
  • 网络Financial Information;Finance
  1. 如何保证上市公司财务信息披露真实性?

    How to guarantee the verity of the financial information disclosed by listed companies ?

  2. 浅谈财务信息系统在ERP中的完善

    Discuss the Perfection of Financial Information System in ERP

  3. Kitchen-sink是个动词,指将某公司负面的财务信息一次性全部公布出来。

    Kitchen-sink is a verb , referring to announcing all of a company 's bad financial news at one time .

  4. 基于动态ASP网页的财务信息查询系统

    Inquiring Financial Information with Dynamic ASP Website

  5. 而以公司财务信息为基础的Logistic回归模型则是有效的,该模型对研究样本取得了90.48%的预测准确率。

    But the Logistic Regression model which depended on the corporate financial information could be used to reflect the fact of the default .

  6. 这家网站的公众吸引力不输于Facebook,可以讲给投资者听的财务信息虽然少点,但表现更好。

    The site has the same public appeal as Facebook , with a better if smaller financial yarn to spin investors .

  7. 随着RUP在行为准则方面的不断扩充,至少可以确保软件财务信息是正确可靠的。

    Following RUP with the addition of codes of conduct can ensure , at a minimum , software financial information is accurate and reliable .

  8. 通过此举,不仅仅是Yahoo门户的新闻、电子邮件和财务信息可以在网站显示,而且用户的socialgraph(社交图)和其朋友的最新状态也可以上传至网站。

    The goal was to truly make Yahoo your portal to the web by not only delivering news , email , and finances , but also your social graph and the status updates of your friends .

  9. ERP模式下财务信息与相关业务信息的集成实现了企业资金流、业务流、信息流的统一。

    The information integration of financial system and relative business system has realized the unification of fund flow , the business flow and the information flow of the enterprise on the basis of ERP .

  10. (她拒绝透露高级ICU公司的财务信息,只表示从2006年开始运营起到现在,公司收入已经增长了55%。)

    ( she declines to disclose financial information about advanced ICU except to say that annual revenue is up 55 % from 2006 , its first full year of operation . )

  11. 特别是随着INTERNET、PDF和HTML等信息技术的发展,基于网络的财务信息披露逐步得到广泛的应用。

    In particular , it becomes possible for financial information to be disclosed through Internet due to information technology , such as INTERNET , PDF and HTML etc. Web-based financial information has been increasingly used during recent years .

  12. HL7是1987年开始发展起来的一个专门规范医疗机构用于临床信息,财务信息和管理信息电子信息交换的标准。

    HL7 1987 one developed to begin standardize medical organization use clinical information and financial information and management information electronic standard of information exchange for specially .

  13. 现代信用风险度量模型中的KMV模型适合于我国的评级国情,能够测算出财务信息所透露的信用风险值。

    Modern credit risk metric model suitable for our country the KMV model which puts the rating situation , can work out financial information revealed by credit risk value .

  14. 这一开发实例数据库系统采用Oracle,应用层采用Delphi实现了系统业务模块,主要包括政府涉税信息处理、企业财务信息管理、纳税评估以及信誉等级评定等模块。

    This system adopts the Oracle databases as its DBMS , most business modules have been designed using Delphi technology , that is : the government tax information management , the enterprise financial affairs management , tax evaluation and the credit standing assessment subsystem .

  15. 通过分别对财务信息集中化管理和FMIS建设两个步骤的论述,阐明了企业管理、特别是财务管理信息化建设的工作重点和积极意义。

    The focal point of the financial management information construction and its significance is elaborated from two aspects , centralized management of financial information and FMIS construction .

  16. 审核公司的财务信息及其披露;

    To inspect the company 's financial information and its disclosure ;

  17. 基于上市公司财务信息的投资策略研究

    Research of Investment Strategies Based on Financial Information of Listed Companies

  18. 现代企业制度下财务信息的非对称性研究

    A Study on Asymmetry of Financial Information under Modern Enterprise System

  19. 加快财务信息的分析和消除耗时的批处理。

    Accelerate analysis of financial information and eliminate time-consuming batch processing .

  20. 高校财务信息系统建设中的若干问题

    Problems in the Construction of Financial Information Management Systems in Universities

  21. 论上市公司财务信息的改善

    COMPANY On the Improvement of the Listed Corporation 's Financial Information

  22. 财务信息管理系统是一个复杂的人机系统。

    Financial information management system is a complex man-machine system .

  23. 上市公司财务信息失真原因剖析。

    The reason of financial information distortion of listed company .

  24. 自适应控制理论在财务信息处理系统中的应用

    Application of self-adaptive control theory in financial information processing system

  25. 国家电力公司财务信息实时系统设计与实施

    Design and implementation of the state power company financial information realtime system

  26. 上市公司财务信息披露真实性的法律分析

    Legal Analysis on the Verity of Financial Information Disclosed by Listed Companies

  27. 上市公司财务信息披露的意义。

    The significance of financial information disclosure of listed company .

  28. 委托&代理关系下激励约束机制与财务信息质量的思考

    Thinking about the Encouraging Discipline System and the Quality of Financial Information

  29. 财务信息失真是上市公司普遍存在的问题。

    It exists widely in listed company that finance information is deceitful .

  30. 财务信息系统的客户/服务器体系结构

    C / S system structure in the financial information area