
  • 网络thinking
  1. 具体说,论文的主要成果和创新点为:1.源于形式语言思维,提出了文法视角的资源描述方法,也即资源网络的逻辑规则文法LRG。

    From thinking of the formal language , the method is proposed resource structure description to view grammar that is a logic rule grammar ( LRG ) for resource network . 2 .

  2. 语言思维模式视角下的汉英公示语翻译

    Translation of Chinese-English Public Signs Based on Different Thinking Patterns

  3. 浅析英汉语言思维差异对翻译的影响

    Influences on Translation about Language Thought Contrasts between English and Chinese

  4. 语言思维训练能否提高学生完形填空的解题能力?

    Can training of English linguistic thinking improve students ' problem-solving ability ?

  5. 从介词的使用看语言思维的差异

    On the Difference of the Language Thought From the Usage of Preposition

  6. 语言思维翻译

    Relation between Thinking , Language and Translation

  7. 从翻译中的语义不同看中西方的语言思维差异

    Differences of Language Conception between China and Western in Light of Semantical Differences in Translation

  8. 语言思维二元论。

    Dualism of language and thought .

  9. 语言思维与非语言思维

    Thinking with and without Language

  10. 现代汉语不仅充当了诗人表达现代性体验的话语工具,而且更是一种语言思维的现代转向。

    Modern Chinese acts not only as the language tool for the poet to express modernity experience but also as a modern turn of language thoughts .

  11. 沃尔夫批判以欧洲中心主义为基础的普遍主义,寻求语言思维之特性,进而在新的基础上,建立人类共同的语言和思维。

    Whorf attacks the universalism based on European ethnocentrism , seeds linguistic features particular to primitive languages , and tries to construct universals on such new basis .

  12. 少数民族英语师范生在学习过程中由于各种原因会遇到语言思维、社会环境和情感心理等障碍。

    Ethnic minority English students of teachers ' colleges will encounter obstacles in language thinking , social environment and emotional psychology in their learning process due to various reasons .

  13. 只要人类思维着并且通过语言思维着,那么规范着人们的思维,使之达到:概念明确、判断恰当,推理合乎逻辑、论证有说服力的形式逻辑(传统逻辑)就有其存在的价值。

    As long as people are thinking and thinking through language , traditional logic which standards people 's thoughts and makes concepts clear , judgments correct , reasoning reasonable , and demonstration convective , is worth existing .

  14. 第二部分则揭示了在交际层面上与全球经济一体化过程紧密相连的英语全球化问题,在思维层面上与文化全球化息息相关的语言思维的全球化问题;

    Part Two comprises topics regarding the globalization of English language considered closely with global economic unification on the communicative level , and that of language thinking perceived inseparably from global cultural pluralization on the thinking level .

  15. 并得出结论:人的认知过程中,存在有两大类思维方式,语言思维和非语言思维,思维影响着我们的语言,然后,语言反过来又影响着我们的思维活动。

    It comes to the conclusion that there are two kinds of thinking in our cognitive process : linguistic thinking and non-linguistic thinking , and that thinking influences the language which , in turn , also influences our thinking activities .

  16. 人类的思维经历了动作思维法术思维语言思维三个阶段,艺术和诗是在思维的演变中产生的。

    Human thinking model has been gone through three stages , from movement thinking model to magic arts thinking model , and then to the thinking model of languages . Arts and poems are produced with the development of thinking model .

  17. 英语教学中学生问题意识的培养对于学生语言思维的发展、良好个性的形成、主体性的发挥和创造力的培养等都有很重要的作用。

    In English teaching , the cultivation of students ' question consciousness has an important function in the development of language thinking , the formation of a good individual character , the play of his initiative and the cultivation of creativity etc.

  18. 所以,在进行英汉翻译时就特别要注意汉语与英语两种语言思维表达上的特点与差异,注意翻译的忠实与统一性原则。

    Thus more attention should be put into the differences and characteristics in English and Chinese way of thinking , and the principle of faithfulness and unity . In translation , it is especially important to choose the appropriate words and clear expression .

  19. 本章主要介绍了研究方案,着重分析了意大利学生的汉语学习动机,以及他们的口语和听力练习策略,考察了他们在学习和交际中的语言思维方式。

    This chapter first introduces the study plan , then pays more attention to the motivation of Italian learners of Chinese while exploring their strategies used in spoken and listening comprehension as well as the mode of thinking in Chinese learning and communication .

  20. 包括培养学生自主创新学习的态度和情感、培养学生的语言思维能力、培养学生综合运用语言的能力、培养学生的创新素质等。

    They include : cultivating students ' attitudes and passion for innovative independent learning , cultivating students ' ability to think in a foreign language , cultivating students ' ability to use the language synthetically , and cultivating students ' ability to think innovatively .

  21. 艺术家的观看是一种语言思维的观看,是眼睛与生活之物、心灵与肉体、真实与想象的观看,是通过语言思维对生活中的事物秩序的重新建构。

    Viewing of the artist is thinking the watch of a language , the eyes and the things of life , viewing the mind and body , real and imagined , through the language of thinking to reconstruct the order of things in life .

  22. 语言思维与视觉思维的结合,弥合了感性与理性、感知与思维、艺术与科学之间的裂缝。

    Vision is the first headspring of wisdom , especially , the creative thinking is carried on through the image . The combination of lingual thinking and visual thinking fills in the gaps between the sensibility and logos , aesthesia and thinking , arts and science .

  23. Whorf对语言与思维的关系很感兴趣,他逐渐形成了这样一种观念:在一个社会里,语言的结构决定了习惯思维的结构。

    Being interested in the relationship of language and thought , Whorf developed the idea that the structure of language determines the structure of habitual thought in a society .( 2004-64 )

  24. 语言是思维的载体,是现实的抽象化。

    Language is the carrier of thinking and abstraction of reality .

  25. 一种有效的聋人语言与思维形成的方法&格式化语言教学方法

    An Effective Method of Producing Language and Thinking for Deaf People

  26. 从本质上讲,作文是人借助语言进行思维活动的产物。

    Essentially , composition is the product of the thinking activity .

  27. 在语文教学中提高学生的语言和思维能力

    Improve Pupil 's Ability of Language and Thinking in Chinese Teaching

  28. 语言与思维关系的跨文化研究综述

    A Review of Cross-Cultural Researches on The Relationship of Thinking and Language

  29. 英&汉双语语言与思维多维激活扩散模型的研究

    English-Chinese Bilingual Multidimensional Spreading Activation Model of Language and Thinking

  30. 你认为语言与思维和文化是什么关系?

    How in your view does language relate to thought and culture ?