
huà lún
  • turn
  1. 话轮、非话轮和半话轮的区分

    Turn , non-turn and semi-turn

  2. 通过研究,我们发现汉语电视访谈的敏感话题管理由四个部分组成,他们分别是:话轮、基础对、话段和敏感话题。

    Four constituents of the sensitive topic management are found in our research , namely , turn , base pair , transaction and sensitive topic .

  3. 话轮(turn)是人们日常会话的基本结构单位,包括说话轮次的长短,顺序,内容变化等。

    Turn is the basic unit in people 's daily conversation , including the length , order , and content alternation in the conversation .

  4. 本文从话轮转换的角度分析研究了全国英语等级考试(PETS)口试中的话轮转换特点。

    The present research mainly studies turn-taking in PETS Spoken English Test .

  5. 话轮:英语会话的言语转换机制运用C-R教学活动培养学生话轮转接意识

    Using C-R Activities to Raise English Majors ' Awareness of Turn-taking in Conversation

  6. GeorgeYule曾形象地比喻,如果把会话看作是一种市场经济体系,那么话轮就是这个市场上的紧俏商品。

    George Yule used to apply a vivid metaphor to define ' turn ' : if conversation is viewed as a market economy , turn is a scarce commodity .

  7. Sacks等人在研究日常会话的基础上提出话轮转换机制,主要包括话轮构建成分,话轮分配成分和话轮转换策略。

    Based on the research of daily conversations , Sacks et al put forward the turn-taking system in which includes turn-construction units , turn-allocation component and turn-taking strategies .

  8. Levinson对沉默的种类进行了划分:话轮内沉默(说话人的停顿),话轮间沉默(空格/间断),话轮沉默(意义沉默/可归属沉默)。

    Levinson classifies silence into three types : within-turn silence ( pause ), inter-turn silence ( gaps and lapses ) and turn-silence ( significant / attributable silence ) .

  9. 语码转换(Code-switching)是指双语人在同一或不同话轮中,对两种语言进行交替使用的双语现象或双语言语行为。

    Code-switching is a kind of bilingual phenomenon , which refers to the alternative use of two different languages in the same or different turns . As one of the consequences of language contact , code-switching has drawn the attention of researchers both abroad and in China .

  10. 文章基于COLSEC语料库现有数据,研究中国大学生英语会话话轮转换中的语用标记词,由此揭示他们运用交互策略进行交际的能力。

    This paper is based on COLSEC ( Chinese College English Learner 's Corpus ), It sets out to study the characteristic features of the learners'Use of Pragmatic Markers In Turn Taking strategies .

  11. 副言辞语境是语境分类中不可忽视的部分,是话轮转换的重要衔接手段。

    Paralinguistic context is the indispensable part in the whole context .

  12. 话轮替换系统在解释及避免会话错误中的意义

    The Significance of Turn-taking System in Explaining and Avoiding Conversational Errors

  13. 本文着重讨论的是话轮控制策略。

    This paper focuses on the words on the control strategy .

  14. 话轮构成单位包括单词,短语,从句和句子。

    Turn-constitutional unit includes word , phrase , clause and sentence .

  15. 话语的机构性权力:电视访谈中的话轮转换

    Conversational Institutional Right : Turn - taking in the TV Interview

  16. 中国大学生英语口语中获得话轮的语用标记

    Pragmatic Markers for Turn-claiming in Chinese College Learners ' Spoken English

  17. 话轮转换是新兴的戏剧文体学分析方法。

    Turn-taking analysis is a method to study drama stylistic .

  18. 从语用学的角度研究小说《勒索》中的话轮转换

    A Turn-taking Analysis in " Blackmail " from the Perspective of Pragmatics

  19. 话轮作为会话结构的基本单位是话语标记语的栖身之地。

    Turn-taking is the basic unit in conversation where discourse markers exist .

  20. 把目光投向中国话轮转换技巧剖析

    Turn Eyes to China Analysis of Turn - taking Skills

  21. 浅谈话轮转换在大学英语口语教学中的应用

    On the Application of Turn-Taking in College Oral English Class

  22. 最后用傅立叶反变换变回时域。五影响话轮间时间间隔的因素。

    The factors that influence time interval in a turn .

  23. 从新闻访谈的话轮转换分析看语用原则的运用

    Analysis on Application of Pragmatic Principle in Turn-taking System in News Interview

  24. 关联&顺应模式与谈话节目中的话轮转换

    The Relevance-Adaptation Model and the Turn-taking in Talk Shows

  25. 从话轮转换看权势关系、性格刻画和情节发展

    Power Relations , Characterization , and Plot Development Revealed by a Turn-taking Analysis

  26. 大学英语课堂话轮分配与学生参与分析

    Turn-distribution and Students ' Participation in College English Classroom

  27. 主持人话轮转换和话轮重叠现象分析

    Analyzing Turn Taking and Turn Overlapping in Host Discourse

  28. 话轮转换视角下英语专业学习者之间小组互动的研究

    A Study of Group Interaction among English Majors from the Perspective of Turn-taking

  29. 话轮类型分成三部分:反应后发话、打断、独白。

    Turn-type involves three categories : initiation after response , interruption and monologue .

  30. 话轮是日常会话的基本结构单位。

    Turn is the basic unit of daily conversations .