
  • 网络Financial Information Management
  1. 财务信息管理系统是一个复杂的人机系统。

    Financial information management system is a complex man-machine system .

  2. 综合财务信息管理系统;

    Integrated financial information management system ;

  3. 这一开发实例数据库系统采用Oracle,应用层采用Delphi实现了系统业务模块,主要包括政府涉税信息处理、企业财务信息管理、纳税评估以及信誉等级评定等模块。

    This system adopts the Oracle databases as its DBMS , most business modules have been designed using Delphi technology , that is : the government tax information management , the enterprise financial affairs management , tax evaluation and the credit standing assessment subsystem .

  4. 加强财务信息管理,提高企业决策能力

    Strengthening Management of Financial Information and Improving Decision-making Ability of Enterprise

  5. 企业财务信息管理电算化的探讨

    Research on Computerization Information Management in Enterprise Financial Affairs

  6. 计算机辅助物资企业财务信息管理系统的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of computer & aid finance information management for material department

  7. 高校财务信息管理系统的软件分析

    Software Analysis about the University Accounting Information Management

  8. 面向金融的财务信息管理系统

    Information managements system of financial affairs

  9. 介绍基于网络的旅游财务信息管理系统的报表设计思路和实现办法。

    Introduced how to design and realize the forms in the Web based Tourism Finance Information Management System .

  10. 对财务信息管理系统潜在的安全问题进行了分析,并针对这些问题提出了相应的对策或预防措施。

    It also analyses the potential safety problems of the financial MIS and proposes accordingly the solutions and prevention measures . 5 .

  11. 本文主要介绍我们开发的基于三层模型的面向金融行业的财务信息管理系统的结构、组成、功能及其特点等。

    This paper introduces the architecture , composition , function and feature of three-tier model based finical management system which is fit for a finance corporation .

  12. 在充分分析和设计的基础上,系统实现了家庭事务信息管理、家庭财务信息管理、家庭通讯录管理等三个主要的业务功能模块。

    Based on the abundant analysis and design , the system creates three modules & family affairs information management , family financial information management and family address list management .

  13. 本文介绍了煤炭进出口财务信息管理系统软件所具备的功能和设计思想方法,并对其使用状况及适用范围进行了简要说明。

    An introduction is made of the functions performed by the software designed for coal import and export financial information management system , as well as the concept introduced in software design , its practical application and range of adaptability .

  14. 接着对财务信息管理系统的总体设计,详细描述了系统各模块的功能,对财务信息发布管理模块的实现,进行了较为详细的描述。

    This thesis tries to make a basic study from this aspect . Then as to the financial information management system design , it describes the function of each module and the realization of financial information management module in detail .

  15. 结合一个具体的商业财务信息管理系统,着重介绍了系统的设计思想、代码库设计、系统通用性、安全性及其实现。

    By combining with specific business financial information management system , this paper emphasizes on design methods of the system . Besides , it introduces the design of code base . At the same time it elaborates the generality and safety of this system .

  16. 该系统采用结构化与原型法结合的系统开发方法,整个系统分为系统整体设计及用户身份验证模块,官兵信息管理模块,财务信息管理模块,官兵信息交流模块等。

    This system adopts the systematic development approach that structurize combines with prototype law . Whole system divide into system global design and custom status validate module , soldier information administer module , financial information administer module , soldier information communication module and so on .

  17. 本文首先分析了学院当前校园网利用误区及财务信息发布管理方面的众多弊端,论述了基于Web的嵌入式查询系统的优点;

    At the beginning of this article , it analyses the error trend of campus web utilization and the malpractice of financial info issuance & management , and has discussed the merit of Query System of Financial Information Based On Web ;

  18. HL7是1987年开始发展起来的一个专门规范医疗机构用于临床信息,财务信息和管理信息电子信息交换的标准。

    HL7 1987 one developed to begin standardize medical organization use clinical information and financial information and management information electronic standard of information exchange for specially .

  19. 整个系统包含了100余个应用模块,全面支持现代化医院的所有临床信息管理、财务收费信息管理和行政信息管理等。

    The system includes more than one hundred modules . It holds out clinic information management , finance charge information management and administration information management .

  20. 通过分别对财务信息集中化管理和FMIS建设两个步骤的论述,阐明了企业管理、特别是财务管理信息化建设的工作重点和积极意义。

    The focal point of the financial management information construction and its significance is elaborated from two aspects , centralized management of financial information and FMIS construction .

  21. 浅析企业财务电算信息管理系统的结构

    Analysis on the Structure of Enterprise 's Financial Computerized Information Management System

  22. 从会计信息的用途上看,会计信息可分为财务会计信息和管理会计信息;

    Accounting information can be divided into financial information and management information from the perspective of purpose of accounting information ;

  23. 审计限制盈余管理的作用是随审计质量的变动而变动的,审计质量高低具体反映在己审财务信息中盈余管理的程度上。

    Audit confines earnings management along with its quality . Audit quality reflects earnings management in financial information by auditing .

  24. 财务信息作为经济管理的主要工具,要求以实际发生的交易或事项为基础,公允地反映企业的经营活动水平,保证财务信息质量。

    Financial information as the main tool of economic management , it is required basing on the transactions or events that actually occurred and it is also required to fairly reflect the level of business activities to ensure the quality of financial information .

  25. 本文以代理理论为基础,主要研究了财务会计信息在高层管理人员激励中的作用。

    This dissertation primarily researches on the usefulness of financial accounting information in the managerial incentive plan .

  26. 信息价值链包括共享信息价值链、财务信息价值链和管理信息价值链。

    The informational value chain includes shared informational value chain , financial informational value chain and managerial informational value chain .

  27. 主要完成了对物资的信息录入、物资采购订单管理、合同管理、出入库管理、库存管理、财务管理和人员信息管理。

    Completed a major input of material information , material purchase order management , contract management , out of warehouse management , inventory management , financial management and personnel information management .

  28. 分析性财务信息是上市公司管理层基于财务环境和经营环境,对财务基础数据的再加工形成的结果,包括对历史财务数据的分析和对未来盈利能力的预测。

    The analytical financial information is the result of reprocessing to some basic financial data by the managers of listed companies combined with the financial environment and the business environment , including analysis of historical information and forward looking earnings .

  29. 如何正确反映企业集团各个项目的财务核算信息,使管理者能够实时掌握企业财务状况和经营成果,对项目进行实时监控,是众多企业集团力图解决但又很难解决好的问题。

    Enterprises want to solve the problem but it is very difficult how to reflect correctly the financial assessment information of every project of theirs , so they can know the financial situation and management performance promptly and supervise them .

  30. 根据我国主要商业银行2007年的年度报表披露的财务信息及信用风险管理度量方法,分析了我国商业银行信用风险现状和信用风险管理中存在的问题。

    According to the annual financial statements of Chinese major commercial banks in 2007 , which disclose information and credit risk management measurement methods , we analysis Chinese commercial banks credit risk status and problems that exist in credit risk measurement .