
gào mìng
  • imperial mandate;royal orders;imperial order;mandated woman
诰命 [gào mìng]
  • (1) [imperial order]∶朝廷颁布的命令

  • 和帝即位,太后临朝,宪以侍中,内干机密,出宣诰命。--《后汉书.窦宪传》

  • (2) [imperial mandate]∶帝王的封赠命令。明清五品以上授诰命,六品以下授敕命

  • (3) [mandated woman]∶特指有封号的妇人

  • 惟恐各诰命来往,亏了礼数,怕人笑话。--《红楼梦》

诰命[gào mìng]
  1. 惜乎这一演化没有完成,最后让位于诰命、敕命文种。

    Unfortunately , this evolution was not complete and finally gave way to Gaoming and Chiming record type .

  2. 老旦蟒的色彩一般只用黄和秋香色,黄色用于太后,秋香色用于老郡主、老诰命夫人。

    The Old Dan python 's color only uses yellow and the olive yellow generally , the yellow uses in the queen mother , the olive yellow uses in the old infanta , always informing assigns madame .
