
  1. 他的系统语言学强调语言的社会功能,韩礼德把句子水平上的语法与情景特征联系在一起。

    His systemic linguistics emphasizes the social functions of language .

  2. 好的,下一次我们要讨论肢体语言的社会功能。

    OK , next time we are going to discuss the social functions of body language .

  3. 从语言的社会功能看,文化差异在词汇层面上往往体现得最为突出,涉及面也最广;

    From social use of language , cultural distinctions are most prominent and widespread at lexical levels .

  4. 语言的社会功能对新疆跨民族交际中语码选择的影响

    The Influence of Social Function of Language on the Choice of Morphemes in the Cross-national Communication in Xinjiang

  5. 虽然也有很多学者注意到程式化语言的社会功能,但却很少有人从系统功能语言学的角度去研究它。

    Even though many researchers have noticed the social functions of formulaic language , but very few of them use Systemic Functional Linguistics ( hereafter SFL ) to explain it .

  6. 同时又提出了对比中宏观研究的问题及宏观研究的两种重要方法&结合语言的社会功能和语言心理进行对比研究的方法。

    Meanwhile it puts forward the problem of macroscopic study in contrast and its important methods-the contrastive study should be carried out together with the social function of the language and the linguistic psychology .

  7. 人际功能是语言的重要社会功能。

    Interpersonal function is an important social function of language .

  8. 从小姐的嬗变看语言的社会镜象功能

    Analysis of social reflections in language from the transmutation of " Xiao Jie "

  9. 教者应极力创造一种环境,使学习者能够学习语言的社会文化功能。

    Teachers ought to endeavor to create an environment in which learners can learn the sociocultural functions of language .

  10. 而近年来,交际法教学在我国也开始渐次流行,它更侧重于强调语言的社会交际功能和使用功能。

    On the other hand , in recent years , the communicative approach , which emphasizes the communicative function and applying function , has become more and more popular in language teaching .

  11. 本文拟通过对一些都市流行词语的分析,管窥社会转型时期的政治经济、价值取向、文化心态等,进一步印证语言的社会镜象功能。

    This paper is to , on the basis of the analysis of urban popular expressions , further prove the social reflection function of language by having a restricted view on politics , economy , value orientation and cultural concepts in time of great social transform .

  12. 春晚语言类节目的社会功能

    The Social Function of Linguistic Program in Spring Festival

  13. 它把语篇作为研究的基本单位,从语篇与语境的互动关系中揭示语言的性质和社会功能。

    It conceives of a text as the basic unit and discloses the linguistic nature and social functions from the interaction of text and context .

  14. 语言能实现不同的社会功能,语言最重要的社会功能是人际功能,通过它人们建立并维持社会中的身份地位及关系。

    Language can realize certain social functions , and the most important one is interpersonal function , by which people can establish and maintain their social status and relations .

  15. 功能语法重视语言的社会性和实际功能,通过描述特定语境下的语言使用模式来说明语言系统,为研究者分析各种文体提供了有利的指导。

    It illustrates the language system through describing the patterns of language use in specified context . Its view and approach provides researchers with favorable guidance to analyze various styles .

  16. 如:共同语、方言、词汇、词义、语境、修辞手法、名实关系、语言的思维功能、社会功能,以及语用方面的合作原则、礼貌原则、还有交际方面的一些理论思想。

    Vocabulary / word meaning , context , name , relationship , thinking , language function , social function , and the pragmatics of the principles of cooperation , politeness principle , as well as some of the communicative aspects of theoretical ideas .

  17. 它不仅重视语言的结构,而且更加重视语言本身所具有的社会功能。

    It makes us consider language not only in terms of its structures but also in terms of the communicative functions that it performs .

  18. 与日常生活语言相比较,前者注重语言的诗学功能,后者注重语言的社会交流功能;

    When compared with daily language , literature language stresses its poetic sense and latter the communicative function .

  19. 本文对语言的内在系统,从语言的形式和结构上作了分析,并对语言的社会功能和其它外在因素进行了探讨。

    In this paper , the internal system of language , the language of form and structure analysis . language as a social function and also other external factors are discussed .

  20. 标准语言、社会阶层和教育、性别差别、权势和平等都是影响语言应用的社会因素,影响着语言的社会功能和属性。

    Standard language , social classes and education , males and females and power and solidarity are the factors which exert influences on social function and attribute of language .