
sù sònɡ quán lì
  • Litigation rights;procedural right;right of action;right in litigation;litigious right
  1. 诉讼权利告知的实证研究

    Positive Research On Litigious Right Notification

  2. 因此,当事人诉讼权利既关乎反映民事诉讼制度之技术理性,同时又关乎民事诉讼制度之价值理性。

    That is to say , the litigious right is directly related to the reflection of the substantive authenticity in the litigation procedure ;

  3. 刑事被害人诉讼权利保障问题越来越为人们所重视。

    The protection of crime victims now receives more and more attention .

  4. 鉴定制度涉及公民诉讼权利保护的方面比较多。

    Authenticating the system involves citizen litigation 's right protective spect more .

  5. 第一部分主要从理论上探讨了未成年人刑事诉讼权利保护概念和必要性。

    The first part studied the concept of and necessity in theory .

  6. 在程序上,能充分保障双方当事人平等的诉讼权利。

    In procedure , it can fully protect the equal lawsuit right .

  7. 面对死刑的人的诉讼权利的保障

    Ensuring the Procedural Rights of the Person Facing Death Penalty

  8. 简论诉讼权利平等原则

    A Simple Discussion on the Principle of the Equal Right of Action

  9. 司法保护主要是强调对诉讼权利和法院审判权的正确行使;

    Mostly , emphasizing exertion procedure right and jurisdiction well to avoid abusingthem ;

  10. 刍议我国公司股东诉讼权利的完善

    On the Perfection of Shareholder 's Lawsuit Right of Our Country 's Company

  11. 略论代位权诉讼权利滥用的法理思考

    Reflection of law theory on the abuse of right

  12. 靠的就是法律所赋予的诉讼权利。

    The answer is : civil litigation rights given by the procedural law .

  13. 第三篇为辩护律师诉讼权利的保障。

    Chapter Four is the present situation of defence attorneys ' procedural rights .

  14. 律师刑事诉讼权利的价值分析

    Value Analyses of Lawyer 's Right in Criminal Suit

  15. 撤诉是当事人一项重要的诉讼权利。

    Withdrawal is an important party right of action .

  16. 论面临死刑犯罪人诉讼权利的保障

    On the right safeguarding of criminal suspect of death penalty in criminal lawsuit

  17. 这些诉讼权利互相配合,共同保障当事人在程序中的利益和主体地位。

    All these rights together protect litigant 's interests and status in civil procedure .

  18. 诚实信用原则对诉讼权利滥用之制衡

    Principle of Faith vs Abuse of Civil Procedure

  19. 被害人诉讼权利保护的国际准则在国际立法层面与实践层面均有体现。

    Victim litigation rights guarantee international standards in the international legislation and practice embodied .

  20. 被害人诉讼权利的保障与实现

    Guarantee and Realization of the Lawsuit for Victims

  21. 侦查程序中未成年犯罪嫌疑人之诉讼权利保障研究

    Investigation Process Criminal Suspects a Juvenile Right of Action to Protect People 's Research

  22. 论辩护律师之基本诉讼权利

    The Basic Litigation Rights of Defence Lawyers

  23. 另外,被追拆人的诉讼权利也受到了严格限制。

    In addition , the litigious rights of the accused person have also been restricted .

  24. 刑事被害人诉讼权利问题研究

    Research on Criminal Victim 's Litigation Rights

  25. 论当事人诉讼权利的保护

    On the Protection of Litigant Procedure Right

  26. 第三章包括当事人诉讼权利的保障与对当事人滥用诉讼权利行为的规制两方面内容。

    The third chapter includes protection of litigious rights and regulation of abusing litigious rights .

  27. 辩护是犯罪嫌疑人、被告人享有的最基本、最关键的诉讼权利。

    Defence is a basic and key litigation right of the criminal suspect and defendant .

  28. 辩护律师的诉讼权利研究

    Research on Procedural Rights of Defence Attorneys

  29. 立法上应当完善被害人在此阶段享有的诉讼权利,以充分保护被害人的合法权益,实现社会正义。

    The lawsuit right should be perfected in lawmaking in order to realize the social justices .

  30. 最后陈述权是刑事被告人在庭审中所享有的一项重要的诉讼权利。

    The final illustrating right is an important legal right of criminal defendant in the try .