
xiànɡ yá tǎ
  • ivory tower;tower of ivory
  1. 因此,JSF2在许多方面都结合了象牙塔和真实世界的长处。

    So in many respects , JSF2 combines the best aspects of ivory tower and real world .

  2. JSF1就是在象牙塔中开发的,因此,它的出现并没有引起太大的轰动。

    JSF1 was developed in an ivory tower , and the results , arguably , were less than spectacular .

  3. 不是因为在象牙塔中,才说出我爱世界这样的话,是知道外面的黑,脏,丑陋之后,还要说出这样的话。

    Say it when you learn the Darkness , the Filthiness and the ugliness of its outside .

  4. 不能接触现实状况,这也是EA团队被视作“象牙塔”架构的一个主要原因。

    This is one of the main reasons the EA teams are seen as " white tower " architects that have lost touch with reality .

  5. 负责治理的人员每个月碰次面、讨论一些有关SOA的议题、建立企业SOA策略然后再缩回到SOA象牙塔里头,这种工作模式是无法适应SOA治理要求的。

    SOA Governance is more than a group of people who meet once a month ( or less ) to talk about SOA topics , create enterprise SOA Policy , and then retreat to SOA Ivory Towers .

  6. 正如在YouTube时代人们依旧在听广播一样,通过顶级商学院的课堂获得MBA仍有极高的价值,尽管人们在象牙塔外获取信息的能力,要远远超过史上任何时候。

    Just as people still listen to the radio in a YouTube age , there is much value in obtaining an MBA in the classrooms of the best schools , even as information becomes more accessible outside of the ivory tower than at any time in history .

  7. ZakriAbdulHamid敦促科学家“走出他们的象牙塔”从而帮助解决全世界最迫切的问题,包括生物多样性丧失、气候变化和粮食保障问题。

    Zakri Abdul Hamid urged scientists to " come down from their ivory towers " to help solve the world 's most pressing problems , including biodiversity loss , climate change and food insecurity .

  8. SSK的工作在一定意义上意味着科学从逻辑实证主义的象牙塔中解放出来,使科学哲学的研究走向科学实践、从宏观的叙事走向经验案例的利益、地域文化与性别的分析。

    The work of SSK predicates that science has been liberated from the tower of ivory of logical positivism and scientific philosophy research trends to scientific practice , macroscopical narration moves forward to the analysis of experienced cases interests and regional culture and sexuality .

  9. BDUF以其优秀的稻草人(straw-man)形式体现了象牙塔架构,创建设计工件,不作任何更改直接交给开发人员来进行实现。

    BDUF , in its finest straw-man form , embodies ivory-tower architects creating design artifacts , dropping them through a hole in the floor for hapless coders to implement with no changes .

  10. 他敦促他们走出象牙塔。

    He urged them to get out of their ivory toter .

  11. 在象牙塔外简评时空平台2001雕塑作品展

    The platform of time and space & sculpture exhibition of 2001

  12. 超越象牙塔:现代大学的社会责任

    Transcend the tower of ivory : social responsibility of modern universities

  13. 超越象牙塔:德里克·博克的大学理念

    Transcend the Ivory Tower : Derek Bok 's University Ideas

  14. 现代大学的形象之争:象牙塔角力服务站

    Modern Universities ' Image : Wrestling between Ivory Tower and Service Station

  15. 现代大学的人文关怀与本科教育的职业取向&由庙堂、象牙塔到普通人的家园

    The Humanistic Concern and Career-Oriented Undergraduate Education at Postmodern Universities

  16. 这些问题以前常被忽略,实际上是提高课堂教学效率的必要保障机制。现实中,课堂不是一个独立的象牙塔。

    The factors are ensuring mechanisms to improve the classroom instructing efficiency .

  17. 这将避免很多牧师遭遇的“象牙塔”或“有色眼镜”症状。

    This will avoid the'ivory tower'or'stained glass'syndrome that many pastors suffer from .

  18. 威列茨或许应该进一步修补象牙塔。

    Perhaps Mr Willetts should Tinker some more with the ivory towers .

  19. 大学被视为象牙塔,所以完全享有学术自主权。

    Universities are regarded as ivory towers and consequently enjoy total academic freedom .

  20. 他们将自己孤立在学习的象牙塔中,与别人保持距离。

    Isolated in their ivory tower of learning , they kept their distance .

  21. 科学家正在变得越来越愿意走出他们的象牙塔。

    Scientists are becoming more willing to come out of their ivory towers .

  22. 大多数国家的大学都试图去掉其象牙塔的印象。

    In most countries , universities have tried to erase their ivory tower image .

  23. 我们希望这里的人们不要只是生活在象牙塔中。

    We hope that people here don 't just live in an ivory tower .

  24. 这个教授生活在象牙塔中。

    The professor lived in an ivory tower .

  25. 他可是一直过着象牙塔似的生活。

    He has been leading an ivory-tower existence .

  26. 走出象牙塔的英国大学

    British Universities : Beyond the Ivory Tower

  27. 或许,他本应该走出象牙塔,来解决更实际的问题。

    Perhaps he should have stepped down from the ivory tower and addressed concrete issues .

  28. 去年夏天我走出象牙塔,真实的世界。

    Last summer I got out of the ivory tower and entered the real world .

  29. 变革的精神甚至已经开始在象牙塔内部扎根。

    The spirit of change has even begun to take root inside the ivory tower .

  30. 它又能为打破象牙塔的围墙带来哪些新的思路呢?

    Can OCW shed new light on the breakdown of the walls of ivory towers ?