
yǔ sù
  • morpheme;word element
语素 [yǔ sù]
  • [word element;morpheme] 词素。语音和意义结合的最小的语法单位,有单音节的、双音节的和多音节的,如:语、员、葫芦、坦克、托拉斯、布尔什维克

语素[yǔ sù]
  1. 语素morpheme的概念是由美国结构主义语言学家布隆菲尔德提出的。

    Morpheme was proposed by American structuralism linguist Bloomfield .

  2. 英语一般疑问句之所以会产生中心语移位,是因为现代英语中带有疑问语素的C为强语素,它只有加缀于助动词或情态动词这类结构位置高于动词的中心语才能核查自己的特征。

    C which has interrogatory morpheme is a strong morpheme in modern English , it 's feature can only be checked when it is affixed to auxiliary which has a higher position in sentence .

  3. 在词的构成成分中,实语素叫词根,虚语素叫词缀

    An affixation compound is composed of a substantive morpheme and an empty morpheme .

  4. PSC单字试题中语素字对测试目标的影响

    Interferences of Morpheme Characters with PSC Examination

  5. 通过对“性”和“X性”的历时平面的考察和共时平面的分析发现:(1)“性”的语法化路线为:实词→实语素→准后缀,焦点标记;

    The thesis first analyzes the diachronic and synchronic aspects of " Xing " and " X Xing " and finds the route of its grammatical process is : notional word notional morpheme parasuffix , focus sign .

  6. 在单词‘语素变体’和‘音位变体’中‘allo’是个前缀。

    ` allo ' is a prefix in the words ` allomorph ' and ` allophone ' .

  7. 如果把morpheme也看成一级语言单位的话,词素就不如语素内涵更严密,外延更精确。

    If we take morpheme as an unit of language , the last morpheme was inferior to the morpheme , whose connotation is stricter and the extension is more precise .

  8. 基于4-M模型的中国学生英语语素顺序研究

    A Study on Order of English Morphemes by Chinese Students in the Frame of 4-M Model

  9. 他还学习了拉丁文和中文,并且对语言学理念产生了浓厚的兴趣,例如语法框架、语素解析,以及上世纪60年代语言学家理查德?蒙塔古(RichardMontague)的理论。

    He 'd studied languages as diverse as Latin and Mandarin , and became fascinated by concepts like grammatical frameworks , morpheme parsing and the 1960s work of the linguist Richard Montague . '

  10. 研究发现,对于汉语ESL儿童而言,两种语言在语音意识和语素意识上显著相关而在正字法意识上不相关。

    The study found that for Chinese ESL children , there is high correlation between two languages in morpheme and phonological awareness , but there is not correlation between two languages in orthographic awareness .

  11. 现代汉语四音节词大都是新词,四个语素构成的占了绝大多数,语素与语素以ABCD组合方式为主,类型主要是偏正结构,名词占了近83%。

    Four syllable words in modern Chinese are mostly new words , which are nearly all four morpheme words mainly in the form of AB | CD , consisting of a modifier and the modified , and of which noun makes 83 % .

  12. 证实了4-M模型在第二语言习得方面的第一个假设:内容语素产出的准确度要高于两类系统语素产出的准确度。

    The first hypothesis is confirmed : content morphemes are produced more accurately than both types of system morphemes .

  13. 本研究探讨早期方言-普通话双语者的方言(L1)语素意识对普通话(L2)语素意识以及汉字识别的作用。实验选取了22名被试,选自莆田市仙游县一所小学。

    The present study probed into the contribution of dialect-Putonghua bilinguals ' dialect ( L1 ) morphological awareness to Putonghua ( L2 ) morphological awareness and Chinese character recognition.22 subjects from a primary school in Xianyou County participated in the experiment .

  14. NN类名词由多个相关的名词性语素组成,名词性语素之间的关系具有复杂性,即NN之间有修饰关系、类属关系、同义关系等。

    The category NN noun is usually made up by a lot of relevant noun languages , Noun plain language have relation between have complicate , namely decorate concerning between " NN ", kind belongs to concerning , synonym relation , etc.

  15. 本文介绍了CQL语言的语素、语义、语法及语用的定义,同时给出了CQL编辑器、编译器和查询结果可视化的设计方法。

    This paper summarizes the CQL language , and introduces the definition of morpheme , semantics , syntax and pragmatics of CQL . Meanwhile , the paper gives the design method of CQL editors , compilers and visual inquiry results .

  16. 复合词造词材料的语素化问题

    On " Morphemization " of Word - Formation Materials for Compounds

  17. 语素意识在学前儿童言语技能发展中的作用

    The Role of Morphological Awareness in Kindergarteners ' Linguistic Skill Development

  18. 动语素的构词能力是受多方面的因素影响的。

    Many factors affect the word formation abilities of verbal morphemes .

  19. 最后归纳出在语素本位观点下中高级阶段词汇教学的原则和策略。

    Finally generalize the word-teaching principles and strategies in this stage .

  20. 然而长期以来,在对外汉语词汇教学中,语素教学都没有得到应有的重视。

    However , morpheme teaching has long been ignored in TCFL .

  21. 高频语素在词语中的出现的频率非常高,不仅形成较大的词语系统,而且造成复杂的词语关系。

    The frequency of HF morpheme in words is very nigh .

  22. 当代汉语新词语语素的表义关系考察

    The Semantic Relation between Morphemes and Meaning of Contemporary Chinese Neologisms

  23. 它只存在共语素的同素词,不形成传统意义的同源词。

    They do not produce cognate words of the conventional sense .

  24. 基于范例推理的现代汉语语素字采集

    The Collection of Modern Chinese Morpheme Word Based on Case Reasoning

  25. 近年,汉语认知研究在汉字亚字水平的加工和语素的心理现实性方面取得重要成果。

    Recently , some significant results have been achieved on Chinese cognition .

  26. 能单用的名词性语素项使用频率的高低;

    The frequency of the Sememic Morphemes those can be freely used ;

  27. 传承语素是汉语语素中一种独特的类别。

    Inherited morpheme is a unique classification in Chinese morphemes .

  28. 分析了构成三音动词的内部语素组合特点;

    And analysis the combined trait of morphemes construed the trisyllabic verbs .

  29. 通过词的定义,对语素和词进行分界。

    Through the definition of word and boundaries of morpheme and word .

  30. 语素研究的性质、方法及语料来源

    The Nature and Method in Morphemic Research and the Source of Corpus