
  1. 浅谈或有负债的审计

    Discussion on the audit of uncertain debt

  2. 或有负债的审计风险控制

    Audit risk controlling of probable liability

  3. 而另一些控制指标如资产净利率、资产负债率等对审计意见类型也有一定的影响。

    And some other indicators such as asset-net interest ratio , Debt-to-assets ratio also have certain effect to the auditing opinions types .

  4. 同时,公司绩效指标净资产收益率与清洁审计意见正相关;净资产负债率与清洁审计意见负相关;资产规模对审计意见的影响不显著。

    Meanwhile , there is a positive correlation between return on equity and the clean audit opinion . Net assets debts ratio is negatively correlated with the clean audit opinions ; There is little significant impact of asset size on the audit opinion .