Action in Administrative Litigation of China

  3. 行政诉讼时效制度研究

    A Research on the Limitation of Action in Administrative Litigation

  4. 关于完善诉讼时效制度的几个问题

    Some Issues Concerning the Perfection of System of Limitation of Legal Proceedings

  5. 我国民法诉讼时效制度之构想

    Suggestions on the Perfection of the Limitation of Action System in the Draft Civil Code

  6. 论诉讼时效制度对返还财产请求权的适用&兼论对物上请求权是否应当适用诉讼时效制度的研讨应当仅针对返还财产请求权来进行

    On Application of the Rule of Limitation to the Right of Claim for Return of Property

  7. 接下来分四个部分论证我国诉讼时效制度的完善。

    The next demonstration is divided into four parts of the limitation of our system perfect .

  8. 论意思自治原则在诉讼时效制度中的体现

    On the Representation of the Principle of Meaning Autonomy in the System of Time Effectiveness of Proceedings

  9. 诉讼时效制度是在我国司法实践中运用得较为广泛的制度。

    The system of the limitation of action is extensively applied in the judicial practice of our country .

  10. 申请违约金调整的期限应当适用诉讼时效制度,而不能适用除斥期间。

    The deadline of applying for adjustment of liquidated damages should use statute of limitation , but not Aus .

  11. 取得时效制度不能由善意取得制度、诉讼时效制度、公信制度等其它制度代替。

    The system can 't be replaced by others such as bona fide possession , prescription of action , etc.

  12. 第二部分诉讼时效制度的目的&对传统学说的反思。

    Part II describes the aim of system of limitation of action and the restudy to the traditional theory .

  13. 再次,对诉讼时效制度的法律价值进行了论述,确定了诉讼时效制度存在的价值。

    Again , the law value of the limitation of action is discussed , and its value of existence is built .

  14. 我国目前只规定了诉讼时效制度,对取得时效制度则一直没有明确的规定。

    China currently provides only a system of suit ageing , but has not clearly defined the system of positive prescription .

  15. 因为确立诉讼时效制度的本意就是要创设一种合理的社会交易秩序。

    Because the essential purpose of the establishment of litigation prescription system is to set up a rational social order of transaction .

  16. 遵循这些理论基准,排除不适用诉讼时效制度的部分权利,诉讼时效制度应当只适用于财产性的债权请求权。

    Follow these norms , The Limitation of Action should only be applicable to the Limitation of claims in the Property claim .

  17. 诉讼时效制度既为一项古老的民法制度,其身后的理论研究自然丰富多彩,尤其是处于核心地位的诉讼时效效力问题倍受民法学家的青睐。法学家的技艺

    Civil legal jurists focus on the issue of extinctive prescription , which is regarded as a core issue . Jurist 's Skill

  18. 本文共分五章,第一章介绍了诉讼时效制度的起源、发展以及立法动机。

    The paper includes 5 chapters . The first chapter introduces the origin , development and intention of the Limitation of Action separately .

  19. 劳动争议仲裁申请时效过短,应当实行诉讼时效制度。

    The time limit of arbitration for applying is too short to protect the laborers'rights , therefore the limitations should be put into practice .

  20. 诉讼时效制度的立法例,应采用分别主义的立法例;

    The lawmaking example of the civil code of the system of limitation of action in civil code should adopt that of distinguishing doctrine ;

  21. 保证合同诉讼时效制度由于立法上的不完善甚至条文之间的相互冲突,引发了较多的争议。

    Guarantees contract limitation of lawsuit system , because of imperfect Legislation , and even between the article mutual conflict , has initiated many disputes .

  22. 诉讼时效制度是传统民法中的一项重要制度,直接关系到民事权利能否得到法律保护。

    Limitation of actions is an important system of the traditional civil law system , directly related to whether civil rights can be protected by law .

  23. 在我国进行物权法起草的过程中,就物权请求权应否适用诉讼时效制度,存在有不同意见。

    During the draft of real property law in China , theirs different ideas on whether the claim of right in rem should apply action limitation .

  24. 加之社会经济体制的变化,现行的诉讼时效制度显然已无法适应我国社会经济发展的新情况和新变化,对其进行进一步的改进和完善迫在眉睫。

    With the development of our social and economic system , the current Limitation of Action System of Civil Law is apparently unsuitable to the new situation .

  25. 诉讼时效制度是大陆法系民法中的一项重要制度,各国均在民法典中作出了精巧的设计。

    Limitation of actions is an important system in the civil law of continental law system . It was designed ingeniously in many countries ' civil law codes .

  26. 设立诉讼时效制度,如果诉讼时效届满,就认为权利人丧失权利或不受法律保护,即以诉讼时效为证据的代用,避免当事人举证人民法院调查证据的困难。

    Setting the prescription system of lawsuit , if the deadline is to the end for the prescription of lawsuit , the party will not be protected by law .

  27. 由于法律规定尚不完善,诉讼时效制度中的某些问题在理论和实践层面引发了许多争议。

    Some issues concerning the system of limitation system in legal actions cause many disputes in theory and practice as a result of the imperfections of the statute of limitations .

  28. 二十多年的司法实践也充分证明了诉讼时效制度在维护公共利益、稳定社会关系、促进经济发展等方面发挥了重要的作用。

    Twenty years of judicial practice has also fully proved that the Limitation of Action System plays a very important role in public interests , social stability and economic development .

  29. 我国《民法通则》规定的诉讼时效制度不很合理,尽管2003年官方颁布的《民法典草案》讨论稿对此作了修改,但仍不够完善。

    The limitation system defined in China ′ s General Principles of Civil Law is not reasonable and the amendment in the Draft of Civil Code is not perfect yet .

  30. 我国行政诉讼时效制度存在的问题及对策研究论意思自治原则在诉讼时效制度中的体现

    Discussion on the System of Prescription of an Action of Administrative Litigation in China ; On the Representation of the Principle of Meaning Autonomy in the System of Time Effectiveness of Proceedings