
shī jīng
  • The Book of Songs;Shi Jing(Classic of Poetry)
诗经 [shī jīng]
  • [Shi Jing(Classic of Poetry);The Book of Songs] 中国古代第一部诗歌总集。收集了周朝初年(公元前11世纪)到春秋中期(前6世纪)的诗歌305篇。分风、雅、颂三大类。风采自民间乐曲,雅是王都附近的乐曲,颂是祭祖祀神的乐曲。所有诗歌均可歌唱,但乐谱今已不传。其内容对统治者征战田猎,贵族集团奢侈荒淫的生活,人民的劳动生活和婚姻爱情都有所反映。形式以四言为主,采用了赋、比、兴的艺术表现手法。这些创作手法为后代诗人所继承。汉代将《诗》列入儒家经典,称为《诗经》,为五经之一

诗经[shī jīng]
  1. 以前人们侧重于从政治、思想、伦理和哲学方面研究《诗经,》其实从《诗经》中能解读出较明显的经济意识。

    People used to study The Book of Songs on the politics , thought , ethics and philosophy .

  2. 《诗经》:中国写作原论

    The Book of Songs : A Masterpiece of Writing in China

  3. 普天之下,莫非王土(《诗经》)

    All the land under heaven belongs to the king .

  4. 出其东门,有女如云。(《诗经》)

    Through the East gate , outward bound , | cloudlike groups of maids I found .

  5. 奕奕梁山。(《诗经》)

    How great is mount liang !

  6. 忧心悄悄,愠于群小。(《诗经》)

    My sad heart is consumed , and I am harassed by a host of small men .

  7. 饮之食之,教之诲之。(《诗经》)

    Let him have a drink , let him have some food , give him a lesson , scold him .

  8. 对青年人来说,古代的《诗经》需要做新的解释。

    The ancient " Book of Songs " needs a reinterpretation for the young people .

  9. 从《诗经》看周民族的精神风貌

    The Spiritual Features of the Zhou Nationality Demonstrated in The Poetry

  10. 它源于《诗经》。

    It originated from Shi Jing ( Classic of Poetry ) .

  11. 《诗经》中水的历史穿透与现代回响

    Water Image of The Book of Songs-Historical Penetration and Modern Echoes

  12. 论《诗义会通》对《诗经》的文学解读

    On the Interpretation of The Book of Poetry by Shiyi Huitong

  13. 谈《诗经》的人格美理想

    On the Beauty of Personality Ideals in the book of Songs

  14. 其三,关于《诗经》文本的研究。

    Third , study the text of the Classic of Songs .

  15. 传统《诗》学的现代转型&新时期《诗经》研究综述

    The Modern Transformation of the Traditional Study of The Book of Songs

  16. 论《诗经》征戍诗的风格特征

    On Style Characteristics of Military Expedition Poems in Shi Jing

  17. 《诗经》的教化功能及诗学解读

    The Instructive Function and the Aesthetic Interpretation of The Book of Poetry

  18. 《诗经》与《十四行诗集》中爱情诗比较

    The Comparison of Love Lyrics in Shi Jing and Shakespeare 's Sonnet

  19. 《诗经》婚恋诗的民俗文化观

    Folk Culture in Love Poems in The Book of Songs

  20. 《诗经》十五国风是十五个地方的民歌。

    The fifteenth Feng is local ballad of fifteen places .

  21. 《诗经》中山水描写的现代阐释

    Modern Elaboration of Landscape Description in The Book of Songs

  22. 论《诗经》时代的婚姻制度

    On the Marriage Institutions during the Age of The Book of Songs

  23. 《诗经》之于日本江户文艺

    The Book of Odes and the Japanese Literature and Art of Edo

  24. 论《诗经》服饰描写的意义

    An Interpretation on the Description of Costumes in The Book of Songs

  25. 从《诗经》看先秦歌诗的传承方式

    Book of Songs and the Transmission Patterns of Pre-Qin Song-poems

  26. 出土文献与《诗经》学研究二题

    Two Problem about Archeological Excavations and Research on The Book of Songs

  27. 《诗经》语言与彝语比较研究

    《 Book of Poetry 》 the Language and Comparative Study of Yi Language

  28. 诗经发祥地初步考察报告

    A report on the survey of the cradle of The Book of Songs

  29. 中国的《诗经》和马来西亚的班顿

    China 's Book of Songs and Malaysia 's Pantun

  30. 《诗经》中的疑问词又经常与如、其、云、伊等词语固定搭配,表现出不同的句法意义与句法功能。

    And certain questions words in collocations express different syntactic implications and functions .