
cái kuài
  • finance and accounting
财会 [cái kuài]
  • [finance and accounting] 财务和会计

  • 财会组同志更应当好好向他们学习

财会[cái kuài]
  1. 检调人员带走了明基首席财务官游克用(ericyu)和其它负责财会的官员,以进一步询问。

    Prosecutors took Eric Yu , chief financial officer , and other company officials in charge of Finance and accounting , back to their office for questioning .

  2. 除拥有财会方面的工作经验外,我还拥有战略管理MBA学位。但是令我困惑的是,在离开职场很长时间以后,我不知道该如何推销自己。

    My background is in finance and accounting , and I have an MBA in strategic management , but I 'm at a loss as to how to sell myself after such a long absence from the corporate world .

  3. 财会部出现了一个空缺。

    A job fell vacant in the accounting department .

  4. 接下来是教育学(10万2219个学位)等社会科学专业,传播学专业(9万8949个学位)和财会专业(9万8663个学位)二者的热度没什么差别。

    Social science majors such as Education ( 102219 ) follow up , and the difference between Communications ( 98949 ) and Finance and Accounting2 ( 98663 ) is rather small .

  5. 基于Web财会人员计算机水平考试系统的实现

    Analysis and Implement of Web-based Computer Proficiency Test System for Railway Financial Accounting Personnel

  6. 实施ERP工程后财会管理工作的努力方向

    The Developing Direction of Financing and Accounting Management after Applying ERP

  7. 关于实施ERP对财会人员素质的要求

    Request on Diathesis of Accountant in Achieving ERP

  8. 基于DM技术动态实现财会软件的智能感知功能

    Realizing intellisense function for ledger software using DM technology

  9. 计量价值,反映价值的财会工作信息化,是ERP工程的核心。

    Disposition of accounting information , which calculates and reflects value , is at the core of the ERP .

  10. SAPERP系统中财务模块下应付账款模块对所有供应商的财会数据进行管理。

    The receivable accounts module under the financial modules in SAP ERP system would administrate all suppliers'accounting data .

  11. 利用EXCEL可简化财务管理工作,提高财会人员的工作效率。

    To use Excel can make financial management easy , and raise the working efficiency of financial staff .

  12. 从财会电算化软件,到综合性的企业管理信息系统(MIS)乃至企业资源计划(ERP),财务会计系统的信息化一直占有相当重要的地位。

    From financial software to integrated management information system and ERP , the accounting system information is very important at all times .

  13. 根据英国《法律周刊》(legalweek)和《财会世纪》(accountancyage)提供的数据,在金融城最著名的律师事务所和会计师事务所里,非白人背景的合伙人比例分别不足3%和4%。

    Fewer than 3 per cent and 4 per cent respectively of the partners of most prestigious city law and accountancy firms are drawn from a non-white background , according to legal week and accountancy age .

  14. XENIX多用户操作系统在高校财会电算化中的应用

    The application of the XENIX multiuser operating system in accounting computerization software of College

  15. Zwell举了Joseph的例子,Joseph在当今最大财会公司就职。

    Zwell uses the example of , Joseph , an accountant for one of today 's biggest accounting firms .

  16. 收件人:CMM财会部工资申请单(2000年9月13日)特此正式要求支付本人从2000年8月至10月期间的报酬。

    To : CMM Accounting dept. INVOICE ( November 13 , 2000 ) This is an official request for payment for services rendered from August to October in the year 2000 .

  17. AICPA就法务财会人员必须具备的品质向上述三个群体的人士征求了意见。

    The AICPA sought their views on the qualities they believed were essential in a forensic accountant .

  18. 实用FORTRAN程序通过接口调用VAX11DATATRIEVE在VAX11750机上开发财会管理系统中的一点体会

    CALL VAN - _ ( 11 ) DATATRIEVE FROM PROGRAMS IN PRACTICAL FORTRAN LANGUAGE & A little harvest in developing the management system of finance and accountant

  19. 本表请与盘点清册一起送会计部-(NHK厂区送财会部)

    This sheet and physical inventory list will be sent to accounting department together ( Those of NHK will be sent to financial department )

  20. Xero创建了一种基本的财会软件模型,然后根据每个国家的财会偏好做出相应调整。

    Xero built a basic accounting software model , then adapted it to a country 's local accounting quirks .

  21. 强化制度建设与创新预防和遏制财会腐败

    Consolidate System Construction and Innovation to Prevent and Restrict Financial Corruption

  22. 开发推广应用财会软件再思考

    The Rethinking of Developing , Popularizing and Applying the Financial Software

  23. 创立比较财会学科体系培育学科特色

    Establishing the Discipline System of Comparative Accounting and Cultivating Discipline Characteristics

  24. 高校财会人员的综合素质有待提高,高校财务队伍的人员结构、知识结构需要调整。

    Personnel The personnel structure , and knowledge structure requires adjustment .

  25. 论财会工作的转型及会计目标的选择问题

    On transformation of financial affairs and the choice of accounting object

  26. 基于管理型财会人才培养的教学模式探索

    Probing into a teaching pattern based on fostering managing type accountants

  27. 财会系统是企业有效经营管理的重要组成部分,健全、高效的财会系统能够为企业构建整体策略与长期计划;

    Accounting system is an important part of effective business administration .

  28. 进一步深化高等职业教育财会实践教学的探讨

    Research on Deepening Practice Teaching of Accounting in high Professional Education

  29. 试论高校财会人员的素质与服务

    The Quality and the Service of the Accountants in the Universities

  30. 财会电算化建设是企业管理的重要方法

    Financial affairs managing with computer is important method of corporation management