
The technology of hydraulic pump for fluid unloading suits to test in shallow layers , which has the advantages of unloading timely , deep depth , adjusted working system and high unloading capacity .
Based on the connection of FCS with airborne devices and ground test system , some problems , such as the interference of inductive-load , the filtering of A / D converter , the oscillation of actuator-loops , common-model interference of serial-communication , etc. , are emphatically analyzed and solved .
Taking emulsion as power source region , we developed a gas discharge machine whose structure is small , weight is light , operation is easy and adjust the air delivery , so we can solve the problem of gas accumulation at solid angle in the working ground more effectively .
Development on Complex Plugging Control and Cleanup Additive in Heavy Oil Wells
The inverted nine-spot rhombus pattern has two adjustable directions of well array .
Research on Adjustable Spire Typed Planting Apparatus Suitable for Manure and Sowing in Common Use
In order to solve gas channeling and injected gas fingering problems in heavy oil steam stimulation wells , high pressure plugging control and cleanup additive is developed based on lab test , its performance test showed that it can be field tested .
The patrol was quite likely an extension of the General 's motives in assigning him to reconnoitre .