
  1. 通过调整税收可以作出补偿。

    Compensation could be made by adjustments to taxation

  2. 调整税收政策导向与促进人力资本投资研究

    A Research on Adjusting the Direction of Taxation Policy and Facilitating Human Capital Investment

  3. 合理工商登记调整税收政策促进营利性医院发展

    To make rational industry and business register and modulate tax policy to promote profit hospital development

  4. 在此方针下,调整税收,酌量减轻民负。人民负担太重者必须酌量减轻。

    In accordance with this principle , taxes should be readjusted and the people 's burden appropriately lightened .

  5. 二是调整税收优惠政策,促进我国教育产业的发展;

    Two is the adjustment preferential policy of tax revenue , promotes the development of our country of educational estate .

  6. 它们正在调整税收体系,同时让支出结构与水平变得更有利于增长。

    Tax systems are being adjusted , and the structure and level of expenditure is being made more conducive to growth .

  7. 现代法治国家,必须用法来调整税收法律关系,确保税收的有效实现。

    Modern rule of law , must use to adjust the relationship between tax law to ensure the effective realization of revenue .

  8. 通过增加或减少政府支出或调整税收项目,联邦政府可以增加或减少对商品和服务的需求。

    By increasing or decreasing its spending or taxing programs , the federal government may reduce or increase demand for goods and services .

  9. 各成员国根据自身情况与需求,调整税收、财政、赤字等政策,在《稳定与增长公约》允许的范围内进行调节。

    The member states adjust their tax , budget and deficit according to their need in the permission of Stability and Growth Pact .

  10. 其州需要2/3多数的立法机构批准才能调整税收,同时选民还能利用请愿书以组织改革。

    A two-thirds majority in the state legislature is needed to change taxes , and voters have used their referendum powers to block reforms .

  11. 第二,调整税收政策(财政收入政策):调减农业特产税及提高出口退税率。

    Secondly , taxation policy should be adjusted ( financial income policy ): regulate and alleviate agricultural specialty tax and improve export duty drawback .

  12. 税收法定主义与诚信原则是调整税收法律关系主体的两个不同的主张或准则。

    Tax legalism and the principle of honesty and credit are two different opinions or standards to adjust the subject of the tax law relations .

  13. 对民族资产阶级,我们要通过合理调整工商业,调整税收,改善同他们的关系,不要搞得太紧张了。

    We should introduce suitable readjustments in industry and commerce and in taxation to improve our relations with the national bourgeoisie rather than aggravate these relations .

  14. 如果出现偏差,他们可以像操纵汽车一样,通过调整税收、公共支出或利率等方式对经济进行微调。

    If there were any deviations , they could fine-tune the economy , just like a car , by adjusting taxes , public expenditure or interest rates .

  15. 包括改革财税制度,调整税收优惠政策取向,改革官员绩效考核制度,加强税收监督,构建地区间税收合作协商机制等等。

    Including reform financial system , adjust the tax preferential policy orientation , reform the performance appraisal system , strengthen the official tax supervision , constructing regional cooperation consultation mechanism etc.

  16. 然后从完善税收法律体系、调整税收优惠政策和深化税制改革三个方面提出我国鼓励技术创新的税收政策设想。

    Then from perfecting the law system of tax , adjusting tax incentives and making tax reformation , this text puts forward the conceives of our tax policies encouraging technique creativities .

  17. 因此,亚洲各国纷纷调整税收和监管政策,以吸引国际投行、私人股本公司、对冲基金,以及金融活动所需的会计师和律师等大量专业人士。

    Hence the attempt to adjust tax and regulatory policy to attract international investment banks , private equity firms , hedge funds and scores of professionals such as accountants and lawyers needed to service financial activity .

  18. 减税通常是指通过调整税收法规制度而带来税负的降低,具体包括降低税率、减少税种、缩小征税范围等。

    Tax reduction , which includes lowering tax rates , reducing categories of taxes , narrowing the scope of taxation , etc. , is to reduce the burden of taxation by adjusting the tax laws and system .

  19. 这种经济利益关系是借助法的形式,即通过设定税收权利和义务来实现的。税法调整税收分配过程中所形成的权利义务关系必然对各类经济主体的行为和决策产生重要影响。

    This relation must be carried out by law which regulates the tax obligation and tax right . Tax law will affect behaviors and decisions of kinds of economic entities when it set the tax obligation and tax right .

  20. 是以,对于作为私法上的帝王条款诚实信用原则能否引进税法从而更好地调整税收法律关系,指导税收征纳双方更好地行使权利和履行义务便成了一个问题。

    So , can the principle of good faith be applied in tax law to adjust legal relationship in the tax revenue and guide tax authorities and taxpayers exercise the right and fulfill the obligation well , this becomes a problem .

  21. 提高民间投资与消费的能力,要适当提高财政转移性支出的比重,调整税收政策,改革投融资体制,加大对农村的投资力度,以积极的货币政策引导民间消费等。

    To strengthen nongovernmental investment and consumer wishes , we should raise the proportion of fiscal transfer expenditure , re-adjust the tax policies , reform the system of investment and financing , increase the investment on the rural and guide the consumption with expansion monetary policy .

  22. 同时从原始GDP、可税GDP数据和调整前后税收数据相互关系等四个视角,分析了税收增长率和经济增长率的相关性。

    This paper finds that there was no correlation between the increase rate of GDP and that of the gross tax revenue from the perspective of original GDP , taxable GDP , raw tax revenue and adjusted tax revenue .

  23. 税源结构调整对税收政策的取向

    The Affection of Adjusting the Structure of Tax Fund on the Tax Policy

  24. 制定和完善有利于经济结构战略性调整的税收政策;

    Establishing and perfecting the tax policies which is favorable to the adjustment of the economic structure ;

  25. 但欧盟成员国可以同意,比如说,一致调整某些税收水平。

    But member countries could agree , for example , to change the levels of certain taxes in parallel .

  26. 属于国家产业结构调整的税收优惠政策,对内外资企业应一视同仁;

    Treat the favorable tax policy of state industrial structure equally to the one of the foreign capital enterprises ;

  27. 作为世界贸易组织成员国,中国应根据世贸规则和林业发展需要,调整林业税收政策。

    As a WTO member country , China should adjust its forestry taxation policy to accord with the WTO 's rules .

  28. 首先,笔者认为,5.30印花税调整背离税收法定主义。

    Firstly , the " the adjustment of the stamp tax in May 30th " deviated from principle of legality for tax .

  29. 论述了适度调整国家税收政策的必要性;阐明税负的轻重,是关系到国民经济能否持继健康发展的重要因素;

    This paper states the necessity of adjusting country revenue policy properly , points out that revenue is important factor of ensuring country economic develop well .

  30. 面临着税收政策的调整和税收征管的不断完善,白酒生产企业的税负压力加大。

    With the adjustment of tax policy and the revenue improvement , the companies of the distilled spirit industry are facing a larger burden of tax .