
yǔ yòng xué
  • pragmatics
语用学 [yǔ yòng xué]
  • [pragmatics] 符号学的一个分支,研究符号或语言词句与其使用之间的关系

语用学[yǔ yòng xué]
  1. 指示(deixis)是语用学研究的重要领域。

    Deixis is one of important study areas in pragmatics .

  2. 首先简要介绍了H.本文的创新之处在于运用语用学来指导商标翻译。

    In this paper , H. The originality of the present paper is to study trademark translation in the light of pragmatics .

  3. 从跨文化语用学角度来看,EFL课堂问答过程中往往发生一系列的面子威胁行为。

    From the perspective of cross-cultural pragmatics , the question-answer process in TEF classroom often incurs a series of " face-threatening acts " .

  4. Grice的会话理论是当今语用学的理论基础。

    Grice 's conversational Theory is regarded as the theoretical foundation of modern pragmatics .

  5. 同时,笔者在教学实验中还以SpeechAct理论、SpeechEvent理论以及Schema理论为辅,用以说明将语用学应用在听力教学上的确对学生的听力理解能力有所帮助。

    Meanwhile , the researcher uses Speech Act theory , Speech Event theory and Schema theory as supplement in a pedagogical implication to show that the appliance of pragmatics in teaching listening can indeed help students enhance their listening comprehension ability .

  6. 自从Grice提出合作原则以来,礼貌一直是语用学研究的中心之一。

    Politeness has always been one of the focuses of study in the field of pragmatics , especially since Grice proposed his influential principle of conversation & the ' Cooperative Principle ' .

  7. 本文简要回顾了语用学中的言语行为理论、面子理论和礼貌原则,并用这些理论分析了《高级英语》第一册中的勒索(Blackmail)一文中构成情节高潮部分的对话段落。

    This paper analyzes a dialogue section in " Blackmail " with the speech act theory , politeness theory as well as face action , illustrating the significance of the speech act theory in stylistics .

  8. 本文以BBS会话内容为语料来源,以语言顺应论为理论基础,运用定性和定量的研究方法,从语用学角度研究BBS语篇中中英语码转换现象。

    Taking BBS discourse as the data source and Linguistic Adaptation Model as theoretical base , the present thesis conducts a qualitative and quantitative study of the Chinese / English code-switching in the discourse from the pragmatic perspective .

  9. 本文采用定性分析的方法,结合语用学的合作原则,面子理论与礼貌原则,从词汇、句法和篇章等三个层面探讨You-attitude在坏消息商务信函中的应用。

    This thesis , by employing the Cooperative Principle , Face Theory and Politeness Principle of pragmatics , discusses the applications of " you-attitude " in the writing of bad-news business letters at lexical , syntactical and textual levels .

  10. 人文性与科学性的融合:语言哲学语用学转向

    Fusion of Humanism and Science : Pragmatic Turn of Linguistic Philosophy

  11. 语用学是研究语言运用及其规律的学科。

    Pragmatics is the study of language usage and its rules .

  12. 跨文化语用学研究中的对等问题

    The Issue of Equivalence in Cross - Cultural Pragmatics Research

  13. 《李尔王》中的说者和听者&一个语用学的个案研究

    The Speaker and Listener in King Lear & A Pragmatic Case Study

  14. 推导了非线性弹性粘性固结蠕变模型的有限元方程;语用学理论(上)

    The finite element equation of the pragmatic model was reasoned out ;

  15. 论述知识组织的语义学基础、语法学基础和语用学基础。

    Discusses the semantics , syntax and pragmatics foundations of knowledge organization .

  16. 言语行为的研究是跨文化语用学的重要课题之一。

    One of the focuses in cross-cultural pragmatics study is speech acts .

  17. 从语用学的视角对会话含意理论及其在翻译中的应用进行了探讨。

    This thesis deals with the application of implication theory to translation .

  18. 语用学在英语跨文化交际中的应用

    Application of pragmatic theory in the communication of different cultures

  19. 论西方近代教学语用学思想

    On the Thought of Pedagogical Pragmatics in Modern Western Countries

  20. 本文从语用学的观点对小说的翻译进行了探索。

    The thesis tries to explore translation of fiction from pragmatic approach .

  21. “言语行为”是语用学和语义学的一个重要研究领域。

    Speech act theory is an important aspect of pragmatics and semantics .

  22. 本文从语用学以及认知语言学的角度,详细探讨了仿拟的语言、语用和文化特征。

    It discusses the linguistic , pragmatic and cultural features of parody .

  23. 《日出》人物性格及相互关系的语用学审视

    On the Characters ' Personalities and Relationships in Sunrise in Pragmatics Approach

  24. 词汇意义研究的新视域:词汇语用学

    Lexical Pragmatics : A New Perspective of Lexical Meaning Study

  25. 适当增补汉语语用学和汉文化知识等教学内容;

    Properly adding some Chinese pragmatics and Chinese cultural knowledge in teaching ;

  26. 语用学可以为翻译研究提供更加充分、深刻、合理的解释。

    Pragmatics provides fuller , deeper and more reasonable explanations for translation .

  27. 小说对话翻译的语用学方法

    The Pragmatic Approach to Dialogue Translation in the Fiction

  28. 文学语用学在美国文学课堂教学中的应用

    The Application of Literary Pragmatics in American Literature Classroom

  29. 中介语语用学研究的新成果&《第二语言的语用发展》评介

    Book Review : Pragmatic Development in a Second Language

  30. 语用学礼貌原则与报喜报忧国际商务信函

    Politeness Principle of Pragmatics and International Business Letters Communicating Pleasant and Unpleasant News